Spirit guides books

Looking for recommendations for a good book on connecting to spirit/ancestor guides. Beginner level. I know my mim and my spirit guides are with me, im just having a hard time hearing them.
Thank you!:blush::heart:


Ooh, what a good idea. I don’t have a rec but I’ll be tracking for nyself.


While not a formal book recommendation, I’ve come across the idea that meditation can be quite effective. However, many individuals may experience doubts about their abilities during spirit communication, but it’s important to cultivate confidence in the process.

One method to enhance your visualisation is to begin by closing your eyes and directing your mind’s eye towards a point of radiant white light, such as a circle or halo. Take a few calming breaths, and when you communicate telepathically, envision your words flowing into the white light you’ve conjured in your mind’s eye.

This practice enables you to channel your energy and focus directly on the spirit. When communicating with a specific spirit, ancestor, or spirit guide, initiate the conversation by addressing them by name.

For those who struggle with visualisation, there’s the “void” method. Instead of visualising light, simply close your eyes and embrace the darkness. As you speak, allow your words to meld with the surrounding energy. Concentrate your intent on the spirit to whom your message is directed. When addressing a specific spirit, use telepathy to speak their name, strengthening your connection and facilitating the flow of their energy.

Begin by engaging in a telepathic conversation with the spirit. Express your openness to their chosen method of communication and focus your attention on the centre of your forehead. This will aid in the opening of your third eye channel and facilitate a more profound connection.

Your message can vary in length according to your needs. What can you anticipate in response? When you ask a question, you can expect a direct answer. If you’re simply reaching out to initiate communication, you’ll likely receive feedback indicating their willingness to engage.

While you maintain your focus, communication from spirits can take on various forms. They may respond verbally, echoing the way you initially communicated with them. Alternatively, they might convey their messages through vivid mental images or symbols, which appear in your mind’s eye. These messages can also manifest as emotional or energetic sensations, ranging from a sense of positivity to neutrality or even negativity. Additionally, you might experience sensory phenomena during these communications, such as phantom touches, scents, or audible sounds.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that answers or communication may occur after your initial contact but not too long after. These delayed forms of communication can include signs, like repetitive numbers, colours, or symbols that reappear frequently. Spirits may also make their presence known through dream interactions, where they appear and engage with you within your dreams. In some cases, they can assist in achieving lucid dreaming, guiding and influencing your dream experiences. Finally, visual manifestations, such as orbs, streaks of light, or shadowy figures, can also be ways through which spirits communicate their presence.

Whenever you encounter these forms of communication or interactions, it’s important to acknowledge them.

If you receive messages or interactions after you’ve disconnected, whether later in the day or overnight, and you’re unsure about the identity of the communicator, don’t hesitate to ask them to identify themselves. You can repeat the communication exercise and request immediate contact for clarification.

It’s important to understand that while some spirits consistently use the same method of communication, most spirits will adapt their communication method to suit the current circumstances or context.


I could go on for hours about this topic! I’ve recently fallen down the ancestor veneration rabbit hole, so I figured I’d pass my suggestions along to you as well :slight_smile:

There are lots of great resources on Spells 8 – two of my favorites are this article on creating an ancestor altar and this one on ancestor candles.

There are also some great discussions here in the forum that have lots of good resources mentioned in them, and I like to reread them when I’m looking for inspiration for my ancestor work. This discussion contains lots of great information about beginning to work with ancestors. There was also this Weekly Challenge on ancestor work.

I also just finished reading a book on ancestor veneration that I am working on posting a review about and will update this post to include it as soon as I get that review posted. :slight_smile: Update: Here is my review of Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Building Ancestral Veneration Practices by Ben Stimpson

@starborn’s post above regarding meditation is an AMAZING place to start also! I’m bookmarking that post so I can circle back to it and use it myself! Thank you for sharing that post, starborn! It’s fantastic, and as someone who has a hard time with visualization, I really loved the “allow your words to meld with the surrounding energy” – I’ll have to use that! :silver_heart:

Another suggestion I’d like to throw out there is not to try too hard to connect. In my experience (others might disagree with me, though), when I try to force anything by trying to reach out to my ancestors and spirit guides, it prevents anything from happening. Whenever I’ve had the most moving experiences with my ancestors, it’s always been when I wasn’t trying. Remember to relax and go with the flow – that’s what helps me the most with everything – spiritually and mundane! :slight_smile:


Not a book, but with regard to the ancestor part of your question we use jiaobei or moon blocks, which are crescent shaped blocks of wood to ask ancestors yes or no questions. An example would be before eating during the lunar new year celebration a ritual offering is made on the family’s ancestral altar. We ask if they have “eaten their fill” and won’t proceed with feeding the living until we get a ‘yes’. You could use tarot or other means of divination. Here’s a link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiaobei. And I agree with @starborn about meditation.


This is very interesting! I hadn’t heard of jiaobei before, but I’m excited to do some research about it! Thank you for sharing about it! :slight_smile:


I hadn’t heard of 筊杯 before! I wonder if I just mentally looked past them at my grandparents, or if they weren’t something they used. However, there was a room at their house that children couldn’t enter, so I don’t have the full picture.

I’ve been meaning to mention that I really appreciate your posts. They come at a time when I’ve been trying to understand the Chinese side of my family more and have been feeling lost, wondering where to start. But I feel your posts have given me so much direction. 謝謝 :bowing_woman:


Thank you for the advice! :heart:


不客氣 @starborn … I’m just sharing things I’m fortunate enough to have experienced. I find your posts equally rich and informative. I hope we can continue to learn from each other! :grinning:


I didnt even know how to begin! Lol. I like to read. I will start with some mediation. :people_hugging::heart:


Wow! Thank you for sharing that!


I don’t have any recommendations for books or anything, but I just wanted to come and second everyone else’s responses. You’ve gotten some great information here already - hopefully, it gives you a good place to start!


I have a wonderful book that’s called Honoring your Ancestors A guide to Ancestral Veneration by Mallorie Vaudoise. I had purchased it as an audio book and enjoyed it so much that I bought the hard copy.


I’ve actually connected with my mom in a dream. Its been 3 1/2 years since she passed. It was amazing!
@Ostara thanks for the recommendation! Im gonna get it!


Your welcome Sivonnah. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.


@Ostara I just bought it lol. I’m addicted to buying books on ebay! There’s a seller that offers buy 3 get 1 free! And they have good ones for cheap!


That’s awesome Sivonnah. Let me know how you like it!


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