I am the key-bearing mistress of the universe,
my head is crowned with the stars of heaven,
with the glow of the moon,
my torches ignite the light
the sun gods,
I illuminate the darkness and yet I am
the daughter of the night.
There are snakes in my hair and mine
Curls are adorned with the fruits of life,
with the leaves of the oak trees and the eternal green
the yew trees.
I am the eternal virgin, ungirded, invincible,
invincible and yet inspiring my strength
everything living.
I rule over being born, living and dying,
the spirits of the dead rest within me, like the seeds within
a fruit.
I am the mother and grave of all.
I am the great cosmic goddess, I gave birth to the light,
the soul of the world arises from my being,
Nature surrounds me like a cloak.
I bring change, control the fertile
Earth, the waves of the seas and the starry sky,
My fire gives life, burns in the hearths of homes,
brings warmth and protection.
I am present at all crossings and thresholds,
at all crossroads,
for I guard the gates and the gates,
look for me, my child, in the darkness of the light,
in the places that are not places,
at times outside of time,
there you will find me
and my blessings
Die Worte der Göttin | Tempel der Hekate