This Company Stole Creative Content

Please watch this 1 minute video. My favourite witch has had her content stolen to advertise jewelry from a large company called Forged in Valhalla They’re on Facebook and Instagram. It’s so wrong when big companies do this to small creators. I’m not on these social medias so I can’t report it, but I thought I’d put this here, if you can report it, thankyou, but also if you are a creator, please be watchful of these thieves. :rage:


I just really hope that it won’t lead to Freyia’s channel or accounts being taken down for the blood or something else violating their censorship laws… it has happened before, and that’s why I’m very wary about reporting anything to companies like Meta or Google… :confused:


@CelestiaMoon I never thought of that, good point, thankyou for hi-lighting this too. I’ve prayed for Loki to blast his chaos on the theives :rage::partying_face:. Don’t normally ask him for this, but so many small businesses are being pushed out by big business, no fair. :green_heart:


I agree… hope he gives them hell :imp: :tada: :fire: :green_heart:

EDIT: And not the fun kind, at least too fun for them :rofl:


Loki works fast. Just got a message, they took down the video.


Success! :partying_face:

I’m so glad it all worked out - like Celestia said, it often unfortunately goes the other way around. I’m always so happy when small content creators are able to protect their works :pray: :shield: :heart:

Shame on the big company - I hope they learned a lesson and will never steal again!


That’s just ridiculous. Big business wants a piece of everything just to make more money! It makes me angry!


@BryWisteria Victory for the little guy. I’m very happy and will buy something nice for Loki, and probably all the Norsemen, I think everyone of them got a request from all her followers, the gods must have had a headache :rofl::green_heart:

@Sivonnah I know right, they make enough to last several life times but still want more. No Valhalla for them, nope :green_heart: