The Magic of Sleep and Dreaming πŸ›οΈ

I feel it may be possible. I am always torn between wondering if my dream was a result of my wish to comfort myself or an actual message from beyond :slight_smile: But I"ve had other strange experiences that are hard to explain. I had a dream after my father died about 25 years ago. He died suddenly and unexpectedly two weeks before my wedding. I dreamed about Louis Armstrong. He was wearing a top hat and a tuxedo with tails. He was doing a kind of soft shoe tap dance to some old jazz music. No one else was in the dream, just Louis. I was watching him mesmerized, when he stopped and looked at me. He said, β€œMary, I want you to know, your father is okay.” That’s all he said. He smiled and I woke up. It was a strange dream but its message brought me a lot of comfort during those difficult days.