Hi everyone,
I have always loved turtles. They have always fascinated and intriguied me and watching them just go about their business makes me so happy.
Therefore, I was delighted when my mum gave a gift of swimming with turtles in the sea in Mexico.
Before I left, my mum had went for reiki. The practitioner was also a medium and she asked my mum if she had felt my brothers presence around him (she had). The woman then went on to say that Callum (my brother) was identifying someone in the family. She said that he was showing her the sun, crystal seas, snorkelling equipment and…turtles. my mum then identified that it would be me. They woman responded by saying Callum said I was going to have an encounter I would love. Here is what happened:
I truly believe that my wee brother made this happen for me and it is something i will always remember. I am also going to explore the spiritual meaning of this beautiful creature. I have also read that they had spiritual significance in Egypt too as they live in the Red Sea.
Blessed Be
PS these turtles were not captive. They were not in pens or behind nets. They regualry visit the area due to the amounts of sea grass, which they feed on. It was just my luck that so many were hungry when I was there