Three knocks

Hello @scott1,

I’ve heard about a “Three Knocks” superstition- someone once asked about it in the forum. It was the first time I’d heard of it and did a bit of research:

That being said, it’s always wise to take superstitions with a grain of salt. After all, we are living proof that plenty of the superstitions around witches and magick aren’t true! :mage: :wink:

Additionally, three is a very powerful magickal number and I think Solasta is right that it could be that a spirit guide, deity, or other entity (especially any that you are currently working with) may be reaching out to you.

My advice to you would be to be open and observant over the next few days or weeks. Look out for any other potential signs (things that seem out-of-the-ordinary) and listen to see if you hear the knocks again.

I’m hoping that the superstition isn’t true in this case and that you can find out if there was any other deeper meaning in the knocks you heard :pray:

Blessed be! :sparkles: