Challenge entry #3
For my third entry, I’ve chosen Magick in the Dark . And fortunately, I started typing this up last week because I would not have had the time for it this week…
For this entry, I’ve called upon Hekate for her path-opening abilities, taking inspiration from the page about new moon spells and rituals:
Journeying with Hekate feels like stepping into a realm where every name she’s known by echoes through the shadows. She’s a guide, leading me through the underworld and the vast landscapes of my own shadow self. She stands at the crossroads where worlds and realities intertwine, promising to shepherd those who sincerely seek personal and spiritual growth.
Aligning with her energy through ritual is an empowerment of my self: enhancing my skills with a focus on growth, overcoming barriers, gaining insights, and releasing pain and negativity.
This ritual draws on the same concepts as the Spiritual Phonecall I’ve shared earlier:
It begins with the preparation of materials: Hekate’s sigil, a ceremonial dagger or wand, a drop of my own blood, and a pendant symbolising Hekate. Placing my blood on Hekate’s sigil serves as a physical anchor for my intentions and empowers the connection.
I start with the words, “Hekate, with your dagger I pierce the veil between life and death.” And I visualise the sigil as a window into a void, a nothingness that holds everything. Controlled breathing acts as a grounding technique, pulling me deeper into a meditative state where thoughts fade and imagery sharpens.
The moment between breaths becomes the threshold; a portal into the void that I step through willingly. This space between breaths, though fleeting, is where the connection happens, a moment of potential where I am suspended between worlds.
Communicating with Hekate is both intimate and expansive. Dwelling in this space, I am in her domain, under her protection and guidance.
The closing of the ritual, marked by the words “It is done,” signifies a transformation, carrying with me the lessons and power bestowed by Hekate, ready to face the world with new insights and an enriched spirit.