🕓 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

Challenge entry #1 – Dream Magick

I’ve done the Eurynomous ritual described by Tracy here:


And so, I would like to take this moment to talk about my dreams a little. The magick itself is contained in the above post.

As for my experiences…

I did this one with my partner. We have a little shelf where I’ve put some auspicious items and we are collecting ancestral items there as well. In front of it, I had placed a long cushion meant for making benches more comfortable to sit on and that is where we sat for this.

Following this ritual, my dreams have been… It’s hard to me to talk about them because I feel that the small details are important, but they don’t really mean anything unless I give a book load of backstory.

But I can that that it feels as though I’m going through a journey of what has been and what could have been. I’ve seen these lives in different contexts, with similar people or even the same people. I can feel the build-up before making decisions that have a great impact on myself or those around me, and I can feel the weight of those choices as I enact them.

Whether these experiences are merely dreams or glimpses into past/future lives, I can’t say. But they resonate deeply. As though my soul is going on a journey through another life and coming back with lessons learnt.

And so, I shall continue to dream. Dream the dreams of infinite potential trapped in an insignificant glass vessel, bounding through the universe with but a glimpse of the totality that exists beyond.