Golden rod
Juniper berries
Dandelion root
Rose hips
Recipe #2
Burdock root
(Something for the holiday lol)
Recipe #3
Recipe #4
Lemon balm
Fennel seeds
Recipe #5
Lemon balm
Fennel seeds
Recipe #6
Alfalfa leaf
Recipe #7
Orange peel
Recipe #8
Dandelion root
Yellow dock root
Yerba santa
yellow dock root is very powerful and beneficial for the digestive system, skin, and liver. This herb also tastes horribly and smells just as bad. I dont suggest using it alone. But to each their own.
ALWAYS speak to your doctor before starting any herbal treatment, or stopping any perscribed treatments.
This reminds me of what my grandpa always said- “if it tastes bad, it must be good for me!”
I don’t currently use yellow dock root, but I have been exploring cramp bark and it seems to be the same thing- absolutely nasty to drink. Cramp bark seems to be of the few herbs in my collection that honey doesn’t seem to be able to fix lol
Thank you so much for these beautiful recipes, @Mistress_Of_Herbs! I can imagine how much care you put into crafting them, so they really are a gift- I feel very honored to be able to read them!
@BryWisteria cramp bark is awesome. And great for pain. But yes u are right it tastes terrible. Thats why it has to be mixed with other herbs. And its like valerian root, a littles goes a long way. Devils claw is so really good. But tastes terrible.
Like this tea it has cramp bark and devils claw in it. And im told it tastes good.
Thats one of the joys i get making teas, my teas dont lose their potency. U can add milk, honey, stevia, other sugars or sweetners, and licorice root and they are just as effective. Its just finding the right balance.
Thank you for this- I’m going to have to try cramp bark with other herbs! The taste really is too strong on its own for me to drink haha
I do have a quick question about this, if I can borrow a bit of your wonderful herbal wisdom! When preparing tough herbal matter (like bark, root, and sometimes dried berries), I was told by an herbalist that it’s best to boil/simmer them to help release the helpful properties. But of course for regular herbal matter that is more delicate (leaves, flowers, etc.) just steeping in water is enough.
So in the case where a tea blend contains both tough herbal material (like cramp bark) and more delicate materials (something like yarrow leaf, for example)- do you recommend boiling both, steeping both, or doing half and half (boil the tough, then take off the heat and steep the delicate)?
I’m fairly confident in doing the later (whenever possible), but I’m always grateful for a second opinion/additional advice from someone who really knows their herbs and teas!
@BryWisteria honestly i just steep it. However half and half is good too. I only recommend boiling the root or bark if thats all u are using. In a blend i just recommend steeping it. As u are boiling out it contents just not as long.
If u boiled the bark that might be why it was too strong for u. Roots and barks in general are going to taste nasty but the longer they are in water the worse it will be.
I bet you’re right- I wanted to get as much of the “good stuff” out as possible, but it looks like it was too much for my taste buds On the next batch I’ll try a light simmer for just 5 minutes, or just skip right to steeping it like normal tea.
@BryWisteria love i rarely boil anything. If u are adamant about boiling it. 5 min would definitely be good. Then strain it and add it to your tea blend, then just steep for 10-15 min. If u use a keurig no steeping required.
Sounds like a plan- I’ll give it a try next time! And if it still tastes too strongly like a nasty boot (lol) then I’ll stick to the regular steeping method