Weekly Challenge Challenge Entry

Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry havent been around but dealing with some not so great situations at work and life in general has kept me busy.

Anyways for some reason still cant reply to any discussions even though my membership has been paid.

I have just bought a lovely amethyst pendulum and have been working with it and even wearing it so it’s more attuned to my particular energies and so far its really have worked out well.

I have also been reading Psychic Development for Beginners: A Practical Guide to Developing Your Intuition & Psychic Gifts by Emily Stroia, along with
Empath & Psychic Abilities by S.C. Rowse on my kindle. Both titles are included in my kindle unlimited subscription and had really good reviews. Of course i never have less than 20 titles in my kindle library. According to my reading insights i have read 120 books since January, hoping to get to 150 by end of December. I love to read and educate myself on a lot of different topics. :blush:
This is my pendulum I love the fact that it has a lobster clasp so I can take the chain off it and wear it as a necklace.
Love and light to all :triquetra:


Hi @Winter!

Gorgeous pendulum- amethyst is such a lovely stone to use for divination! I can see how it makes for a beautiful necklace too :prayer_beads: :sparkles:

I’m cheering for you with your reading- the both sound like excellent books for intuition work! I hope you continue to enjoy them :books: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Uh-oh! An active membership should allow full power to reply to posts- and since you were able to successful post this entry in Activities, it means some posting power is working! We will dig in and try to figure out what is going on :muscle:

May I ask if you can see a “reply” button (and just can’t click it) or if the reply button is missing entirely? (if you can’t respond to this message you are welcome to send me a PM!)


I did see your post @Winter on the main challenge thread. Is it an issue with editing?


Nope everything seems to be working now, guess it was just my impatient self. Sorry about that love. :flushed:


You probably weren’t imagining things. I had minor editing glitches this week while trying to add minor details. I don’t remember where they were, so it wasn’t all that big a deal. I’m glad things are flowing smoothly, now.


No worries at all, @Winter! :heart: Technology sure likes to keep us on our toes sometimes haha. Whatever the cause, I’m with Georgia- I’m glad it’s working well for you now! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now I’ve been struggling to reply in the Demonolatry thread. I just press the button below the text area and nothing happens, both in the website and on the app.

Oh… I think I spotted something that might help figure out what the issue is. I noticed this, highlighted in red, was blank.


So I copied my whole post to clipboard (so I wouldn’t lose it), closed the draft and chose “discard.”


Then I clicked reply at the bottom to open the reply panel…


And the thread name was there as expected again.


I was then able to successfully post a reply to the thread.


Just to confirm, this is on the app/website on a mobile device?

I believe the forum is due for/about to go through an update- sometimes there is a bit of turbulence (especially on the mobile version) around update time. But hopefully things will run as normal again (or even better than before!) post-update! :grinning:


The app and the website on a mobile device, yep. Android, browser is Brave, app is… app. :smile:

An update explains it. It’ll probably get fixed sometime soon, then. :grin:


I can’t download the app, it says the app is too old for my phone, thats a first for me, usually my phone is too old for the app. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


When it comes to updates, a few prayers never hurt too! :wink: :pray: :heart:

That’s interesting- especially with the updates, it should be up to date.

May I ask if you are seeing that message in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, @Winter?


@BryWisteria when I look up the app in google play it sys the app is too old for my phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. Hope that helps. :grin:


That is helpful to know- I’ll tag @francisco here to put it on his radar!

Thank you very much, @Winter! :heart:



No worries glad to help :blush::blush::purple_heart: