:dressed_candle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Anointing Candles

No, you didn’t! I’ve already worked through all of that! Thank you for your concern, but this is how I balance things in my head! (Water-Emotions :water_element: first then lots of (Air-Thinking) :air_element: in my chart). I was trying to make a joke :blush:


I do the same things when it comes to challenges & how to approach them! So I definitely giggled because it was like watching my own head wrap around it :laughing:


I usually, end up talking myself out of doing the challenge, and then I don’t participate. So by actually sharing this thought process, I feel that I am ready to do the challenge. I’ve just got to make the time and get it done! And since I have a nifty updated calendar created by @MeganB I may actually get it done this time! :grin:
Big hugs :hugs:


Yay! That calendar is going to be amazing :clap: I look forward to seeing how you do this one! It will be great! :two_hearts:


Gosh @marsha you never know what someone is going through in their head until one day you find out and boom — someone is overthinking just as much as I am!!! I love your process!

I do have one suggestion though if you don’t mind….from my BOS: I think I originally took this from a biblical site somewhere but anointing is very popular in religions as you are aware — You can anoint a person, candle, item - the point of it is that it’s a physical act that symbolizes something with your intentions. If you anoint with an oil or herb, it is a physical act that symbolizes that particular correspondence. HOWEVER… if you anoint with water, it symbolizes cleansing and spiritual renewal, etc.

So… basically I’m saying you could do an anointing with moon water, sun water, Gemini water, etc…. And that would also be intention without the smell or mess or ruining of the EO’s!


@jan_TheGreenWitch @marsha Oh anointing with water, so pure. This is lovely. I didn’t use any scented candles or oils, makes me cough. I did use incense (still made me cough :joy:), but not on the candle, just anointed it by carving a sigil/rune in it or something relevant. Another tip I got from a friend, cuz I cough at all lovely smells, is to use olive oil, and squeeze lemon or orange into it. Get a natural essential oil. :person_shrugging:. Now I’m rambling. Off to bed, it’s half hour before midnight :sleeping:. Look forward to seeing you’re candle. Blessings :sparkling_heart:


More great ideas @tracyS! Drawing sigil, runes, olive oil yaaaaaaa! LOVE.


I love new ideas for anointing! :hugs: I also found out that I anoint things with water. I don’t know why it never dawned on me before thats what I’m doing. Thank you @jan_TheGreenWitch! :revolving_hearts:

I do the same types of thinking… my brain never stops & works then reworks things from every aspect over & over sometimes. It gets tiring :laughing:

Now I’m like… hmmm :thinking:… maybe there’s another way to approach this challenge :joy:


**Challenge Entry-Anointing Candles

I have been thinking over this challenge for a few days. I love candle magick and love to dress my candles, but I wanted to try something different. I decided to make a self-love candle, because I am truly my worst enemy and need to remind myself not to be too hard on myself. I took 2 pink beeswax candles, unrolled them, and sprinkled some ground herbs as I rolled them up into one candle.

The herbs I used are:

  • Rose because it can help you to forgive yourself for past mistakes, embrace your flaws, and have compassion for yourself.
  • Peppermint for it’s healing vibrations and protective powers
  • Sage for purifying your space and your aura
  • Cinnamon to raise your spiritual vibration, aid mental clarity, improve mood and promote focus.
  • Patchouli can help you feel calm, confident, creative, motivated and focused.
  • Moon water (from the super moon on Monday)
  • Bergamot oil helps us process and release the fear of not being good enough, emotional pain, restraining habits and opens us to love and self-acceptance).
  • Rose quartz chips because it is the Queen of self-love crystals.

I used stick pens to divide the candle into 7 sections, and I will burn one section every day until it is complete.

I used dried roses, not rose oil, but the entire room smells like roses! :rose:


@Ostara Oh this is divine. Like a pink beehive. It’s so pretty. Will look beautiful lit. :sparkling_heart:


Thank you Tracy. I think I’m going to start it in the morning. I will send a pic once it is lit. :dressed_candle:


Yes please, would love to see it :sparkling_heart:


@Ostara I love the candles! What a great way to do them! :hugs: It must smell lovely too! :blush:


Thank you! I’m surprised that the room smells like roses.


Challenge Entry

I was thinking back to a passage in one of Scott Cunningham’s books where he mentions a coven that went all out for esbats by decorating the altar with white candles, white flowers, white tablecloth, etc.
Amazon Prime Day will soon be here and I plan to buy some dried flowers and herbs. Inspired by what Scott Cunningham wrote, I plan to put some dried jasmine petals and some selenite around the base of my candle holder, and anoint a white candle with jasmine essential out in honor of the Dragon Goddess. :dragon:


That sounds beautiful Kasandra!


@Kasandra That’s Beautiful. The Dragon Goddess will love it. :sparkling_heart:


@sue’s Anointed Candles

My candle spell

  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Lavender oil - purification & calmness
  • Sage - protection

Ginger - speed up
Blessed thistle - blessings
Hyssop - purification
St. John’s wort - protect & happiness
Red rose petals - divine love & peace

I did make a good luck and money candle as well lol I started having fun with it and found myself making 2
I carved 2 runes - Fehu & Ehwaw


  • Basil oil
  • Mint oil
  • sage

Cinnamon - purification & love
Thyme - money & strength
Basil leaves - love & luck
Alfalfa - money& to ward off poverty
Dill - spiritual & physical protection
Chamomile flower - good luck

Runes carved - sowilo and Algiz


@Jessica_Zee These are gorgeous. I love the photo, the purple light over the candles, feels very spiritual. :sparkling_heart: