Three of Pentacles as "What not to do"?

Good morning and happy Thursday!

I did a tarot pull this morning using a spread from Labyrinthos:

  1. What to do: 10 of Pentacles
  2. What not to do: 3 of Pentacles
  3. What will bring me joy: 6 of wands

For card 1, I am interpreting this as I should focus on long-term stability and success today, not just the tasks immediately in front of me.

For card 3, the 6 of wands is telling me to be proud of what I’ve achieved, to believe in who I am and my successes so far.

I’m stuck on how to interpret the 3 of pents as something “not to do.” Is this telling me I should focus on working alone? I know it can also be interpreted as implementation as plans and encouragement that I am on the right track. As I usually see this as a positive card, I’m struggling to see what it is I should not do today.

Any suggestions?



If I pulled that card for that question, I would interpret it as taking today to work on solo projects and avoid working with others. Don’t start any new projects, and instead spend some time finishing the ones you’ve already started.


Thanks, Megan! That makes sense. I do have a lot on my plate to try and finish up this week for work.


You’re welcome! :blush: I’m happy I could help!


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