Used a real butterfly is it wrong?

Hi everyone, so i found a butterfly :butterfly: lying on the footpath where i walk everyday, and unfortunately it was not longer alive and quite crumbled as well where one of the four wing parts were missing. I took it home and decided it would look beautiful as a keychain, but now i am feeling 50/50 about my decision as i wonder if it was better off buried or left to decompose in a bush somewhere… :neutral_face: It has been done so nothing i can do now, but does anyone else use these little ‘gifts from nature’ to make anything?


In my opinion, making that little butterfly into a keychain is honoring that butterfly. I see nothing wrong in what you have done. :purple_heart::purple_heart:


I completely agree with @Mystique… you were gentle with the little butterfly body and saw beauty in it that you wanted to preserve, nothing bad about that :butterfly: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just here to repeat what @Mystique and @CelestiaMoon have said. You’re all good. :smile:


@Mystique @CelestiaMoon @starborn thanks guys i mean the butterfly was so beautiful and unfortunately it was falling apart even just sitting in my hands so i made sure it would be preserved rather than get run over with bikes on the trail…


Hi Khadija, it’s been a long time :slightly_smiling_face:
The butterfly has been a cacoon, caterpillar, and then a magestic butterfly,
its circle of life has been fulfilled. Now it’s a gift from the universe. Have no regrets.
Bless you


Beautifully said and correct aswell as @Mystique @CelestiaMoon @starborn! Gaia leaves us hidden treasures for us to discover, interpret and honor as we see fit.


Hey how have you been hun long time been thinking of you hope all is well… :blush: :heart:Your kind words reassure me that all is fine… I definitely appreciate the butterfly’s beauty. Its a shame however that it was so banged up as a result of people not seeing it on the ground and either treading on it or riding over it with their bike :butterfly: :people_hugging: