The butterfly as a Totem

When the butterfly spirit begins to visit your life, something new and wonderful is about to unfold! It is a time for personal growth and greater awareness of your mental, physical and spiritual rhythms. Change can sometimes be challenging and discouraging because it takes us out of our comfort zone.

You cannot embrace a “new you” until you release the old. With the Butterfly as your healer, you will find that you can gracefully soar over the obstacles that hold you back. The butterfly, as a teacher, places great emphasis on movement: Whether it is from flower to flower, from house to house, or from one spiritual exploration to another. The Butterfly often turns our thoughts inward to review elements of our character, morals and habits that weigh us down, keeping us stuck in a quagmire of negative energy. The goal of the winged ally is to restore lightness to our Being so that we can dance the dance of life with unbridled joy! Examining the spirit of the Butterfly in the story, we will see that it has many faces and qualities. For some it represented the soul. For others, the Butterfly was a messenger and an omen of happiness. Also, there is just the simple joy of watching a butterfly on a sunny day. It’s almost impossible to frown! Butterfly medicine is a simplification. Get back to the little things. Take care of them like flowers in the field. Open your senses to the nectar and fragrance of life in the moment. Do what you can now, but remember that quality learning rarely happens quickly. Slow, conscious changes are what last a lifetime, laying the foundation for enlightenment and self-realization. Eventually, your inner butterfly will emerge from its work when the timing is perfect, with fresh ideas and ingenuity to guide your next spiritual stages. As a guide the Butterfly whispers your hidden potential. There is an old saying. That there is nothing about a caterpillar that makes it know it will be a butterfly. However, the transformation from caterpillar to winged wonder happens very naturally. Keep in mind that change is natural. Adaptation is essential. Both lead to higher awareness. Are you still the caterpillar? Feed your soul until it is full and ready to incorporate new truths. The butterfly also speaks of happiness and vision. If you’ve been feeling blue, the Butterfly like spirit is here to help. If you work in divinatory arts, :butterfly: gives you greater clarity. In nature, the eyes of this insect are very sharp, including ultraviolet light. Don’t be surprised if you start catching Fairies and Angels out of the corner of your eye when the Butterfly Spirit enters your life. Among the many gifts of the Butterfly, this one has a tremendous effect on your daily life. You begin to learn firsthand that there is much more to the world than we know. In spirituality, such awareness paves the way to great knowledge and wisdom. Fact: when the Butterfly loses an antenna, it cannot fly properly. As a Messenger of Spirit, this means that the Butterfly wants you to keep your spiritual antenna sharpened and tuned to the Divine and Higher Self so that you do not lose your way. Self care matters!

H πεταλούδα σαν Τοτεμ - Torah .gr


This is wonderful! When I first started searching for my spirit animal a butterfly came to me in my meditation :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Butterflies are wonderful spirit guides and messengers. They symbolize so many positive things - transformation, growth, beauty, etc - and also represent the other side. I personally see them as messengers, close to spirits and the afterlife. I know some cultures believe that butterflies help carry spirits of the dead between worlds.

They are beautiful and fascinating - it makes me happy to think about them! Thank you for sharing this piece on butterflies, @AIRAM :butterfly: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is lovely :rose::rose: :butter: :butterfly: