Tarot grimoire

ive been keeping a new book of shadows on the topic of the tarot. i have been studying for awhile and see that its starting to come much easier to me. Im also an artist, so i decided to combine the two, i do a quick two card pull every morning study the cards for a few minutes until im satisfied with the meaning, then i use mixed medium, printout, stickers, water color, pens, pencil, and illustrate the reading. its been very fulfilling, and alot of fun too. Im adding wax& stamps…as soon as i motivate myself to make one.2023-09-11T04:00:00Z


I would love to see a photo of your work if you are comfortable with posting :slight_smile:


Wow, that’s going to be awesome! Welcome to the forum by the way. You’ll share pics won’t you?


It sounds like your new Tarot book practice is going wonderfully- congrats to you, Keri! :blush: :heart: I’m with Dierna and Amethyst- if you don’t mind sharing your work, I would love to see it too (but no pressure)!

Blessed be and happy readings! :flower_playing_cards: :sparkles:


I love this!! I am with everyone else, I would love to see your work. I think it would be fascinating to see how you turn your readings into art.


Girls I would be happy to share- I am as we speak in the process of moving. In fact I just signed my lease , was handed my key, and went to check the place out. Unfortunately they gave me the wrong key! Everyone is gone so I have no idea where I live yet? I’m on my way back to my friends to light a candle and say a few choice words-if you know what I mean! :magic_wand::frog::joy_cat:


Wow, that is awful. Have fun cursing them out. Either way you do it. And good lick moving!.



I love this Keri this is wild :stuck_out_tongue: and I want to see if you can send a picture! I love pictures

I see maybe this is easier than language! Very smart or cleaver I should say! :wink::wink:

I think sticking stickers is neat there’s many books that you can buy or stickers out there for your book of Shawdows!
I think I’ll try and give it a go! Thank you for the tip!


No, however tempting it may be, I truly am joking. I would never do anything to purposely hurt anyone, and I know you all feel the same. It’s just kidding around. These things happen, I was the last person of the day, a very long day for all of them. I’ll straighten it out tomorrow. I did


It’s so much fun! I’m mad for stickers now. I buy sticker paper for my printer, if I find a cool image or draw one up I just make it! I think I’m going to finish #3! No promises tho- it’s not easy…


Oh no! I hope you were able to get the right key and that the moving process is going/went smoothly. Congrats on your new home, Keri- may it be a wonderful space for you! :heart: :old_key: :sparkles:


Oh that sounds very exciting and fun! I hope you share some of your pages as you go along! I’m always looking for new and fun ways to combine my interests, be it tarot, sketching, pressing flowers or journaling!


No problem I usually try to use a animal I am working with or some symbolism that sparks my interest for the moment! Where do you get your pictures from ? Some stuff I can’t show cause it’s exclusive only for my eyes!