Hello all! Another week, another card! Hope everyone is having a good October.
The Hierophant
Of heaven and earth.
Tradition. Education.
Your moral compass.
Misleading leader.
A moral repercussion.
Terrible teacher.
Hello all! Another week, another card! Hope everyone is having a good October.
The Hierophant
Of heaven and earth.
Tradition. Education.
Your moral compass.
Misleading leader.
A moral repercussion.
Terrible teacher.
Terrible teacher!! I chuckled at that one!
You always hit the spot with these haikus! Great job, @Amethyst!!
Ah this is an awesome one misleading leader has a nice ring to it too.
I love reading these bc I’m actually learning tarot but not meanings have always been rough for me. Thanks!
Thank you @Francisco! Glad you’re not tired of these yet!
Misleading leader has me giggling for a bit, not gonna lie. LOL. Thanks love, glad you liked it!
That’s why I’m doing these, to help me learn. I’m happy you’re learning with them too!
Ohhhh yeah! I really look forward to these tarot haikus, @Amethyst- and this is another one you hit spot on! There’s something about the word “Heirophant” that just makes this card seem distant and unapproachable to me- it’s not one that I can say I’ve bonded well with. I love the meaning and clarity your haikus bring
I just want to compliment your word choice as well- these are really fun to read out loud! Well done, Kasie!
Aww, thank you so much. You’re making me blush. These have been really fun writing and educational too! I"m just honored y’all like them so much.
Kassie what do you mean by A moral repercussion?
Christina I am learning too with you!
I think that would be determined by what’s been happening in your life and what kind of question the Seeker has asked. It’s all up to you how you phrases your question.