I’ll be posting videos from Gaia app on here about aliens and star seeds. We can discuss episodes. Episode links are viewable for 72 hours after posting. So if you need to see something again let me know and I will try to get it reposted gladly. I’m tired right now And need to go to sleep. I’ll talk to you guys soon as I possible. Don’t won’t to tell u when I add it yet. Work as usual
so talk as I can. I’ll try to leave my impression with videos posted . Be gentle with me . Night night
Woo! The thread is happening!
Oh, I’m excited to see these videos! I was thinking about writing up a full post on Starseeds, too. This will help! I also need to get time to go back and watch the other videos you shared about Eve and the Bible You’re gonna keep me busy, Devenne!
Lol my brain has been so busy it’s crazy. So I was looking at show I was initially gonna share but it more on the universe came out I’m going to reevaluate and see which show I’ll play first. Let me make sure which way we go first. I was watching it last night. I got you. Let me dig a bit more after work I’ll post the first video asap. Xoxo. Can’t wait
Oh I’m excited for this
Guess what I’m leaving work earlier so I get to get a head start on some stuff so I’ll work on it. See which one I go with first
First show I decided on is called open minds. Episode 14 season 23 called understanding your starseeds nature. I meant to start at the first episode of something but just realized I started somewhere else. But that’s okay. Maybe we will just jump around at this point. But everything will be on starseeds here.Video may only be available for 72 hours. If it expires and you want to see it again. Message me and I’ll repost it. No problem. I’m just adding a little information on this episode. Health trends with certain star seed linage. Star seeds have many health issues on this planet. Talking about how when we ascend we can have symptoms where our frequency isn’t compatible with our body. You can feel off because star seeds and healers go in between the dimensions. In the future moving into a liquid diet preparing for future incarnation. When we realize why we are so lonely on earth it is a lot easier for us to not feel as lonely because we then know we came from a huge family in the stars and understand our loneliness. They tell you the most common lineage and least common. Lyra or Vega lineage are in the same category. Lyrians lived in a paradise reality. Eden may have been a representation of this paradise reality. Their challenges are stress and autoimmune conditions here on earth. They are trauma signatures. They do best with plant based diets. Minimizing processed foods.
The easiest way to find out what star system you’re from is using your own intuition. Lyrians are drawn to plant medicine and nature and tend to be healers and teachers.
Sirius people have cat beings dog beings reptilians a mixed bag. Humanoid syrians are pretty hearty in health. People that love to be helpful to others but wear themselves out. Can have weight problems, and insulin resistance, or heart problems. Do best on low carb or Paleo. They do well when taking anti stress supplements such as valerian root or ashwagonda however u spell that. Arcturians and Andromedans have the worst time with physical illnesses. Arcturians fall prey to thyroid issues, cancer, and endocrine systems, skin and stomach issues. Andromedans suffer digestive issues and food allergies, inflammation, gynecological issues. They are more rare than some other star groups. Orion is similar to Sirius in that they tend to be pretty hearty. They struggle with heart conditions from past connections when they were in slaved. Better with a plant based dietI’m finding we have to abandon our preconceived notions on life and the way of things in order to connect with our cosmic connection and receive downloads. Andromeda galaxy people are kinda all over. They have a lot of anxiety and endocrine issues, or cancer. They also have a lot of reincarnations on earth. Because they are so dedicated to their mission. They will take on the worst people and life lessons. A lot of drama from past earth lives. They do quite well with frequency healing.
Feel free to add more information on this. I just wanted to get this started. Xoxoxox love you all.
I’m watching bits and pieces of this one right now, but I’ve gotta be careful - food and diet talk, even if not specifically weight loss, is a big trigger for me.
What’s interesting to me about Starseeds is how people have figured out which star system their soul comes from. I think I might look more into that (just because this video doesn’t cover that, but that’s okay!) - is it all based on intuition? Do all people who do readings such as the woman being interviewed agree on the “symptoms” or characteristics of each star system? My brain is intrigued, for sure, but I know I don’t have the time to go dig into it too deeply right now
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