Make a playlist to listen to, of songs that make you smile
Create a comfort box that includes; something to look at that makes you happy, something with a scent that grounds you and something to touch that calms you
Make a nice cup of tea
Give yourself a hug (it might feel a little silly at first but trust me, it can help)
Watch a movie/show that gives you comfort (this can be a beloved childhood movie/show, a movie/show that is so stupid it makes you laugh, or a movie/show that makes you cry. Only you know what you need, allow yourself to have it <3)
Hug a stuffed animal (tell them you love them)
Reach out to a loved one for support (They care about you, you are not a burden for needing help sometimes
Put on some really cozy clothes (maybe your favourite hoodie, something you can just hide your face in)
Cry (if you feel like you need to, don’t stop it from happening, it will be okay <3)
Remind yourself that you are safe, that no one is going to hurt you (This one is especially important if you feel yourself Disassociating or having PTSD flashbacks. You are here, you are safe)
Wrap yourself in a blanket (Or have someone wrap you in one like a little sushi roll)
Eat a food that brings you comfort (I don’t care if you’re “trying to eat healthier”, I don’t care if you’re “watching your weight”, your wellbeing comes first, eat the cookie)
Take a little nap
Go on a walk (Do not do this if you are already struggling with disassociation, stay safe)
Have a bath (maybe with bubbles, maybe light some candles, the works)
@bisexual-ramen on Tumblr