🕛 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

For my first challenge entry, I am choosing to do the :technologist: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Technology & Modern Magick. For this one, I was drawing a blank. Like, I use technology every day and I’ve even used it to bolster my own online protection. In this case, I decided to begin reogranization and transfer of my grimoire to Google Drive.

My reason for doing this is simple - I don’t like the way Notion looks on my phone and having my information in Google Drive makes it easy to print and use later. Notion is also really difficult to use on my phone in general. I have a Bluetooth keyboard I like to use with my phone and for some reason it isn’t compatible with Notion’s app and it frustrates me. :laughing: So Google documents it is!

It will take me a while to transfer my information from Notion to Google, and to also transfer the information from my brain to Google. If I’m being honest, most of my information is kept in my brain anyway. It would be nice to have a handwritten grimoire but it just isn’t feasible for me right now :woman_shrugging: