Virtual Altar Question

I’ve been using the virtual altar quite a bit lately and was wondering if there are any plans to add more items?

edited to add another question…lol…
why do some crystals “light up” when placed in certain areas?


Hi @chelsie3,

I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the virtual altar! :blush:

To the best of my knowledge, the Virtual Altar is continuously being checked and updated to be the best it can be. That being said, I’m not sure about any plans to add additional items at this time. I’ll tag the mastermind @Francisco- he will know best! :grinning:

Are there any items in particular that you would like to see added to the Virtual Altar? :place_of_worship: :candle:

I believe that crystals glow when placed to a candle color they correspond with (such as selenite next to the gray candle, or aventurine next to the green candle) :candle: :sparkles::gem:

Many of the items in the virtual altar interact with each other in interesting ways- placing some next to or inside of other items (such as herbs and water into the mug, then clicking “make tea”, or putting the pen on the piece of paper to be able to write a message) will create new items or special interactions.

I feel like I stumble upon fun new interactions every time I use the altar- keep exploring and I bet you’ll continue to discover more too! :blush:

Blessed be, Chelsie!


Nothing in particular, just more herbs and crystals and things to set up the altar with. For example, I was doing the cast along spell for lammas and i would’ve loved to have the harvest colored stones pictured in the spell.


Oh that’s cool! I thought maybe it was a warning that it was too close to the fire. :rofl::rofl:


I’m confused about the virtual altar how do we use it? Will it be as effective as a physical altar ?


Its amazing :star_struck:


That’s right! The correspondence symbolizes how two things can interact on the altar, in this case the candle infusing its energy on to the crystal as it burns.

The virtual altar was released in January this year so we should keep coming up with ideas for new items and then add them all in a big update when it’s one year. What do you think? :witch_hat:


That’s a great idea @Francisco! :blush: :infinite_roots: :butterfly:


That’s definitely some safety wisdom to keep in mind when casting in the physical world! :grin: :+1: Luckily, the virtual altar takes care of safety for us- aside from any naughty technical bugs (knock on wood they stay away!), it’s a foolproof place to cast! :magic_wand: :blush:

That’s a great idea- thank you for the suggestion, Chelsie! :grinning:

While every practitioner will have their own preferred way of practicing, a virtual altar can definitely be as effective as a physical altar :+1: In the same way that Techno Witches use technology to practice or how it is possible to cast within a self-created altar space in one’s Inner Temple, a Virtual Altar is simply another place available for a witch to use.

Chelsie kindly shared the link to the Virtual Altar- please feel free to check it out and explore the tools and ingredients currently available there! You could try a spell, ritual, craft (or even just make a nice cup of tea!)- it is there for you to use whenever you please :blush:

Blessed be and happy casting! :sparkles:

That sounds like a great plan! :partying_face:

If anyone else has any suggestions or ideas for the Virtual Altar, please feel free to share them (here, or in a PM to the @moderators)- we will collect any ideas for the future update :+1:

Blessed be!


I love this idea! Now to come up with a wish list! :grin:


one idea…the ability to cast a salt circle


That’s a great idea!


I think it would be sweet to have a black cat to keep you company while working on the altar, sitting there and blinking :blush: :black_cat:


Ohhhh I like it- that’s a neat idea! :o: :salt: :sparkles:

Be still my heart- a kitty companion would be amazing! :black_cat: :two_hearts:

Thank you both for your virtual altar suggestions! :pray: :heart:


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