Trouble Sharing Pictures On Forum

I’m having trouble sharing photos. I keep getting messages to try and share my file to a cloud sharing something or other and then pasting the link and i have no idea what that means. Can anyone explain?


Did you use this button I circled in yellow?


@atypical_witch that’s the button I use and on mine it pops up camera or files and I always select files. Of course that means I have to take a picture before trying to upload to the forum


Do you recall the exact error message you’re getting? Have you tried uploading the file from your pc, and, have you tried other browsers also?


Greetings @atypical_witch!

The picture and advice @phoenix_dawn kindly shared will work for mobile users :iphone: , if you are on a PC/desktop :computer: then here is how you can upload pictures:

  1. Begin by opening up a new post as you usually would. In the tool box above where you enter text, find the following symbol:

  1. A pop-up will appear. Click on the box “Choose Files”. Another pop-up window will open where you can select the picture from your computer.

  1. The second pop-up box will close and you will be brought back to the first pop-up box. Notice how the name of your picture is now shown. Go ahead and click “Upload”!

Your picture will be in HTML (text format) in the text box, but it should appear as normal in the preview box to the right of the text box.

Finish typing your message, hit “Reply” like normal and ta-dah! A picture :blush::framed_picture:

Hopefully that helped! If anyone still has problems, please don’t hesitate to reach out here and the staff team will try our best to help you :+1:

Blessed be!


Usually when I get the message about sharing it to the cloud it’s because my image file size is too large :man_shrugging:t3: I just have to resize it or choose a different image.


@atypical_witch Can you share a screenshot of the error? (Or copy and paste it here). Most likely it’s what Megan mentioned about the size.

Most smartphones these days create HUGE files when you take a photo (e.g. 10 MB) which is a waste of resources.

My recommendation is to change the setting on your camera to a smaller resolution. You can do it on Android or iPhone following these links.


I followed the link you provided for the iPhone and apparently you can only change the resolution for video and not manual photos. I’ll try to post another photo and see if I can get a screen shot.


about to try it! Thanks for the advice!


My pictures on my computer are saying it’s a HEIC file and it must be a jpeg or gif. IDK how to make my pictures into jpeg or another approved format. I just take the picture with my phone and share it with my MacBook. Any advice?


You could try this website: HEIC to JPG | CloudConvert (disclaimer: I’ve never used it before). It looks like HEIC files are standard for Apple devices and they’re not supported everywhere. This website might help.


From the picture of your beautiful altar, it looks like you were able to successfully upload pictures, @atypical_witch! Was it indeed a matter of switching file types?

Whatever the method you used, I’m glad you found a way that worked! :blush::two_hearts:

If anyone else is having issues with uploading photos, please feel free to comment here in this discussion for help!

Blessed be :sparkles:


Apparently the newest iteration of apple devices save photos in a different format than is used in windows. Photos are saved as HEIC instead of jpeg or the other usual formats. I’ve been able to mess around with some images but will need to find an easier solution.


That is exactly the problem. Not very helpful of Apple, grrrr.


@atypical_witch Have you tried doing this? I found it on this video:

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone.
  2. Tap Camera . You will be shown some options like Formats, Grid, Preserve Settings, and Camera Mode.
  3. Tap Formats , and change the format from High Efficiency to Most Compatible.
  4. Now all your photos will be automatically saved as JPG instead of HEIC.

I hope that helps!


Closing - issue has been resolved.