Or we could try astral projection, but astral cuddles just aren’t the same… Atlantic Ocean, always sinking the best ships No, we’re witches, we make up our own fate, we’ll meet one day
Kind of… in lucid dreams and visualizations, I once was held by a goddess with eight arms, that was lovely I can’t access the astral plane at will yet, I feel I’m holding myself back from going there. Afraid of unpleasant experiences going poking there all on my own…
Im actually about to work on my astral projection here soon before bed. Can we go together sometime?? Is that possible? I’m going to go tonight I was thinking of making Lucifer my focal point tonite in travel
How bout this Imma do some research give me a few days. I’ll see if there is any advice on this. What time is it there right now? Curious. I definitely want to try this and meet in the astral.im guessing that maybe we make each other the focal point when we start and through our till reaching each other in astral? This is a guess tho.
Just popping in to say, you can bookmark this site to easily keep track of everyone’s times:
You just need to search for a city you want and then click “Add to Favourite Locations.” You don’t need the exact cities, just somewhere in/near the timezone to give you an idea.
Although, now I’ve gone and reminded you all that I’m in Sydney with this recording I made.
And I’m in Finland, not Helsinki but same time zone
Gotta love internet, meet lovely people, but everyone’s on a different continent…
It’s a good thing we all still live on the same planet… “I live here in the galactic core but my girlfriend is somewhere there on the outer rim” would be so much worse…
I’ve been building in Tampere last night/this morning — the home of the game development company, Colossal Order. In the new Cities: Skylines II game, I mean.
Let’s all get a nice big house here together and get that cult started?
The ones outside the big cities are pretty cheap, and neighbors are far enough not to get into our face about the demon worship and all the strange noises…