:dressed_candle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Anointing Candles

I love this candle so much @Ostara I’ve seen you roll beeswax candles a few times so I’m thinking of trying it myself and buying some supplies. :sparkling_heart::full_moon:


@christina4 Your alter and your candle are beautiful! I can only imagine the energy of those crystals!!! :snowflake:


Im not comfortable with putting oil and herbs on a candle and then lighting it. Ive had some near mishaps in past with herbs and flames. Is there another way to participate innthis challenge… ? Like is there another way to annoint a candle etc that can do without having to put oil n herbs on the candle going to light. ?


@Phoenix_Fire Yes, I annoiinted mine by carving a bind rune into the candle then lighting it. You can carve a sigil or just something that means something to you. No herbs, no oil. Blessed be :sparkling_heart:


@ArcticCharm It’s beautiful my lovely :sparkling_heart:


@Phoenix_Fire absolutely there is! You absolutely do not have to do anything that you are not comfortable doing. The challenges are open to however you want to explore them :hugs: So you could learn about anointing candles or dressing candles for a particular belief system or culture, how it may or may not be something you would practice, different ways to go about it, substitutions for doing so, safety concerns with dressing candles or considerations when doing so, alternative ways to incorporate them in practice.

Even if you don’t physically dress a candle :dressed_candle: you can explore anything to do with the practice & share what you learned about it. Whether it pertains to you or someone else or a group.

You could do meditation :person_in_lotus_position: or the Interactive Virtual Altar or maybe try :hindu_temple: The Inner Temple for Casting Spells without Tools. It’s completely open to however you approach it in a way that’s comfortable for yourself & your practice.


Alright, so I haven’t quite anointed my candle yet, but I have an idea of what I want to do. I created a candle specifically for my business and brand over the last Full Moon in Capricorn. I didn’t add any herbs or oils to it because it’s in one of those glass containers. Those already tend to burn pretty hot and I end up with soot on the side of the glass.

Anyway, I was thinking about creating a dill-infused oil to add to my candle. I would have to do it with the poker method, though. I’m not sure if that’s an actual name or not :joy: but that’s what comes to my mind. That involves getting a metal poker or candle carver hot and poking holes around the top of the candle. Then, you pour your anointing oil into the holes so that when the wax melts, the oil is there already. This can be dangerous though, so a little oil goes a long way. Or I can even anoint the outside of the jar with the oil, too.

Here are a few things I learned about using Dill in witchcraft.

  • Dill can be used in protection magick.

  • Dill is a good herb to use for wealth - carrying dill around in your wallet can invite in abundance.

  • Dill can stimulate lust and desire.

  • Dill is connected to the element of Fire.

With all of these things in mind, I think Dill is a great herbal ally to work with when it comes to business and branding. I may even add Dill to my prosperity oil and altar workings every Thursday! :clap:


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

Okay, when I first saw about dressing candles, I thought about little Barbie dresses on candles for a minute. LOL! That was many moons ago, though. But I was tempted if I had a Barbie dress to do it for a hot minute. Just because I’m wacky that way.

Today I dressed a green candle for money with an Art of the Root oil blend called Goddess of Abundance. Then I rolled it in mint and sweet basil, hoping to bring a check I’m waiting for in quickly.

It made my dripless candle drip, which is odd. I guess it burns the herbs and melts the wax. It had a really unusual flame going on there at the end. Hopefully, that means it’s working well.


Everyone has such great entries for this challenge! I’m not sure if I will respond to everyone directly, but just know that I have read everyone’s entries and seen some amazing posts! :clap: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you ArcticCharm. It didn’t work out like I thought it would. The candle literally burned faster than a tealight. :fire:

I love your ashtray. That’s a great idea!


I dressed a candle for self love :sparkling_heart: I grinded up yarrow, Rosemary and rose petals. I rubbed some mugwort oil I made from another challenge on the candle rolled it in the herbs :herb: then I placed the candle into a orange and topped it with
Sugar - to sweeten my day
Lavender- for peace and love
Rose petals- for confidence and
Cinnamon- for luck
Then I lit the candle and meditated “ out with the self hate and in with the self love”.:sparkling_heart::sparkles::heartpulse: so mote it be


I love that!


@MeganB Fabulous, I think this is great. I’ve learnt something new how to add oil to the candle. May try it, though I’ve never made my own candle before from scratch :sparkling_heart:
@Amethyst Don’t knock Barbie, I still love those animations I used to watch with my daughter when she was small. :joy: Your candle is gorgeous :sparkling_heart:
@crystal59 I love that your candle is in an orange. Very pretty. :sparkling_heart:


Dripless candles?! I need some of those. I am a very messy witch and the more I try to be neat the messier I get. Lol! I put sand in a little cauldron to hold incense so I wouldn’t get ashes everywhere, and I spilled the cauldron. So now I have sand all over the rug. I’m just going to pretend I live at the beach!

I love your candle! May it bring you the abundance that you want and need.


That is great information on the dill. Right now the dill in my garden is going to seed. I don’t seem to have much luck with growing it. If I plant it in the house my cat eats it.

I love your candle and I hope you do wonderful in your business. What did you use to draw on the glass?


So far I have only dressed my candles twice, I am still collecting some oils that I don’t have or substituting ones that I do have. When I did my Abundance jar ritual with SG we had to annoint our candle I forgot what we used though. I also did a prosperity spell where I had to annoint the candle. I am still trying to get used to this because it is so messy, lol.


I chose to anoint a yellow candle for Joy.

Water is the medium I used on the candle, as there is way too much to burn on and near my altar.

I carved the rune Wunjo into the candle on 2 sides for Joy

I sprinkled Rose petals and Oregano on the sand around the candle for Joy

I put 5 drops Joy and 3 drops Rose essential oils in the sand around the candle for Joy

Smudged my Altar with Sage and lit my candle. Meditated on all the things that bring me Joy and hoped that Joy would spread out to all.

May we all feel joy, today and bring it into our lives more often.

For the benefit of All


Oh, I didn’t make this candle at all :sweat_smile: I bought it like this in the jar, I just added the sigil to the outside and will add some dill or oil to the inside :blush:

It’s a paint pen! I find they work much better than sharpie, and it tends to stay on longer.


Thank you for the joy Shadeweaver. You made me smile!


I never thought of that! I need to get some paint pens. That’s a great idea Megan. Thank you!