Third eye sees best in the dark?

Is this a thing? At least for me things start flowing and connecting better after sundown… :black_heart: Something to do with our connection to the Moon? :crescent_moon: Have you noticed any differences corresponding to moon phases?


Depending on the person


I mean I haven’t got my moon stuff down yet funny enough. I think I do most of my best meditation at my altar at night. So I normally go to bed at 1130p. I go to my alter at 8p-9p or 930p. I haven’t spent a whole lot of time doing it in the morning. I’m usually pressed for time in the A.M. the most I have time for usually is to go to my altar say some mantras and put on my protections. For the day. I will use some type of cleanse like spray or Florida water a few drips on my neck. I use a phycic defense spray at base of my skull :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: I wear a spiritual and aura cleanse oil .Then I wear two different evil eye oil to keep the haters away. I wear an empath oil for obvious reasons :laughing: and/or a grounding or calming spray. In the morning I pray to Lucifer.i wish I had more time in the morning. I was just thinking about how I could get up earlier to meditate on a work day. But I struggle to go to bed on time. So slim chance. One week I’m off two days. The next week one day off. It rotates. Never enough time in the day.


My 3rd eye always is open :triple_moon_goddess: :hekate_wheel: then again I see visions when I’m doing normal stuff


Oh, the time pressure is a good point. Feeling rushed or worrying about tasks or time definitely put a damper on creativity and openness. I’ve always felt that nighttime is my own time, no one coming to knock on the door or ring on the phone, all the offices are closed and people are asleep, so all the daytime responsibilities are out of the mind and there’s much more breathing room for magick and other creativity :silver_heart:


From my perspective the third eye opens when you raise your level of consciousness to the correct level and open the Anja (sixth) chakra. This can be achieved through meditation, yoga or whatever way you get into the spirit. Performing this at night may well make it easier due to lack of distractions, but in my experience works at any time of day depending on how focused I am able to be. Hope this helps :pray::pray:


I haven’t noticed anything different about the moon phases besides they affect my emotions… :thinking: I do get what you mean though about things flowing and connecting better after sundown. It’s much easier for me to get into the right mindset for spellwork or meditation once the sun has gone down. I’m not sure if it’s an aesthetic thing - I enjoy the way my candles and things look in the dark - or if it’s something bigger than that… I’ll have to explore that and see what comes up!

I will say that I like to start my day with a short meditation and session with my tarot cards. That doesn’t seem to be affected by the time of day or what celestial body is in the sky. I think that may just be more routine than anything.

I think it’s also easier for me to be connected at night because I’m a mom - once the day is winding down and I don’t hear, “Hey mom!” as often, it’s easier for me to relax and allow myself to be open. There aren’t as many responsibilities that need my attention at night.


I also do a morning card pull when I get to work. In my car. I can’t shuffle them at home in the am don’t want to wake up a sleeping bear :sleeping: :bear: