🕔 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

I just want to say thankyou for all that you do for me. You have really been like a guardian angel :heart:

Ps. Wanted to tell you how much growth you have been showing. I see it and I feel it. Since I came here I’ve seen you shift. I’m so proud of you I truly am.


Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up XVIII - A Witch’s Intuition - ENTRY

What is Intuition?

According to Francisco with Spells 8:

“Intuition is a capability of the mind that can manifest itself without warning. It is the feeling of knowing something but ignoring how we know it. It is a skill that we all possess. Practice helps to develop it. The most important thing is that it allows us to reach conclusions without a starting point or clear reference in sight. Using our intuition holds the key to personal success.” (Francisco, Spells8, 3/2024)

My whole life has been based on intuition. Intuition is my strong point. I use my intuition for everything. For example, At the age of 16 years old, I used my Intuition to set goals for myself:

  1. I would graduate with Regents and never go to summer school.
  2. I would not get pregnant before I got married.
  3. I would be married in a white dress in a church.

I managed to accomplish each and every one. Unfortunately, I did not go any further with my goals. I used my intuition at my first job …

  1. I told myself I would marry a guy that worked there. (6 months later we were married for 8 perfect years)

I did not set an “in the event goal”, meaning, I got divorced and was lost…nothing was clear to me anymore.

"Without intuition, magick can be a lot of guesswork. You have to guess what ritual to use, guess whether it’s working, and guess what the magick’s trying to tell you. If you learn to hone your intuition, everything becomes clear. " (galleryofmagick,12/2017)

According to *Intuitive Witchcraft, * APRIL 2020 (42) BY ASTREA TAYLOR (AUTHOR) Intuitive Witchcraft also offers insights from some of the best writers, thinkers, and leaders in their fields, helping you become your most empowered self. Discover how to work with energy, interact with deities and spirits, and create a personal practice that fits your beliefs and lifestyles. (Taylor, 2020)

Learn to face your shadow side, make the mundane magical, use divination tools, and much more. (Taylor, 2020) Whether you’re a beginner or advanced practitioner, this incredible book illuminates the path to manifesting your greatest desires in an intuitive way. (Taylor, 2020)

Make Intuitive Magic

The steps below, which are all have the influence of intuition, are used together to incorporate intuitive rituals and magick:

⦁ Cast a circle in your intuitively chosen manner.
⦁ Call upon the gods or spirits that resonate with the magic.
⦁ Speak your intuitive intentions and goals out loud.
⦁ Raise the energy until you intuitively feel it reach a higher level.
⦁ Use your personal correspondences for the magic (perhaps with the intuitive magical action).
⦁ Perform the intuitive magical action.
⦁ The work is done! Release the energy toward your intentions and goals. Envision the energy doing the work you desire.
⦁ Release the gods/spirits.
⦁ Release the circle.

Extra Tips for Developing Your Intuition (Francisco, Spells8, 3/2024)

⦁ Each morning take some time to meditate. This prepares your conscience to receive information.
⦁ When you feel you don’t know what to do, change your routine. Take a walk, call someone you haven’t seen for a long time, eat something out of the ordinary, etc.
⦁ Play with your senses. When faced with a difficult decision, try asking “what does it smell like?”, “What does it taste like?”, “What does it sound like?”.
⦁ Learn to identify how “Yes” feels in your body, and how “No” feels.
⦁ Imagine how each situation feels inside your body.
⦁ Evaluate the level of satisfaction that each decision gives you.
⦁ In case of having to decide between two options, imagine that they are two doors. Try to see what the doors are like and what’s behind them.

The intuitive part of me has kept me alive in more ways than I could ever explain. I have challenged my intuition and proved to myself how important my intuition is. I was very excited when I found out I can combine Intuition and Magick! I have really been doing and practicing this combination since I was 6 years old. When other kids were jumping rope, I was concentrating on making door handles turn or having my pencil roll towards me, etc… although I did not realize I was practicing magick, I still continued to make things happen with my intuitive mind.

The Magick of Intuition – The Gallery of Magick.
Intuitive Witchcraft, APRIL 2020 (42) BY ASTREA TAYLOR (AUTHOR) Intuitive
www.Spells8.com, Francisco, 3/2024


Ugh, it’s been an anxiety-ridden 6 days and I haven’t had a chance to work on this until now. Here are my challenges.


I love these Catch-up Challenges! Unfortunately, I still seem to run out of time to even post the challenges that I started, and I would be about 85% done when the alarm :alarm_clock: buzzes and I am out of time again!!! I did manage to get one (1) Challenge completed!

You still have time to complete one, two or even three Catch-ups!

Mote It Be


Challenge Entry :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign: #3 divine masculine

So I decided to do the invocation of fire :fire:

So generally I think I usually have a lot of fire, but I think I possibly have a lot of the element water in me also. How that works I’m not sure, but I had been feeling pretty low lately. Due to a constant hurricane of shit (or shit storm however @starborn said earlier) This has had me feeling beat down and a bit defeated. You know after you’ve already cried about it. And the following days you have the dead 100 yard stare going. I felt like that. Anyway that’s why I decided to do this. Because I need to pull the fire back in. Fire can be painful but it’s also the driving force within me. It keeps me kicking and fighting tooth and nail. Even when I’m holding on by the skin of my teeth. I get emotional thinking about the fight and how bad I need this to keep my as$ moving.


@starborn Great entry I love this spell. I will be doing it soon. Letting go of old traumas and shifting focus has been a theme for me this eclipse season. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. I really appreciate you. Very impressive entry!

@john1 nice work with enchanting the bracelet, and I love candle work too.

@Kasandra i love Hank the dragon :dragon:

@amandakay i love every day magic. It makes the mundane full of wonder and joy.

@bj1 what an awesome wand! I love the adaptability bottle and chant! I love your travel altars… :heart:

@MeganB lovely desk alter. My desk gets out of control too so much! Loved lesening more about carnelian

@AIRAM beautiful bread :bread: that movie sounds epic.


Cosmic Curiosity,
I am not just blowing sunshine though every time you post you always grab my attention. But I noticed over some time you always have so much talent and tonight I find that you also do the hard work and you have a hudge heart. I truly feel a gifted to have your inspiration to do the hard work and I see you! I feel you! I always feel something real and authentic! I really enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you on a deeper level. Thank you for sharing your strength and admiration for the craft. The Moon really touched me, I have lost a brother but to be honest I did not now him at all but when I met my sister she had lost him and was very close. We tried to make up for time lost but I need to try harder.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
May you be blessed by the moon and the sun!


I have been running around tying to move my office and take care of cat stuff :upside_down_face: had to change the litter twice. I want to write more comments to everyone but i am running out of steam and need to get to bed cause i need to take Hrni in for another vet appointment… sorry so uch bitching… will post more tomorrow when i have time and energy.

Challenge Entry #1:
Thifty Wich
A few weeks ago i made my partner a grey felt heart sachet with red stiching. They struggle with a lot of anxiety so i made them an anti anxiety and protection blend of lavender, marjoram, rosemary, salt and Chamomile. While i sewed it repeat affirmations of love, calmheart and peace.

Challenge Entry #2:
I reconscrated my tarot to work with specific dieies with each deck. When i asked the, each their names. I realized that one that I thought would be Brigid actually told me its name was hecate.
I did a whole spread ro connect with Brigid today. And it was really eye opening.
This is the prayer used to consecrate the card’s :witch_pentacle:
Blessed Ones in whom I live, move, and have my being. From you all things emerge and unto You they do return. I ask this day for these cards to be blessed with clarity, love, and wisdom.

I ask for Clarity so that what I see and what I show to others is clear, makes sense, is transparent, accessible, and easy to understand. I ask for Clarity so that these cards work as the mirrors that they truly are – reflecting back to myself and to others the deepest truths which are already and always known by Soul.

I ask for Love so that all messages, all words, all visions received are brought forth in ways that are kind, compassionate, fierce, yet also gentle. I ask for Love so that these cards work as the wellspring that they truly are, delivering the healing waters that restore and bless into our lives even and most especially when the truths we need to hear are harsh and jagged.

I ask for Wisdom so that whatever is given by the cards and taken up by myself or by others is taken up with clarity and love intact and is put to use, practical and direct use, in the ways that are best. I ask for Wisdom so that these cards throw down true and their messages contain accurate descriptions of what is and what is to come but also and more essentially, what is always.

Thank you, tapa leat, merci, dioch. Mote it be.
This is from https://brianasaussy.com/how-to-bless-a-tarot-deck/

Challenge Entry #3:
Hearth tender
I did a prosperity and abundance spell last night with salt water

The simple water ritual brings you money for a whole month.

It only requires two ingredients and should be done on the first Sunday of the month.


1: A smooth glass filled with water

2: 2 tablespoons of salt. (Table salt or sea salt)

Please note it must be a glass cup or glass bowel.


On the first Sunday of the month, fill the glass with tap water and add one tablespoon of salt and allow it settle for an hour.

After an hour, wash your hands inside the mixture while you say this Prayer . "

Salt is my protective and will help me make my money multiply and never lack in my home."

So shall it be !

(Say it 3times) when washing your hand in the glass or bowl.

It is important that you do not dry your hands with anything.

Just let them air dry naturally.

After Washing

Use the same glass and the remaining water and put the other tablespoon of salt inside of it and set in a corner of the house.

Leave it there all day and all night for it to absorb any negative energy.

After 24 hours, empty the salt down the drain or flush down the toilet.

Remember to do this on the first Sunday of every month and see how your money begins to flow to you.

A very powerful way to attract money. Thank me later.

Safe hand witch shop https://www.instagram.com/safehandshop/ but decided to try it


Beautiful entries everyone :sparkling_heart:


The challenge Magickal Guardian Protector

My guide is Hecate
The gate of Catharsis
Anassa Eneroi The Death Queen
The Rebirth Ritual
My offering to her for a new beginning
Triformis Transformer
Drakana the Awakener
Enodia The Guide
Propylaia the gate keeper
Chthonia - the Guardian
Baboraphorba the catharsis
Lampadios- the light
Skotia - Darkness
Psychopump the soul
Rixipile Chain Breaker
Anassa Eneri the bringer of Rebirth



Aww thank you. Your kind woders brought a wee trar to my eye. It is humbling to receive compliments from those that you respect and admire. Im just me and dont try to be anyone else…perhaps i should keep doing that :smiling_face:

Thanks again

Blessed be


Challenge Entry - your magickal muse

According to Hesiodus’ Theogony the 9 Muses were born after the Olympian deities asked from Zeus that they needed someone to entertain them. So, to satisfy them, Zeus slept with the Pierian titaness Mnemosyne (Μνημοσύνη – means Memory).

But the muses ended up to be more than entertainment to the gods. The myth says that their mother trusted their upbringing to the nymph Eupheme, who later hired Apollo as their teacher so no one else can be better than them in music and arts. Actually one of the epithets of Apollo is Mousēgetēs that means Muse-leader.

Because of that THE MOUSAI (Muses) became the goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets. They were also goddesses of knowledge, who remembered all things that had come to pass. Later the Mousai were assigned specific artistic spheres:

Kalliope (Calliope), epic poetry;

Kleio (Clio), history;

Ourania (Urania), astronomy;

Thaleia (Thalia), comedy;

Melpomene, tragedy;

Polymnia (Polyhymnia), religious hymns;

Erato, erotic poetry;

Euterpe, lyric poetry;

Terpsikhore (Terpsichore), choral song and dance.

They were residing on the foot of Pierian Mountains (Pierian Mountains - Wikipedia) and Mount Olympus.

Here is their orphic Hymn (cc Orpheus is the son of Kalliope and Oeagrus – a Thracian King).

Μνημοσύνης καὶ Ζηνὸς ἐριγδούποιο θύγατρες , Μοῦσαι Πιερίδες , μεγαλώνυμοι , ἀγλαόφημοι , θνητοῖς , οἷς κε παρῆτε , ποθεινόταται , πολύμορφοι , πάσης παιδείης ἀρετὴν γεννῶσαι ἄμεμπτον , θρέπτειραι ѱυχῆς , διανοίας ὀρθοδότειραι , καὶ νόου εὐδυνάτοιο καθηγήτειραι ἄνασσαι , αἳ τελετὰς θνητοῖς ἀνεδείξατε μυστιπολεύτους , Κλειώ τ Εὐτέρπη τε Ѳάλειά τε Μελπομένη τε Τερѱιχόρη τ Ἐρατώ τε Πολύμνιά τ Οὐρανίη τε Καλλιόπηι σὺν μητρὶ καὶ εὐδυνάτηι θεᾶι Ἁγνῆι . ἀλλὰ μόλοιτε , θεαί , μύσταις , πολυποίκιλοι , ἁγναί , εὔκλειαν ζῆλόν τ ἐρατὸν πολύυμνον ἄγουσαι .

Freely translated in English

Daughters of Mnemosyne and thundering Zeus, O glorious Pieridian Musai, with the brilliant fame, you are desirable, multifaceted, because you give birth to the blameless virtue of all education, you nourish the soul and give the right direction to the intellect, and you are the guides you queens of strong mind who showed men the rites, which are celebrated with mysteries, you, Cleo, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Urania, and my mother Calliope, who are pure goddesses of great power. But may you, O gods, come to your mystics, who are many and pure, and bring them glory and zeal (desire for glory) lovable and much-praised.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK4OUwHDM1s (listen from 1:08)

But how can you work with the muses, if that is what you are looking for? First of all it is good to understand who is the one calling your name either directly or through your artist talents. Does that calling resonate with one of the arts they protect?

Then try to reach them through meditation, offerings, searching about them or any way you feel comfortable with.

For me it was a big WHY. Why do arts keep coming to my life even though I push them away, and every time they came back the impact is stronger than before? Then my best friend who knows about my path, jokingly said “It is because you are blessed by the Muses, duh.” And I was like wait what how can a muggle do better that me at that, and she continued “And If I had to choose one is Terpsikhore, I know you 24 years it just makes sense.” (Btw my friend is a Philologist, specializing in ancient Greek literature and also an opera singer)

And actually, that was a lightbulb moment for me. Everything fell into place. I have been around music and dancing (ballet, hip hop, now belly dance) since I was a toddler. And the truth is that when I do rituals especially with Aphrodite, I use dancing as this is the way that I can connect with the divine.

Right now, I am still trying to find out how to reach Terpsikhore (Τερψιχόρη–τέρψης+χορός pleasure + dance), but the basic mythology around her is this:

She is the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, Terpsikhore was named Muse of choral song and dancing, and depicted with a lyre and plectrum. She lends her name to the word “terpsichorean”, which means “of or relating to dance”.

According to Apollonius of Rhodes, Terpsichore was the mother of the Sirens by the river god Achelous. The Etymologicum Magnum mentions her as the mother of the Thracian king Biston by Ares. According to the Byzantine scholar Eustathius, Terpsichore was the mother of the Thracian king Rhesus by the river god Strymon.

Terpsichore - Wikipedia

Also searching I found out that there is an asteroid with the name of the muse and I tried to understand if the position of the asteroid means something but I could not find straight answers. All I could find is that the asteroid is in Gemini and that a lot of famous dancers had it in Gemini as well. Celestial "Musings"—Asteroid Terpsichore in the Natal Charts of Dancers | Daykeeper Journal Astrology

In my plans is to find more about the muse and even thinking of making an altar for her.


These are so beautiful! You are talented!


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

3…2…1… and the clock stops! This challenge has now ended, closing the curtain on all previous challenges (well, at least until the next Catch-Up Challenge!)

A big bravo to all of the witchy challengers this week! :clap: No matter which area(s) of magick you explored and put on display for your Coven this week, thank you so much to everyone who jumped in to partake in the 190th challenge :tada:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :clock5: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Award Post for the Catch-Up Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


I think so, too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s really nice.

I also feel very satisfied when the kitchen isn’t a mess. So I have been doing my best to randomly walk into the kitchen and just put things away. And ask my partner more often to do that for us. :smile: It’s slowly becoming more stable. I mean, in a clean and tidy state more often. :thinking:

Words are failing me… Well, I am failing words. :laughing:

That sounds like it’s working as well as it needs. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Those of us who are not used to people being nice to us at all can be very shocked when things start to change. But it’s a good change and lovely of you to do that for her. :smile:

That’s a beautiful wand. :black_heart: I love the runes and their meanings. Thank you for sharing.

What a transformation! That’s amazing. :star_struck:

That bread looks delicious! :heart_eyes: I will have to make some sometime. But now I’m hungry… :laughing:

I didn’t know there were so many types of fairies. This was interesting. :smile: Thank you~

It sounds like you’re actually doing a great job at this! Those are quite a few wonderful activities. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. :laughing: Those are beautiful red berries. They really do look magickal!

Wow, what an amazing and heartfelt entry. This was beautiful to read. Thank you for sharing. :black_heart:

This sounds a lot of fun! I hope it goes well. :smile: And I’m glad I could be of assistance. :bowing_woman:

That is such a cool idea. :astonished:


Whoa. It doesn’t look like it. Wonderful work. :black_heart:

That sounds quite useful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I feel like I should do something similar.

Thank you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are quite the amazing witch yourself, you know? :wink: :black_heart:

Aww! :face_holding_back_tears: Thank you. :people_hugging: :black_heart: I have also felt it. I’ve become so much better at so many things and in such a short amount of time that it feels surreal, as though a year ago was really five years ago. I feel like I owe it a lot to my guides, both of the spiritual and the earthly kind (yes, that means humans such as yourself :laughing:).

Big hugs! :people_hugging: :black_heart:

Yeah, hurricane seems to put it the most accurately. :cry:

I’m glad you are finding the energy and peace to do so. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Wishing you many wonderful releases.

I feel the same, @Cosmic_Curiosity. She’s definitely onto something. :smile:

That’s exactly where I’m at right now here as well. :laughing: Sat down to relax and catch up a bit on the forum after my fifth day of this ritual I’m doing and I’m already almost spent.

That’s such a beautiful gift. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope it brings them peace.

What a beautiful realisation! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The muses really interest me, but I have yet to get around to delving more into them. Thank you for sharing this. :black_heart:


Thank you!