Here is my newest post, where I compare the zodiac signs to something else. This time I have used flowers. While there are birth month flowers, I have not used these. Instead, Ihave tried to choose flowers that link to the zodiac signs based on their symbolism.
See what flowers you are in terms of your Sun, Moon and Rising signs.
Oh, this is the best! I feel like we’ve all wandered into the cutest little astrology flower shop and we’re picking out bouquets
I would take home…
Dark Red Chrysanthemum
Red Rose
What a striking arrangement that would be - I’d love to have it on display
This was lots of fun, @Cosmic_Curiosity! You really sold me on each flower with it’s detailed description too. A lot of interesting correspondences between the flowers and their chosen signs.
Thank you so much!
If you feel called to find out your rising sign, Cafe Astrology has a free birth report they can create for you. I’ve used them a few times and I think their report is very thorough!
I love this! Thank you for your lovely creativity and knowledge. @Cosmic_Curiosity I am a Peony twice what, do you suppose that means?
Your sun sign represents your core personality while your rising sign represents the “mask” you put on in front of others. The fact that both are the same suggests that the mask you wear in public matches your core personality or, to put it another way, you dont wear a mask in public. You are always the same person and dont change based on whether you are at home or out in public. The double whamy of peonies means that the Libra traits are strong in your core personality.
Thanks! I know I had it somewhere, but with all I’ve been doing to collect as much as possible before the internet goes down for me, I wasn’t able to find it.
I’m a Scorpio Rising. Dark red chrysanthemum. It would make a vibrant bouquet.
Hmm. I tend to use my “mask” to delve within while at home, writing. It has only been here that I have shared that. I guess I’m weird?