šŸ•” Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

Oh, gosh. I have so many to catch up on this time. I donā€™t know where to begin! LOL!


Time to break out my spreadsheet - I know Iā€™ve missed several challenges recently!


Challenge Entry

Magickal Gurdians

My dragon guardian is a green dragon that I have named Hank. Dragons rarely give you their real names and when I asked for Hankā€™s name, the letter H appeared frequently in a random sequence of letters.

He is a healer who encourages us to seek self-care so that we can take care of others.

When I concentrate, I can sense his presence. He loves to lay across my shoulders with his head pointing to the right. In the beginning, he would sit on my left shoulder.

I think he is the one who gives me a light scratch to tell me which tarot or oracle card/s I should draw.

I normally donā€™t cast circles, so I ask Hank to protect me from negative energy and entities during my rituals.


I was just thinking the same thing!!! :joy:

I know I have a bunch left to do. Letā€™s see what the random number generator picks for me this time!


Ok my 3 randomly picked challenges are:

Already researching ideas to start working on in the morning!


Omg so many to choose from!
I think I will go with these 2 since I was already searching them :star_struck: :see_no_evil:

:performing_arts: Your Magickal Muse ā€“ Beloved by the Muses
:witch_hat: Witch Fashion ā€“ Stylish Witch


Challenge entry #1

For my first entry, Iā€™ve chosen :moneybag: Money Magick as that has been a topic Iā€™ve been looking into recently.

To start with, I finally got the Trinity of Wealth spell properly written up and posted it here:

The original incantation was written in Latin, but I did my best to translate it into English in the morning using https://www.online-latin-dictionary.com/ :scroll:

I made one of these early last year to help ensure that I could finish getting my debts covered and Iā€™d have enough to afford the deposit and all those other fees for our new apartment. (The apartment we moved to at the end of last year.) I buried it in a park near the old apartment, although with some difficulty, as there were small roots all through the soil, making digging difficult. :sweat_smile:

With many of these spells, I believe our own efforts are really important. We do the spell to send our intentions out into the universe, and while the universe and our spirits will guide and support us like a GPS, I believe we have to hop onto the bicycle and do the actual pedalling. :mountain_biking_man:

So, I put in a lot of work myself, including working a second job for three months to make extra money. Needless to say, that was an exhausting three months. :sleepy:

Then, later in the year, I officially opened my Etsy store after being emboldened by this coven, for which Iā€™m extremely grateful. :silver_heart: :black_heart:

Anyway, I will make another one soon. Iā€™ve recently done a wealth spell, so I donā€™t want to do another too soon. This is a short video of the one I did with Clauneck exactly two weeks ago:

I will post the process to the wealth thread when I get a chance. There was a ritual I found online that I used as a base, but I changed it so much that I want to write up my own version. :potion:

Anyway, the purpose of this wealth work is to help me down the road towards my goals. The following is just part of what I want to achieve in this life:

Another part is people-focused. Iā€™m still working on the details with that, but I find teaching, guiding, and supporting people to be very fulfilling. However, I donā€™t have the qualifications to become a doctor or psychologist or similar, and I donā€™t intend to. I want to work on something thatā€™s more easily accessible and down-to-earth, not requiring people to ā€œhave the moneyā€ to get foundational support in their lives.

Part of that is why I started doing tarot readings for others, and I keep the prices around that of a nice meal. (Arguable. My managers at work say one would have to spend at least twice that for a nice meal. I told them theyā€™re being snobs for that, though. :laughing:) But thatā€™s part of the experimentation.

Anyway, I will keep trying new things and mulling over ideas until I find something that works for me and others. I think Iā€™ve wandered off-topic quite a bit here, but oh well. :crazy_face:


Challenge entry #2

For my second entry, Iā€™ve chosen :black_heart: From the Shadows.

We are approaching the next new moon, so I thought I would take this as an opportunity to finally tackle this challenge. And Iā€™m going to sprinkle through some DALLĀ·E generated images so this isnā€™t just a wall of rambling text. :laughing:

I do a lot of shadow work through journalling and even sometimes by conversing in this forum. Sometimes, the vulnerabilities just flow through me into my writing, and I press ā€œreply,ā€ opening myself up to others pointing out things that I hadnā€™t noticed before or giving me ideas for how to proceed when I hadnā€™t even considered improving in such an area.

Anyway, letā€™s delve into a few things that Iā€™ve had to deal withā€¦

(This is meant to be me, but it added glasses, tattoos, and shoes, and made the PC tower way too big. :laughing:)

Firstly, my fears used to include being seen as crazy by the people who matter to me. It has caused me to start some arguments over a perceived implication of being crazy sometimes. But Iā€™ve become a lot better with that, especially over the course of this year, as Iā€™ve been doing a lot of shadow work.

Secondly, the grudges I hold against others that I could let go of are few. Itā€™s hard for me to hold grudges at all, even after horrible things have happened. It seems like my natural inclination is to let go, and Iā€™ve actually had to fight myself not to let go sometimes. Why would I do such a thing? Because it makes me drop my guard and get hurt by the same people over and over again.

(That being said, my idea of forgiving means giving trust back to the person who has wronged me. Itā€™s got nothing to do with stewing in angry feelings and making myself miserable ā€” I think thatā€™s something else entirely, which I fortunately have not had much trouble with.)

However, Iā€™ve left many unhealthy relationships behind now, so issues with this reoccurring are much lower than they would have been in the past. The remaining family members on my fatherā€™s side are a bit of an issue, especially my father. While he seems to be mellowing out a little, he has betrayed me too recently for me to let my guard down.

(Again, me in my favourite style to wear through winter. :black_heart:)

Anyway, as these kinds of things keep naturally appearing during the process of my journalling and talking here, I will switch my focus a little.

I posted not too long ago about the struggle of life and how itā€™s neverending. I worry that sometimes I come across as immune to emotional setbacks, but in reality, this is not the case. I have bad days and moments just like anyone else; I just have become a lot better than I used to be at letting them go.

However, spending some time in the low moments can actually be relaxing or get me thinking constructively, and I come out the other side with new insights. I believe there are beneficial sides to it at times, so I donā€™t strive to eradicate low moments from my life entirely.

That being said, staying in those lows would be harmful if it made me look for ways to escape, avoid dealing with things, or cope through superficially fulfilling activities such as online shopping. It sounds fine in the moment, but those actions cause a metaphorical debt I would have to repay with interest in the future, as things left unresolved often grow into bigger things.

(Me again, reading while sitting on the sofa. Something I enjoy doing.)

Anyway, one last thing for this challenge and thatā€™s a spell, of course!

Filling the Void

This spell intends to catch positive energies and fill the gap left after releasing old habits and relationships in the process of shadow work. It calls upon love, prosperity (not just financially), spiritual energy, and good health.

You will need: A glass jar with a tight lid, special items (a coin to symbolise money, heart charm or rose petals to symbolise love, ginger root for health, and quartz crystal for spirituality), some honey or syrup, and a yellow chime candle.

First, we set these up on our altars. The empty jar stands for potential and space for a new beginning. We are to hold it and get to feel the emptiness in it, translating readiness for positive changes.

We then take our items and empower them individually. For example, we can take the coin and picture our financial stability filling the coin up with green light, before depositing it into the jar. We then do the same with love, imagining a pink light when we deposit the items. Health will have an orange light, and spiritual energy will have a white light.

After empowering all of our items, we can pour honey over the items in the jar to bring and hold our desired energies. Then we seal the jar, fixing the candle with melted wax and burning it fully.

We complete this spell by ensuring that the jar is placed in an open place where it can be seen. Here, it will serve as a constant reminder of the positive change we want to draw into our lives.

Before I leave this challenge entry here, I have to give a shout-out to some lovely witches who help keep me grounded in this space: @Devenne, @Artemisia, and @CelestiaMoon. Iā€™m grateful for being able to come to you with my worries, especially since this online socialising life is relatively new to me, and Iā€™m still finding my way around it. (Iā€™m an autistic hermit, even online. :laughing: )


@starborn Iā€™m so grateful to have you in my life too :people_hugging: :black_heart:

The generated pictures of you are so cute and make me smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow amazing entries :heart:


Right back atcha :white_heart: :silver_heart: :pink_heart: :silver_heart: :white_heart:
I thought of you and several other cherished forum members when I pulled Unity as my card for today :hugs:


Challenge Entry: Everyday Magick

As a mom of two (soon to be three) little girls, I struggle to find the time to sit down for long periods to do magick. Because of that, I try my hardest to incorporate magick into my every day life! My favorite ritual right now is my morning coffee blessing. Any time I stir intention (usually motivation) into my drink, my days are extra productive!

Another activity I really enjoy is a daily tarot card pull. Sometimes Iā€™m not able to fit it in until after Iā€™ve put my girls to bed, but regardless I still try to get it done. I love reflecting back in my tarot journal to see if there are any patterns or just out of curiosity.

To help with a chore I loathe, Iā€™ve been researching dish/kitchen/cleaning magick!

This branch of magick is so nice, warm, and cozy to me. I just need to get more of a routine down to stay on top of things, but thatā€™s easier said than done for sure! My next goal is to transform my kitchen (the area I usually let accumulate a mess, especially the dishes) into a happy place where I donā€™t feel so overwhelmed all the time. I LOVE to cook, so itā€™s very conflicting not wanting to be in the messy kitchen while also wanting to cook a nice meal for my family.

Sometimes, my every day magick simply consists of me purposefully choosing a color theme for the day (clothes, makeup, nails), braiding/doing my hair with intention, or taking a moment to breathe and thank my deity. Lighting a candle in the morning before I get my girls up also helps, and just basking in the warmth/gratitude/vibes.

Every little thing helps me feel connected to the divine, magickal world when Iā€™m not able to sit for long periods and complete spellwork or rituals. I think itā€™s the little things that can make a big difference!

I did see some great ideas that I plan on incorporating into my daily/weekly practice, like:

ā€¢Do a simmer pot while cleaning.

ā€¢Feeding local wildlife (bird feeder, squirrel feeder) dedicating the act to my deity.

ā€¢Writing a daily/nightly prayer with lit candle.

ā€¢Shower resets/cleanses.

ā€¢Grounding multiple times a day, or when feeling overstimulated.

I love the opportunity to delve into past challenges and pick ones that fit me! Canā€™t wait to see how everyday magick can improve my life further the more I progress in my practice.


This is my entrys to catch-up:

Magically Skilled

I enchanted a Rose Court heart bracelet and give it to my student she told me it works too well she had a few people be nice to her out of the blue

Candles and flame

M spell work I always do is candle magic


This is my momā€™s cauldron now I donā€™t need to buy one yay lol


Great entry @starborn ! Sounds like you have done some great shadow work.

Love the spell! Iā€™ve bookmarked your entry so that I can use this spell in the near future. I hope you donā€™t mind me bookmarking it.

Much love to you :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Great entry! Sometimes getting out magick in can be hard to do! I love your little coffe and tarot rituals. Always keeping just one or two little things everyday in our daily lives keeps the magick alive in us. I do a daily shower cleanse so I at least get some magick in every day.

Much love to you :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


I love candle magick! There are so many different ways of using candles.

Your momā€™s cauldron is fabulous! Itā€™s wonderful you are able to get family items to use with your l craft.

Much love :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Oh, you never need to ask me. Of course you may. :smile: :black_heart:


Thank you hun! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Alright, my three challenges (thanks to a random number generatorā€¦lol) are going to beā€¦ :drum:

:herb: Holistic Magick: A Witchā€™s Apothecary - Apothecarist
:quartz_crystal: A Healthy Dose of Crystals ā€“ Crystal Healer
:pray: All About Altars - Reverent Witch


Challenge Entry: Wonderful Wands --Wand Wielder

Hawthorn and Amethyst Wand
I made a wand with all natural materials: hawthorn branch, amethyst crystal point, white leather lace, copper wire, and wooden beads.

Hawthorn and amethyst both have the powers of creativity, growth, negativity, peace, protection, and purification.
The copper helps with goals, healing, and strength.
The white leather lace will warn of danger, and manifest moon magic.
The dark brown bead is for stabilty.
The red bead is for action, courage, and determination.

Down one side are the runes: Othala for ancestral lands, Fehu for abundance, Kauna for enlightenment, and Thruisaz for willpower.

On the other side I put 4 symbols from rock carvings of my Sami ancestors: the Moon, the Sun, the Bear, and the Reindeer.
The bear stands for power, and awakening potential.
The reindeer symbolizes abundance, freedom, hardiness, insight, and knowledge.
For the Sami, a white reindeer was considered very magical and would bring wealth, luck, and happiness if you could catch one.