The pandemic turned me into a witch

Interesting story: the pandemic turned me into a witch.


I can’t find the article, which one is it?


The pandemic turned me into a witch.
I clicked on the cut-fashion
Scrolled down to latest.


Thanks! I found it! It sounds like she was on her way to witch-dom before the pandemic. LOL.


Great, thanks💖


Hmmm…does one become a witch? Or discover that one is a witch?


@Undomeher :slight_smile:

There are professional witches and witches by vocation. Being a professional witch does not mean that your have vocation,
Whereas a vocational one means that the clues where all the time there but just did nor look or listen.
You can hung the certificate on the wall or you can wear the crown with pride for those in the known to appreciate.
The choice is yours. I rather choose the latter. It takes time and patience to gain knowledge. Are we being truthful to ourselves or just have an inflated ego?
Just my humble opinion.
What do you think?


I couldn’t say how it is for others. I only started actively practicing the craft a few months ago. But when I look back, I have had an interest in witchcraft and the outre for as longnas I can remember. Some of the witchy items that I use are things that I have had for decades, things that I was just drawn to. So for me, I think it has been about discovery.


Likewise here.
I felt attached to items over a period of time, and one day pieces began falling into place. I am not an outgoing witch apprentice, maybe it’s just my character or perhaps the world is changing and cannot keep pace with it.
Anyway, I am happy the way things are.
I’m not pretentious, I try to help whenever I feel but seems to me some people get the wrong messages, so rather help any type of animal that calls for s bit of help.
They do not usually complaint.
And then, let go. It helps to keep my ego in check.
It’s a good thing witches are thriving, it’s not all gloomy after all. With some reservations we don’t have to hide anymore!:bat::owl::spider_web::spider:.


I was all good with this article until this part toward the bottom…

Sure, there is the part of my brain that knows the act of my oiling a wick, while picturing someone or something and imagining we’re in the same space together, has no real-world effect on, say, my family’s well-being.

Practicing witchcraft is an active thing you do. At this point it doesn’t sound like she’s practicing witchcraft, she’s looking at everything from a psycholgoical perspective because she admitted her spells don’t do anything in the real-world and that just bugs me :woman_shrugging:t3: Maybe I’m alone in that thought.