The Zodiac Signs as Social Media

Hello all

Its Gemini Season, a time of communication and socialising. Therefore, for my latest “zodiac signs as…” i have chosen to embody the signs as networks, which fits perfectly with the energy of the season.

Remember its just a bit of fun and may not fully represent “you”. After all, you are more than just your Sun Sign.

Im an Instagram Sun, Discord Moon and Snapchat rising :rofl:


This is brillaint! :joy: :+1:

As I was scrolling down to Scorpio, I wondered if the Spells8 Forum would be the social media platform (since 3/4 of the staff team is Scorpio :laughing:) - but I can see Reddit for Scorpio too! I don’t have an account there but every now and then a googled question will lead me into the depths of Reddit, and once you’re in it’s hard to come out again :books: :laughing:

Looking at my moon sign, it really does sound like Taurus is a good match with Instagram!

These are all so much fun to see - thank you very much, @Cosmic_Curiosity! :dizzy: :grin:


I mean, I do love Discord (the program/app - not tension or strife :laughing:)!


Ohh how fun! :clap:

I’m a Reddit Sun, Twitter Moon, and Snapchat Rising!

I’ll admit, I don’t spend any time on any of these apps unless I’m searching for something and my answer is there – well, I don’t use Snapchat at all :rofl: this was so fun! I can definitely see how each social media app connects with the signs, too.


@MeganB It is defintely an alternative way of looking at the signs but could also be a good learning tool as well. If i need to remember the traits of Taurus, ill just think Instagram :rofl:

@BryWisteria I avoid Reddit because I see the answer im looking for but go futher in and then can find why I was there originally :rofl:. Instagram is my Sun sign and it matches me perfectly :rofl::see_no_evil:


Hahaha that sums up my Reddit experiences too - that platform is less like a rabbit hole, and more like the entire rabbit burrow :rabbit2: :joy: Can get stuck in there for hours!

I do the same thing with YouTube, too. And speaking of which, I just double-checked the list to see if YT was there, and yes - I agree, it absolutely resonates with spotlight-loving and charismatic Leo :laughing: :clap: :lion:

Every single one of these is brilliant! :raised_hands:


Description of Capricorn is spot on for me! I haven’t really used Zoom but I didn’t know there was so much you could do!


Love this :grinning: :heart:
Thanks @Cosmic_Curiosity i I appreciate your gift of making astrology accessible
I am Facebook and rising… and snapchat moon too…