[UPDATED] Seeing a White Shadow: Spiritual Meaning of Shadows

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→ Originally published at: Seeing a White Shadow: Spiritual Meaning of Shadows – Spells8

Shadows are associated with the idea of the unseen or hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us. They can also represent the unknown, mystery, and unconscious mind. In some traditions, shadow work involves exploring and integrating these hidden aspects of ourselves in order to achieve greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth.

White shadows are a phenomenon that some people report seeing. These appear as shadow-like figures that are white or pale in color. These shadows are often associated with spiritual or paranormal experiences, and some believe they may be related to the presence of spirits or ghosts. Let’s explore the answers to these questions.

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For the Full Post with the new printable, check out Seeing a White Shadow: Spiritual Meaning of Shadows on Spells8!