πŸ“Ί The Witch Trope, Explained (YouTube)

:magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand:

I came across this video the other day on YouTube and after watching, I enjoyed it! I love that it included many movie references, historical context, and seeing the witch as fantasy & reality.

Id love to hear your thoughts on the video. :grinning:

:magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand: :magic_wand:

The Witch Trope, Explained


β€œβ€¦is there something wrong with her, or the society that can’t accept her?”

I really like this quote from the beginning of the video :heart: because it’s true. It really makes me feel empowered to watch how, over time, the portrayal of witches and women in media has changed and we’re now seeing it through the lens of the witch rather than the outside.

It’s also an interesting perspective and mirror that the phrase β€œwitch hunt” is still used today by those who feel they’re being targeted unfairly by (mostly) women or people that have been oppressed.

Thanks for sharing the video!


This was very interesting and very well done! Thanks for sharing it!


Monotheism, for many honestly understandable reasons, eliminated the feminine from religious practice. However, it also created the most lopsided and unequal religions known to mankind. Even Jesus spoke against it.
Monotheism conflicted powerfully with what was needed for standard existence among the average townsfolk. Women were equally, if not more so, the gatherers and garden-tenders in farming societies. So, they were the ones people came to for healing.
The horrors of the bubonic plaque (The Black Death) led to the greatest β€˜witch’ hunts of history.
Midwives, herbal cunning women, etc were typically pagans.
This simple fact precluded that they would have intercourse or sell-their-soul to the Christian Satan.
So, one might say that Black Magic was created by those who hunted it to death.
This was an awesome video! Thanks


I just had a conversation with a friend recently about the phrase β€œwitch hunt”. Like you mentioned, it is now a phrase used when someone is being unfairly targeted. It’s something to realize and accept that the actual witch hunts were unjust and unfair while still maintaining the negative tropes and stereotypes associated with witches. It’s like progress on one front, while keeping the negative stereotypes on another.


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