Nice! I love how well presented this is!
For a 12 card read, I also found this “Year ahead” wheel spread from The Wild Unknown which looks interesting:
So it’s basically 1 card for each month of the new year, and a card in the center for the overall theme fo the year.
Another image:
The spread I created is similar to this one. It’s available on my website if you guys want to take a look!
That’s great! I’m going to use it. I like how you add an extra card for goals and another one on top for the obstacles. It adds a layer of complexity that is very realistic.
Thanks for sharing!
My turn for self-reflection:
My 2019 started with killing the past, I can certainly see that (Ten of Swords). It was also exhausting as I had to deal with my immigration process while trying to make Spells8 come to life! My lesson was resilience throughout the year (Nine of Wands) but as my wishes manifested they connected me even deeper to my intuition. Fortunately, the positive outcomes inspire me to keep chasing my dreams (Page of Cups).
What held me back this past year was my own limiting beliefs and self-perceived inexperience (Page of Wands). I may have become self-absorbed in this task and even isolated (Eight of Pentacles), but I can be proud of the effort and passion that I put into my work this year (Strength).
It seems that we’ve all had a trying 2019! Hopefully 2020 will be good to us all.