Tarot Court Cards

Hey everyone,

I have been studying tarot for nearly 2 years. I am comfortable with the meanings of most and can make links between the cards. However, the cards that I just cannot connect with are the court cards. I jist cannot seem to “fit” them in. They are almost like an enigma to me and I actually hate when they appear because I jist do not know what to do with them. Are they people? Situations? I dont know! :see_no_evil: :joy:

I am looking for advice on how to deal with these pesky cards. :prince::princess::horse_racing::boy:

Many thanks

Blessed be



I find they work best as significators for the self and those closest to you! Nota bene, I am still hard at work to locate mine. :joy:

This article from Labyrinthos has a lot to say about significators and the court cards in particular. :black_joker:

Since they are so strongly individual (for me, at least), I find they work well as defining people, but YMMV. If it is not too bold of me to ask, may I know what kinds of readings/situations you have pulled court cards lately? It might help give some insight! :star_struck:


I struggle with the court cards too :laughing: You’re not alone!

As @Whippodee put it, they can represent yourself or other people in readings.

I find that if I pull a court card and it’s not about a person, they usually come as follows:

:woman: Page → a messenger
:man: Knight → action and movement
:crown: Queen → femininity and finality
:person_with_crown: King → masculinity and finality

I hope that makes sense. It’s really difficult for me to explain lol


I’ve also heard that the page is a child- innocence in the subject of the suit and the knight is like a teen or young adult, just becoming skilled at the suit or thinking they know it all. I’m assuming “finality” means mastery?


Definitely have heard that as well!

Page usually represents excitement and enthusiasm about the subject matter; Knight, the first intrepid explorations; Queen exhibits a harmonious relationship (and you could stop there, absolutely); then King is mastery over such and such.

Many beautiful interpretations of these cards. :heart:



I think most people have issues with court cards. If you haven’t already, you may wish to read Tarot cout card for beginners by Leeza Robertson or Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary Greer and Tom Little

Because I use tarot mainly for personal growth and not for seeing what will happen, I rarely view the court cards as another person. However, depending on the reading, it would be prudent to be mindful of a person showing up that reminds you of that card and take note.

Pages: messenger, but also student. childlike innocence. When I get a page I think of how I can study or embrace that suit with wonder- like a child. Bringing youthful exuberance. Or, am I bringing too much youthful exuberance?

Knights: the adventurers. Bringing that suit, learning out into the world, taking what I have studied and applying it to life. Lots of learning happens when we charge out into the world. I tlike the tarot Knights with horses as the traditional horses are all behaving differently and is a good indicator of the energy of that card- charging ahead, plodding along etc.

Queens: internal mastery, taking what is learned out in the world internalizing it, and owning it.

Kings: external mastery, being the master in the world. The King directs, gives counsel, makes judgments, and takes charge. Obviously, it is not like once we get a king we are a master- we may be in certain areas and if not we can embrace/embody/ or fake it till we make it -that sense of mastery. And if we struggle we can remind ourselves that we can take what we haven’t mastered yet and bring the page energy back round and explore/study that next level and go through the process again.

That’s how I use the court cards.


Ooh, as far as resources, I’m kind of old school: I use the Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack. I find it to be a great source for digging deep into the imagery. I am personally not at the point of the court cards (I’m still in the major arcana), but I can imagine she has some insightful writings on them.


Yes! :sweat_smile: I couldn’t think of the right word yesterday lol I’ve also heard the same thing you shared. The court cards can reflect the ages of people or even just the idea of timeframes, too.

I’ve heard these interpretations, too!

Yup, heard these, too!

So many great ways to interpret the court cards - and some resources shared! :clap: I’ve added at least two books to my TBR list :laughing: thank you for that!


I’ve often thought that the ages can be how they act as well as their chronological age. There are times I act more like a page than a queen! lol :joy:


I must have my head screwed on backwards. I love the court cards and are less fond of the numbered ones. :sweat_smile:

I thought I could help, but it seems everyone has you covered. Don’t worry about there being cards that you are less fond of. When there are so many cards, it’s bound to happen. If it wasn’t going to be the court cards, it’d be other cards. You could be a weirdo like me who doesn’t really like 7, 8, 9, and 10 instead. :laughing:

The only thing I might add is…

If you’re asking questions, they’re whatever is relevant to the question. If you’re doing very general readings or deity readings, then it might be more tricky. I don’t think there’s one answer to fit everything here.

I’ve learnt a lot from this website, so maybe there’s something here you’ll find useful:


Same here, I just wasn’t going to say anything :joy: Maybe it was how my first tarot deck was illustrated but I’m more comfortable with the court cards than most of the numbered ones.


I dontvknow what it is about them, they must seem to throw me and catch me off guard in a reading. With the numbered cards, I can see the “story” that they tell, same with the majors through the Fools journey.

Thank you for this. I will be sure to read this over the weekend.

This what I have in y head but it just doesn’t seem to “click” for me. I don’t know how to explain it :see_no_evil::joy:

Thank you for these. I will be sure to look these up.

Another for my wishlist. Thank you

I’ll be sure to check it out. Thank you.

Thank you all for taking the time to help by offering guidance and resources. I really appreciate it. Lots of reading over the weekend.

Blessed be



Feel free to “phone a friend” (message the forum), if they’re giving you a lot of trouble in a particular reading and would like some assistance, until they become a bit more friendly. :black_heart: