šŸ•“ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

I did try to draw it by hand but I ended up printing it out cutting it out and taping it in.


My second challenge entry is from ā€œMoon Magicā€. How can you not do a full moon spell when itā€™s a full moon? This spell came from @SilverBearā€™s ā€œFull Moon Oilā€ from Spells8. Itā€™s still daylight here, but the full moon was official at about 2:30. I didnā€™t have any jasmine but the honeysuckles are in full bloom so I replaced the jasmine with the honeysuckles. I also put a sprig of rosemary in it. I am going to use this oil as a bath oil whenever I have low energy. When the sun sets I will set it outside to absorb the power of the full moon. I almost forgot, I also put some rainbow moonstone sand that I got from @SilverBear in the bottle to give it a little extra punch.


So its catch up time and I am real happy for this since i missed a few challenges. There was a few I wanted to try but first 1st on my list isā€¦


I must say I am a lover of tea, so that says it all for me :joy: but during this catch up challenge I wanted to come up with something a bit different. For this PINK MOON :full_moon: my intentions was to cleanse my crystals :crystal_ball: and make some moon water, as well as do a protection charm but unfortunately things did not work out in my favor as planned for the charmed object spell. I decided to take this opportunity to add a catch up challenge to my planned routine instead, so i came up with a herbal bath :bathtub: charm infusion tea bag for ralaxation instead. Below is a pic

Source: Pinterest.com

I did a little twist to mines making it different to suit my own needs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: a list of items are listed below that I used for my bag.

  1. Pink bag
  2. Epsom salt ( pepermint fragrance)
  3. Lavender
  4. Rosmeary (I used Instead of calendula)
  5. Peony ( I used instead of rose buds)
  6. Camomile Tea Bag :laughing:

Yes you heard right :white_check_mark: Camomile Tea bags. Who said tea bags canā€™t substitute for greater goodness. This is a picture of my tea infusion bath bag

Here is a picture of my work.

Its a bit in the evening hours hear so the ligthing is a bit dark, so sorry, but that wont stop this baby from working. I am really inspired by this challenge. Happy I did this.There will be a full moon party :partying_face: in the hot :shower: tonight with me and this tea bath infusion bag.

Will keep you guys updated on how this turned out.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


@MeganB i believe its only @Amethyst & I but yes. I have at least 1 of each challenge badge & 2 of a few others. I think I took the last catch up challenege off.

I believe i have done a challenge this time, no official entry, because I have to find the corresponding challenge that it could go to. :thinking: :face_with_monocle:


Ok ive decided on the 2 challenges i want to do or that have already started.

  1. Healthy dose of crystals
  2. Of goals and intent

1 Healthy dose of crystals

  • ive done sone cleansing of all of my crystals and tonight under the full moon will put them out to change
  • looking at what crystals i have and researching what they are used for to pick out the crystals that will help me with what i need
  • create a crystal bag with crystals i need to carry with me and can use in meditations or connecting to the energies of these crystals as needed.
  • look at creating a crystal grid to help amplify energy of crystals for a specific outcome
  1. Of goals and intent
  • ive started a brain storm on things i need in my current situation and set a a goal im heading to and what i need to get there
  • next step is to figure out what i need for each area, can some be combined into one spell, wgat tools or items i need, what correspondences will help amplify the energy of the spells and items using.
  • make a list of spells and items i need to manifest these goals ans intent and pull together what i need for this
  • start making each spell etc with the goal and intent in mind. Building on each to work towards the common goal. Its complex situation so ive realised one spell wont fit all i need so it will be a series of spells and rituals.
  • i know i might not complete everything before the challenge time is up but i am taking this time to start the process.

This is what ive got so far, oh i also found a binding rune i think id like to use with the spells for the of goals and intent challenge. It was a binding rune for a way out of negative situation which is just what im needing. So i defunatly thinj that will help.


Ok, I couldnā€™t just do one since we had a full moon this week! I also chose to make full moon oil for my Strength of the full moon challenge entry.

I had the perfect vial, lit some palo santo, cleansed the rose, jasmine, and lavender, and placed them in the vial. I used grapeseed oil to fill the bottle, shook it to mix it up, and placed it out in the moonlight for several hours.

Dried herbs

plus grapseed oil

My very first attempt at making any sort of oil/water for ritual use. I know it might sound silly but I finally feel like a real witch creating this.


This is fabulous! I may need to get some altoids!


Thank you!

Iā€™m not going to lieā€¦ I actually bought those two tins of Altoids just for the project. Then I found 2 empty ones already around my house :laughing:

Guess Iā€™ll make a couple more! One for Artemis, one for The Morrigan, maybe a banishing one, or a calming one?


Last night i had taken sonr time out from study and work, well at least the study required for work as i ended up getting some good research done on crystals grids and in that was learning about differemt types of sacred geometry though still learning what each is for, the types of position of stones lile focus stones, or way stobes or perimetre stones and how where stones are places as well as the type is important. I was making some diagrams of ideas based on the brainstorm page of needs or goals/intent i had made and felt id been makung some good progress i understanding crystal grids for the healthy dose of stones and crystals challenge though im not sure ill have a finished grid by end of challenge the learning experience has been really cool and i think im well on my way to creating my own unique n individualised crystal grid/s based on what i am needing. I feel if anything i have a better understandinf amd while i dobt have all my questions answered yet in my head i feel i have learnt a lot n thats really encouraging from one research session on crystal grids for different intentions.


Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder!

Thank you so much to everyone who has jumped in and explored a challenge (or two!) this week! :trophy: If you want to enter the challenge but havenā€™t done so already, please know that you have one more day left to do so:

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: April 19th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

Blessed be! :clock4::sparkles:


I was really jumping like a little frog from lily pad to lily pad trying to land on what other challenge I would like to make an entry for. I thought I might like to share something that I think would qualify for an entry in :prayer_beads: A Healthy Dose of Crystals ā€“ Crystal Healer

I thought I might share this that ai shared from the monthly affitmations thread.

I thought that the energies these particular crystals would help to amplify the intentions of these affirmations. I try and read these out loud to myself each day.

Itā€™s my ex scum bags birthday next Monday so Iā€™ve been grating on myslef for the first time in 15 years that I wonā€™t be wishing him a happy birthday. I will be ignoring him (Not that Mitch ever remembered mine. Maybe 3 times in 15 years he remembered to say the words. But I never once forgot him or ignored him).

I guess itā€™s just been sinking in a little more lately that he really was a narcissistic emotional abuser which is all Iā€™ve ever known. Iā€™m stumbling somedays with my new found freedom.

I have been spending money that i would have blindly been giving to Mitch on buying crystals. Specifically to help me on my healing journey. I donā€™t smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol so there are worse things I could be spending my money on. But crystals. They are kind souls. They only want to help and to love. I love and i am very grateful my crystal family.


@jessica72 you have overcome so much & come such a long way with your craft. You are no longer bound to Mitch you are your own witch now. I know that there are times when you feel like your going back, but you need those times to thrust you forward so you can continue to grow.

The situation & how it affected you & to the degree it affected you, will become less & less like a step back as time goes on, nothing is instant but you are doing an amazing job. :dizzy: :hugs: :people_hugging:


** Rowanā€™s Challenge Catch Up-Symbols and Sigils**
My entry is one that I did about a week ago. As many of you may know I have a little boy who lives next door to me, I have for the last couple of years witnessed through the walls of my home the events of physical abuse, emotional abuse, and the lack of compassion for this child. Many times it was so upsetting that I would just cry and yell very loudly how disgusting people are to treat a child this way, a few cuss words probably were stated as well. This little boy is around 7 now I think. His father screams at him on a daily basis saying things as Youā€™re not wanted here, I donā€™t want you hereā€¦Youā€™re a rude little boy thatā€™s why no one can stand to have you aroundā€¦
Itā€™s just heartbreaking. Iā€™ve tried to help by contacting CPS only to be disappointed even though I sent in an audio recording of one event that occurred as proof. Iā€™ve reported the father and his partner to the management, nothing. The father after finding out about CPS, made the point of telling Tim that he knew it was us who reported them and that he had gotten away with it 4 times before this time wouldnā€™t be any different.
I felt like I had to try to do something else that would get better results than the legal way obviouslyā€¦So I sat down and gathered my intentions to find a sigil to protect the little boy.
I drew it on some evil eye postcards that I had received and anointed it with an oil blend for protection. I made three of them and hung them on my walls adjacent to their living room entry way wall, and his bedroom wall.
I also printed two signs that say STOP CHILD ABUSE and hung them on my windows facing out. I would love nothing more than to knock on their door one day and confront them, but I would be the one ending up in jail not them.

Day One after pinning the cards, the shouting still ensued early that morning around 6 am.
Day Two: Everything quietā€¦
Day Three I believe the little boy left perhaps with mother (not in the home) or other family.
The little boy was away for almost a week, he returned Saturday April 16. So far pretty quiet.


Ahh, that makes way more sense lol it looked like you had drawn it in there!

Itā€™s a beautiful bottle and spell oil Ostara :hibiscus: I hope itā€™s working well for you!

I love that you used an organza bag for this instead of a tea bag. It lets you add more ingredients :heart: Iā€™ve also just added a teabag to my bath, too lol itā€™s already there so I might as well, right?! I hope it worked out well for you :blush:

It all looks good to me :blush: I hope the binding rune has helped you if youā€™ve used it already :blush:

haha I understand the feeling! I love making little oils like this and yours looks wonderful :sunflower: I hope it works well for you!

You should definitely ignore him :laughing: I think those crystal spheres are beautiful and I really love the one in the back with all the designs on it!

What a noble, kind, and amazing thing youā€™ve done :heart: I hope with all hopes :sparkles: that it works and that little boy is protected :pray:

For my second challenge entry, Iā€™m going to be making a sweet dreams bag to put over my bed. Iā€™ve made a version of this before (I made a Reel on Instagram) but this one has run its course and needs to be refreshed. Iā€™ll be using the same spell bag, cleansing it with some incense, and adding in another piece of amethyst, lavender, and maybe some rose petals or sunflowers :heart: Iā€™m getting ready to make it right now so Iā€™ll update this post with pictures when Iā€™m done!


My Challenge Entries
For this catch up I decided to do The Magick of Music and Symbols and Sigils.
For the magick of music I decided to use a song to raise energy during my full moon ritual. I decided to play Radioactive by Imagine Dragons since the guitar in it is quite fun and energetic.

For the Sigils and Symbols challenge I decided to look at queer symbols, specifically the non-binary symbol.
I personally see that this symbol could be used in spells for personal empowerment, protection, seeing through the veil, acceptance and self-love.
Blessed Be!


Okā€¦ so I see the need to do another catch up challenge today and this one I have chosen is [WEEKLY CHALLENGE- SYMBOLS AND SIGILS.

Since symbols and sigils plays an important part of our lives and magick, it is more that likely for us to even create such as our own. I have made a few myself for my personal interest, for I do believe when you put your intentions behind a sigil it carries alot of meaning and power for the purpose that it was intended for and not forgetting that it is unique to any other

To fast forward everythingā€¦ I had a dream a few months ago when I was home from work due to the mandate of my country and me not taking this vaccine. The laws stated that all Govt workers will stay home from work and will not get paid until the vaccine was taken ( like what ever) although this was hard for many, things was not that bad for me since I was kinda happy i was home too cause I needed the rest :relieved:. In the process of things it became challenging and a bit stressful during that time.

This is when I asked for signs of encouragement along the way and strenght to push through all this nosense. During the same week this is when i had the dream of me driving going to somewhere and in the dream I was looking for answers and there is when a masculine voice spoke out and said to me I am here ( Alfa and Omega) and there a 12 fingered star :star2: like shape glowed out to the side of the car seat on my way to where ever it is that i was going. For each srtike on the star there was a small period and for wach period a word of mĆØaning that offered self assurance.

When I woke up from the dream I was left feeling well assured everything was okay and everytime I looked as my sigil, I felt wonders within it. I drew a picture of the sigil, however I am afraid to say that I cant share this one with you today. This sigil is not only special but CARRIES MAGICKAL POWER ON ITS OWN.

You see it is sacred to me :heart:. I received a maessage and was told in spirit not to give it out and it should only be used for self assistance in times or real need. I have so far used it once in real need the last New Moon and trust me ( it really worked) I have seen it with my own eyes again and again that magick :dizzy: is indeed real.

I plan on using this sigil sometime soon again probably for this (New Moon) for i do believe that
Though small in size, they hold the key
To unlock and wield every possibility!

Blessed Be :dizzy:


Weekly Witchy Challenge- Sacred Trees and Wood

Hello everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I wasnā€™t sure what to pick for the challenge, so I let the week play out and was gifted with two magickal Sacred Tree and Wood experiences. :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree:

The first was working with some Vine Maple branches from two indigenous Maple trees in the yard. Next weekend Iā€™m making Witch Bells with an old friend and decided to use the branches instead of buying metal rings. I bent the branches and wrapped them with twine several times until they were firm. They have been laying on the gas stovetop to dry out in preparation for Saturday night.
Maple Treeā€™s meaning: balance, offering, practical magic, promise, longevity, generosity, and intelligence .

My second experience was purchasing two Lilac trees and a lilac bush yesterday on Easter Sunday in memoriam of my grandmother, who loved Lilacs. (I have a lilac tattoo in memory as well)The larger tree will be planted in the West corner of the property as you enter. I cleared the grounds for where I will plant it and uncovered a black glittery stone I hadnā€™t identified yet. Iā€™ll take it as a protection stone for now.
I planted the smaller lilac tree in a massive pot close to where the septic tank is buried 2 feet down. (more on that later) While digging and prepping the dirt, I uncovered a jade-looking sparkly stone! ( serenity and purity?) What is it with sparkly stones today?
Lilac trees are not native to the U.S.; they most likely arrived during the colonial period and are native to Europe and Asia. Lilacs in the history books go back as far as 1750, when the oldest living Lilacs may still reside in New Hampshire at the Wentworth Estate in Portsmouth. Over the last two decades, many of those trees were infected with a honey fungus, as to which there is no cure, and many had to be destroyed.
A lilac restoration organization has been working hard to replace many trees.
Fun fact:
If you ever noticed a row of lilac trees or bushes lining old properties, it could be from the practical use of planting them over outhouse holes once they were moved. Better than Febreeze! Maybe planting mine near the septic tank will do something magickal if a smell creeps out of the earth! :rofl:
Lilac Tree meanings: Renewal, confidence & spirituality.

Thank you @BryWisteria for another fun Challenge opportunity! Blessed Be everyone and have a wonderful week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love this, Jem! Great job!

No worries, of course! Some things are better left for ourselves :pray: Whatever the sigil is, Iā€™m happy that it works so well for you!

How amazingly magical! :sparkles: And I didnā€™t know that about lilacs. We had some purple lilacs when I lived in Nevada and then some white lilacs when we lived in Oregon! I havenā€™t seen any here in Florida but Iā€™m sure they exist somewhere :hibiscus:

I know I said I was going to have pictures of my sleep and dream bag but I got sidetracked with other things and still havenā€™t made it yet lol Iā€™ll update soon!


Iā€™m doing the ā€œHeed the Call of Crystalsā€ :gem:Challenge for the ā€˜Crystal Collectorā€™ badge.

There was a Gem Fair in Salt Lake this weekend so HAD to go to that!!
We bought a few gems :gem: of course and I have added some crystals to my collection the past few weeks.

I love crystals and rocks. I collected up some rocks today to give rock painting a try. I hope it turns out well :grimacing:

OK now on to the goodiesā€¦
These are the ones we got at the fair:

Citrine Point, Lemurian Quartz Points, and a Pyrite Sun Dollar, also called a ā€˜Minerā€™s Dollarā€™

Rhodocrosite, Quartz Points, and Blue with a dab of Pink Tourmaline

Larimar, Agate Moon, Kambaba Jasper Kitty, and Banded Botswana Agate.

These are the ones Iā€™ve collected the past few weeks:

Aventurine Dragon

Gypsum goodies! I got 2 Satin Spar towers with the cool lights underneath, a satin spar flat wand, and raw selenite.

Its not pictured but I got a cute little Flower Agate cube and some raw Lepidolite pieces when I bought the raw Selenite.

I will post another challenge if I can get it posted before it ends!


My baby witch self is over here vibrating with excitement over all these replies! I am so inspired by everyoneā€™s work and I am feeling so incredibly blessed to have found this community as I begin my own journey! Just wow!

Since I am just starting out, I decided to complete of goals and intent (finis patrator) for my challenge this week. The suggested readings were great and very helpful!

Iā€™ve been working very hard on meditation and setting intentions since I joined about two weeks ago. Iā€™ve been reading avidly and trying things out.

On Friday, I started a Book of Shadows, so I decided to do some journaling about my intentions since Iā€™ve had a few days to think them over.

Iā€™m coming into this journey from a strict Catholic upbringing and while I am thrilled, excited, and eager to learn and explore, I am definitely still working through some feelings instilled in me from that upbringing. With that in mind, here are the intentions I have set for myself.