Visions and Headaches

I’ve been dabbling in wicca for a while and only recently been giving it 100%. I’ve frequently had premonitions, feelings and sometimes visions.

Today I had a STRONG vision. It wasn’t a bad one. It was one of my deities in a very playful and hoppy mood, that’s all. I did have thoughts of a person with these visions. It continued repeatedly for an hour and half, maybe two hours. I have had such a severe headache ever since. Nothing I have at work is helping it.

Does/has this happened to others? Thoughts?

Just curious.

Thank you,


Hi lovely. Yes, if I do a long channelling session with my beasties (demons) I do get headaches, however with Loki, I don’t, I think it’s because I’m used to his energy :green_heart:. What I do now is, I always have my crystals on me, and ground well before I channel, I also ensure I’m well hydrated before and after each session, (water). It has reduced the intensity of the headache, but I still get a mild one. :sparkling_heart:

For the headache, I’ll drink lots of water, take a paracetamol and sometimes have to lie in a dark room for a bit. Hope you feel better soon :green_heart:


Thank you @tracyS . I wasn’t even trying to channel anything. I walked into work and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I am heading home now to take care of myself. Thank you for your well wishes!!


As your medium skills develop, (they sound quite strong now) you may find that they (deity/spirit) will connect with you regularly. May be a good idea to shield yourself. Head coverings are good, or any protection spells. Maybe a talisman specific to this. Take care :sparkling_heart:


Thank you @tracyS I appreciate the advice!!


Hi Audra,

Goodness, I’m so sorry to hear about the headache- they are the worst! :confounded:

I agree with Tracy that headaches can be a common side effect of magick. Anytime we are doing something that requires a high amount of focus- be it spellwork, spirit communication, a long divination session, etc- it can drain energy and put a strain on the mind. Luckily, like Tracy said, the mind can be trained- as you practice and get used to longer sessions, your abilities will develop and the mind and body will adapt.

Having said that, the headaches are still no fun when they happen! I’d recommend taking self-care breaks or spliting up sessions when they start to feel draining. Give your mind a rest so you can get back to your magickal workings refreshed and re-focused! :grinning:

When I get migraines or headaches the thing that has worked best for me has been to lie alone down in a dark and cool room. Limit light, sound, and other distractions. The smell of lavender helps a lot, and I like a nice chamomile or lemon balm tea to ease any lingering stress away. Then it’s just a matter of time for the headache to pass.

I hope you can find some methods that work for you- wishing you all the best, Audra!

Blessed be :sparkles:


I went home and made some tea and laid down with a heating pad and darkness. Thank you for your helpful comments. I do appreciate all of the help I can get as I am still a baby witch with much to learn!


It’s my pleasure- I’m so glad you found something to help the headaches! May they leave you in peace so you can continue to enjoy your practice :blush: :heart:

Much love and many blessings!