Tarot advice - Keep Pulling King Cards

Hi everyone,

I do a daily tarot card pull of a single card. The last four days i have pulled each of the kings. Today i have pulled the king of cups again. Thats 5 kings in five days. What could this mean? I just find it odd that of all the cards, i have pulled the king of each suit.

Blessed be



I don’t know much about tarot. But I have a similar question. I pull the high priestess card all the time? Any insight ?


For both @Cosmic_Curiosity and @Devenne, any time someone has a “sticky card”- a card that keeps appearing over and over again- it is usually taken as a sign that the message of this card is extremely important for you right now. This may be for a variety of reasons such as:

  • This card represents something important developing in your life right now that you should pay attention to
  • You have not yet correctly understood the message of the card and your deities/guides/deck are determined to get the message across
  • Your deities or guides are warning you about something coming

One suggestion is to take the card (or cards) and meditate on them in hopes of seeing new perspectives or finding what this card means to you right now. I also recommend taking them and putting them on your altar or other sacred space so you continue to be in tune with their energy (making messages easier to be picked up on).

In your case, Alan, you don’t have one card so much as a type of card- I would interpret this to mean that you should be looking at the King cards as a whole (as opposed to honing in on the meaning of one card).

In general, King cards are symbols of outward maturity and success- they are the highest card and ruler of their individual suits. The highest point is the end of one cycle, but it is also the turning point that begins the new cycle - as we also see with the Tens and The World.

Biddy Tarot has a great page that goes into an in-depth exploration of the Kings as both a whole and individuality that might help you hone in on your answer: The Tarot Card Meanings of the Kings :crown:

Personally, the first thing that comes to mind is your beautiful ritual celebrating Osiris’ rebirth. In His role as both a Pharaoh and the King and protector of the Underworld, I can see His traits within the King cards. You have a strong bond with Him - perhaps these cards are reflecting His growing presence in your space as you welcome his rebirth? Just a thought!

Wishing you all the best- blessed be!


I couldn’t have said it any better than @BryWisteria – the Kings are showing up in all the suits, and since you are doing the ritual for Osiris, that makes perfect sense!

Same thing for you, @Devenne – when we pull the same card for many days in a row, that card usually holds a lot of weight for the reader in that moment. Since it’s the High Priestess you’re pulling, I would take this as a sign that you are connecting to your intuition. I’d also put this together with the reading I did for you this weekend. The High Priestess symbolizes what is hidden in the dark, so to speak. She guards the veil, waiting until the reader is ready to embrace their intuition and learn from her.


@MeganB @BryWisteria thankyou both for the insight.


I honestly never considered this. It is actually comforting to think that this is his way of communicating his regrowth and strength. Maybe the fact that I hadnt considered this is the reason i kept pulling king cards. Funnily enough, now realising this and the king cards have stopped appearing.


Seems like he’s saying you’re ready for a new message. :black_heart:


I’m with Katerina- it sounds like the message/meaning was received as He intended :blush: :pray:

Blessed be, Alan! :sparkles:


You’re very welcome! :revolving_hearts: