🎎 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - A Witch's Collection

Ugh. I love sharing challenges but I can’t get up to fuss and arrange and take pictures :pleading_face:
Think outside the box…Think outside the box… :laughing:

I have loved looking and reading about everyone’s treasures :bulb:


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

→ Tuesday, Aug 22 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

Don’t mind me over here absolutely blown away by everyone’s gorgeous collections- wow :star_struck: All of the treasures are really fun to see, and I’m especially enjoying how so many of the treasures reflect the person who collects them. There’s a lot of love put into every gathering of goodies! Thank you so much to everyone who has showed off their amazing collection so far :heart:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :dolls::sparkles:


Girl I found that on Etsy I believe or it may have been back when I was still using temu you just have to be careful because they don’t always give credit and all that


Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - A Witches Collection

I remember back when I first came to Infinite Roots :infinite_roots:, I was pretty shy about showing anything in my witchy :mage:space - I have been a solitary witch for decades and it has left me being very private, shy and even not sure it’s the right thing to do for me to showcase my practice and collections. I have loosened quite a bit, but it’s hard still for me and since I work nearly specifically with the Fae :man_fairy:, and they are very particular and secret, I am very not prone to pissing them off by showing any of my tools. I want to work on it, so I will. I do really like the sharing of our belongings, practices and spaces here.

I collect music :musical_score:, plants :potted_plant:, buttons, bones :bone:, runes, oracle, coins, stamps (nerd I know), candles :candle:, books :books: on witchcraft and The craft in general, pens :pen:, old glasses :eyeglasses:, antiques and antique books :open_book:, antique linens.

I will show below what I have been collecting more recently - not really witchy, but I do imbibe for the sabbats, holidays and usually for a big spell, … trying not to appear like an alcoholic here eeeek! I’ve been on the bourbon trail 3x (Kentucky, USA) and I collect bourbon. Here is part of my collection below….
Light and love and :tumbler_glass:!!! Jan

A few pictured:
Angels envy, 1792, Makers Mark, Makers Mark 46, Hudsons, Stillhouse, Evan Williams 1883, Bulleit, Buffalo Trace, Woodford Reserve.



I started over about a year ago so I think of my collection as being rather small. Then I wrote it out.

There was a lot of “Could you bring Mommy that bin right there?” and " Honey could you put that stack of books over here by the bed? " and luckily I have a lot written down because well… this is me we’re talking about but here it is.

And here I was rolling my eyes every time my Husband says I have a shopping problem. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Physical Books

*Spell Crafts - Scott Cunningham and David Harrington
*A 3-in-1 Wicca, Living Wicca and The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews -Scott Cunningham (A.K.A. The book that we worked so hard to rescue)
*The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall
*Tarot A New Handbook for the Apprentice - Eileen Connolly (It’s the book I started out with so it seemed only fitting
*The learned arts of Witches & Wizards History and traditions of white magic -Aton & Mina Adams (My Daughter was so proud when she found it at a trip to a thrift shop that I had to buy it even though I wouldn’t normally. I’ve given it a once over and some of it, quite honestly, makes me angry but some of it seems rather interesting.)
*Crystal Magic in Practice - Barbara Gold
*Green Witchcraft - Paige Vanderbeck

A Healing Mantra Deck
A set of Crystal Affirmation cards
2 Tarot Decks

I realized when I looked that I had totally forgotten most of what I have, I know what part of brain damage don’t I understand, so I typed it all out and now have physical lists to keep with my physical books

Kindle Books

A Spiritual Journey Series
*YOGA for Beginners - Loren Carrillo
*CHAKRAS for Beginners - Loren Carrillo
*THIRD EYE Awakening - Loren Carrillo

*Yoga for Witches - Sarah Robinson
*Five Minute Meditation - Lisa Shea

  • Witchcraft For Daily Self-Care - Rosalyn Vargas

*Imbolc for the Youngest Witchlings - Lisa Emerson
*Midsummer for the Youngest Witchlings - Lisa Emerson
*Ostara for the Youngest Witchlings - Lisa Emerson
*Beltane for the Youngest Witchlings - Lisa Emerson
*Yule for the Youngest Witchlings - Lisa Emerson

*Parenting Pagan Tots - Janet Callahan
*Crystal Witchcraft for Beginners - Estelle A. Harper
*Crystals for Healing - Karen Frazier
*The Encyclopedia of Crystals - Judy Hall
*Crystals for Beginners - Dr Prakash Ramchandani
*The Complete Grimoire - Lidia Pradas
*Witchcraft for Beginners - Bridget Bishop
*Wicca for Beginners - Judith Guise
*Simple Wiccan Magick: Spells & Ritual Ceremony Wheel of the Year Guide - Holly Zurich
*Moon Spells For Beginners - Frank Bawdoe
*Natural Magic - Lindsay Squire
*Astrology for Beginners - Silvia Hill
*Spirit Guides for Beginners - Layla Moon
*Egyptian Gods - Stephan Weaver
*Asgard Stories Tales from Norse Mythology - Mabel H. Cummings

Google Play Books

*Llewellyn’s Truth about Herb Magic - Scott Cunningham
*The Little Book of Practical Magic - Sarah Bartlett
*The Book of Practical Witchcraft - Pamela Ball

2 - 10 inch Satin Spar wands
1 - 4 inch Satin Spar wand
1 - 14 inch Satin Spar wand that I’m shaping into a traditional wand shape
1 - 2 inch piece of Satin Spar
2 - 4 inch Satin Spar towers
1 - oddly shaped block of Satin Spar roughly 1½x3½ inches
2 absolutely perfect Desert Rose that my Husband bought for me, he’s got a gift for picking out Crystals

Black Tourmaline
1 maybe 2 inch smoothed chunk
1 - 2 inch rod
1 large picture perfect piece

A beautiful set of large raw beauties, like it took over an hour to clean them and some I wasn’t even sure what they were until they were cleaned up, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Russian Ice Quartz, Fluorite, Black Obsidian, Red Jasper, Lapis Lazuli and Tiger’s Eye
A beautiful Amethyst Cluster
A handful of Banded Amethyst
A roughly 2lb Rose Quartz
A dedicated Chakra set
A handful of Sardonyx
A Clear Quartz Point
A very tiny, VERY expensive Smoky Quartz that, based on a flash of picking it out, I have no idea how I still have
A cute little Smoky Quartz point and an interesting one that isn’t quite a tantric twin and really isn’t any classic formation. It’s rather mesmerizing.
A handful of Rose Quartz that appear to be multiplying
Several Carnelian, they have been finding me for years
Several Tiger’s Eye, another one that insists on being a part of my life
A few Bloodstone, another one that seem to be multiplying
A couple handfuls of various Quartz
A few pieces of Calcite
A handful of mystery stones, most of which I have no idea where they came from.
Several bottles of surprisingly beautiful Crystal Chips. Most I’ve seen look like somebody gathered up a bunch of crummy pebbles of what are probably whichever crystal, tossed them in a tumbler for a bit and called it good. These are absolutely stunning. There are the basic everyday Crystals that one would use in basic bottles, a jar of pea sized Moonstone. Moonstone, when I do manage to find them, leave almost as soon as I get them so these are extra cool. And a couple others that seem to elude me.

Then we have some beautiful Aquamarine. I purchased it online as something I wasn’t overly familiar with for part of a use specific set that I am still trying to build. It was relatively inexpensive but average for what it was supposed to be. It looked about right and I didn’t pay it much mind, I just cleansed it and put it with the others. It wasn’t until I took them out to spend time with them that I realized what it was. I took it out, set it with my main Satin Spar for a bit, took it down to take a picture, put it back and left the room. When I came back it was in front of the Satin Spar in 2 pieces. I of course took a really good look and then spent days looking online and in books and ran it through an app twice, because no way was my first thought right, but everything said that it was Aquamarine. It did look different when I took it out than when I first got it, almost like a finish of some sort had come off. I don’t know what they thought they had, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t know what they had.

Glass jars. Oh the glass jars. :woman_facepalming:t2: :laughing: :woman_shrugging:t2: I have a few basic small spell bottles but most of my collection are food and drink jars. Baby food jars are perfect for so many things. Hint: If you don’t have need for jarred baby food, get it for the jars and use it as a flavor boost in soups and as the wet in a meatloaf. I use mostly apple, carrot, sweet potato and squash. I hide at least a day’s worth of fruits and vegetables per serving in my meatloaf. I usually use shredded carrot for the meatloaf though.

Lights - fairy lights, pink lights, purple lights, light curtains

I have a stem from various special flower bouquets.

Witchy Jewelry
Several rings including an amazing Hekate 3 ring set and an intricate one that I refer to as my garden ring.
Necklaces. So many necklaces. :shushing_face: There are ones that first glance you would call Witchy, one that it is so cool and so special that it could only be a ritual piece and 2 from my sister that just feel Witchy.

I have a growing quantity of Chakra posters, prints, Chakra specific Crystal cards…

A Pendulum that I actually bought as a necklace but it very clearly made it known that it was in fact a Pendulum
A Pendulum that my Husband bought knowing that it belonged to one of us. He wants it to me mine so I keep it but it is very clear to me that it is his.

Candles - I have so few candles that I have to keep moving them because they’ve outgrown their space. :laughing: And a large box of assorted spell candles due next month :shushing_face:

A growing number of journals and binders and a few odds and ends that are only a collection as part of a Witchy Collection as a whole.

And there it is. A year of a bit of hoarding and a tiny shopping problem


You all give me so much inspiration!
I love this challenge and just love!

These are some of my crystals hanging on a Chandler my aunt gave me!
I just love the green world and so I decked the room full of greenery to draw me closer to the green world!

Okay I tried labeling :label: everything and I have most of my herbs labeled!

I do a lot of crafting so I have markers, macrame cord, crochet and lots of candles :candle:



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I am sure there more as far as my green world goes! I have a garden and an apothecary bottle section but this is some of my collection of many gifts.


Lovely @Jeannie1 Are we sisters? You have so many things that I plan to …umm…I mean have been wanting to buy :laughing:


Yes You are a daughter,warrior, and Goddess A Highpriestest! We are the daughters of our mother Hecate!
May the Goddess always be in you! May you always listen and guard your heart mind and soul!This is our journey and we are the chosen ones!


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

I feel like I’ve found a wonderful witchy museum or a living gallery of magickal wonders- the treasures of the Coven are awe-inspiring! :star_struck: Thank you so much to everyone who shared their beautiful things- it has been a lot of fun oohhing and ahhhing over everyone’s amazing stuff :blush: We’ve made a real collection of collections here- may everyone’s magickal hoards help to inspire future magickal collectors! :sparkles:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :dolls::sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for any continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The “Props and Presents” award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

→ Award Post for the Collections Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


Thank you for the new badge @BryWisteria! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::white_heart::blue_heart::white_heart::blue_heart::butterfly:


You’re welcome, Crystal- thank you so much for sharing your beautiful collections! :sparkles: :blush:


@crystal59 those are actually tea trays we picked up at Walmart, they were perfect for portable altars!


Ohh cool :grin: thank you so much for letting me know. :butterfly:


Yes, I miss that magazine, it was my favourite.


@Shadeweaver Your spaces are very comfortable and welcoming to me, I love them!!! Just everything, so much. :green_heart:



Each want is so different and beautiful - I don’t have many wands, but these each seem to be able to perform spells and rituals in a unique way, I really like this collection!


This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit the Activities Category to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (If you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)