This thing will not go out! Never mind, fire, hubbies pissed!

I have a mug wort sage stick that won’t go out. This sucker is smoldering deep inside (a few minutes later). Ok, fire safety talk. Literally I was going to ask how to put out this smudge stick. I kept trying to smother it but nothing was working. This is a very large smudge stick and it’s been smoldering for a few hours and would not go out. I started to ask the question, then decided just to put the thing in a cast iron pot with a lid to smother it. When I picked it up out of the shell fire went everywhere. Hubby came to the rescue. I have to sit in my witch room for the rest of the night to make sure nothing is smoldering. Smh. :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire_engine: :firefighter:


just get a bowl of water just dunk the lit part that’s all.


And the only liquid I had in the room was the beer that I’m drinking, so now my cow skin rug will smell like smoke and beer. All are invited to the party. Lol!


This was deep inside. I didn’t want to ruin it. Next time I will throw it in a sink of water and adios!


Oh goodness - how scary! :scream: Cutting off oxygen to the smolder is a good idea, of course. Like @john1 said - if all else fails, dunk it in a liquid lol though I’m not sure beer is a good choice :joy:


@MeganB LMAO beer Dunkin


Hubby just walked in to check and said he was it was like the forth of july in here. There were embers going through the house when he was taking it out.


It’s so fun to be a witch, but hubby is worn out! LMAO!


Haha the joys of fire and witchcraft, for sure! I’m just glad you’re safe!


Here is the culprit. I have long fingers but it is 3 inches around and it was 6 inches long. Hubby dunked it in a bucket of water outside and now he says he’s afraid to go to sleep tonight. Lol!


:people_hugging: I’m glad your safeeeee over all I need to buy more sage soon


Wow, that is very scary glad you finally got it out. I always worry about fire safety LOL. It is sad when you are always repeating what you learned on Spells 8 and about fire safety to make sure things are out or go out. I had a bad incident the other day burning ancestor money for someone, the last two people I burned for ended up outside my cauldron, one I was able to get it in in time to burn in the cauldon, the other one not so much it burned on my triple goddess cloth but lo and behold the cloth has no holes in it. My spirit guides were with me LOL whiel I was freaking the whole dang time.


LOL, tell hubby he will be fine, I had a big stick like that one time and it burned all weird too. I don’t remember how I got it out but I did.


This is good… how long did you keep it there? I’ve noticed that it takes a while, now here would be a science witch challenge entry to measure how long :sweat_smile: But just to be sure I’d keep the lid on for an hour or so, weigh it down if it wasn’t heavy enough. And make sure there are no holes or other ways for air to get in.


I didn’t get it to the pot. My cauldrons in my witch room weren’t big enough, so when I picked it up to take it to the kitchen was when the embers went everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. I’m stomping and screaming and pouring beer all over the rug. That would have made a great video! Lol! :confounded:


I’m so glad you are safe! I have had a few mishaps with fire. My poor spirit guides are shaking their heads.


LOL, I can only imagine, I am glad you are safe as well. It is always so scary working with Fire but damn does it feel good and it is in my blood. Maybe we should look into something to have with us just incase, they have to make something. I am with you on the cauldron mines is really small too on my altar and so is the bowl I have to burn in.


Fire is dancing in my heart too :heart_on_fire: but also … houses are not cheap :laughing:

I’m glad you’re both safe :heart:
Good reminder to always have something at hand, even if it’s just candles…


Glad you’re ok. Your instances with fire, oh my, you must have a fire deity watching over you. Hubby’s a fireman is that right? I don’t use smudgesticks anymore, for same reason. :green_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I brake off the amount of sage I want to use from my sticks helps me safe money to