✨ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - A Magickal Blessing

This week seemed like the perfect timing for me once again.

I’m in the process of taking a leap of faith with my career. I’ve been a Solicitor for 14 years and I’ve decided to take a risk and set up as a consultant next year and I’m in the early stages of making that happen, and starting my own business.

So I decided to write a blessing asking Hekate to assist with my new business.


This blessing is for prosperity and success in new business venture

and is to be performed on the night of the Full Moon.

You will need:

A bay leaf (for good fortune and success)

A green candle (to help bring your ideas to life and amplify prosperity)

A pen

  • Light the green candle on your altar and focus on your intention
  • On the bay leaf write the name of your business.
  • As the candle burns say the following:

Hekate, Goddess of the Crossroads and Queen of the Night

I invoke your power and ask that you bless me in this time of transition.

Please guide and protect me as I grow my fledging company

and help my business to become prosperous and successful.

May the work be plentiful and may I deliver a good service to my clients.

And may I find the work-life balance I’ve been seeking.

So mote it be.

Burn the bay leaf in your cauldron and either leave the candle to burn or extinguish it and dispose of the remains.

The PDF version is here just in case anyone would like a copy: Blessing for a new business.pdf (131.4 KB)