⏰ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch Up!

I found this at the thrift store! 3 dollars was a good find for the cheapies in my magical experience. I am going to make a Fairy Garden 🧚‍♀️

Blessed be
I’ll send you a pic of my fairy Garden too when it’s done. This is going to be so fun!


It sounds like your scrying led you towards something wonderful, @Christina4 :star2: And such a lovely crystal too! Well done with your magick in the dark! :grin:

The holiday season is always so busy, I figured it was high time for a chance to catch-up! And I know some have been extra busy- I hope you are settling into the exciting new house and finally having a chance to relax, @MeganB! :heart:

Wonderful! Good luck with your appointment, @Susurrus! I’m looking forward to seeing your lovely shower ritual :shower::sparkles:

Lovely crystal grid and great find at the thrift store, @Jeannie1! :star_struck: It’s always wonderful to find treasures while saving money- I am sure your fairy garden will be beautiful :fairy: If you’d like, this would be a great entry for the thrifty witch challenge! :clap:


I wanted to share this when we were celebrating Yule and I just never got to it. I think it may fit into Kitchen Witchery or Holiday Cheer.
When I was little my Mum would set out oranges and whole cloves and let us make POMANDERS. I still associate the smell of orange and spices with the Holidays. So here you go… This is how to make a

Pomander Balls: Phase 1



Orange: Find an orange which has no external bruises or signs of decay. Choose an orange that looks bright and smells perfectly for you.

ORANGES: Masculine
Planet : Sun
Element : Fire
Attributes : Love, Divination, Luck, Money

On a Sunday, poke whole cloves into the skin of the orange - If you find this difficult use a needle or a very light weight nail or tack to pierce the skin of the orange. Don’t go too deep in the skin, you want to avoid getting too deep into the flesh as you want the cloves to hold tight. The clove buds should almost touch each other forming circles around the orange. Once the fruit is covered with cloves let it dry out in a dry place preferably in a paper bag for at least 2 weeks, change the paper bag if needed. After two weeks prepare the following.

Pomander Balls: Phase 2


2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon of finely chopped bay leaves (use scissors)

1 teaspoon of ground cloves

1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon of orris root (you can use up to 1 teaspoon if you prefer)

Create a powder mix of the above. Please the orange in a large towel (or paper towel) and sprinkle the dust on the orange, repeating with any dust that has fallen off ensuring to cover the entire orange. Alternatively you can roll the orange on the powder but do this gently – I still advice to use the first method. Once finished let the orange sit for another 7-10 days. You should decorate the orange with a red or golden ribbon. When tying the orange say the following:

‘Tie the Ribbons three times round
for prosperity, and love and joy abound.
Golden lines of ribbon bestow
Luck, and blessings as we go.’

If you want to hang the ball I suggest to put the fruit in a square of tulle or netting to avoid any accidents. You can tie the ribbons at the top of the netting followed by the same chant.

You can tie the ball near a window or leave it as a decoration on the table. For extra potency place it on your alter during your Yule celebrations and leave it as long as you like. (Mum always hung them in the coat closet).

If the orange goes bad or for any other reason you need to dispose of the pomander do not worry. It has served the purpose absorbing any negativity. Simply bury it in the ground and say:

“ Gaea’s Orange the golden ball,
thank you for your gifts one and all.

Buried in this Earth, all negativity now leaves
Renew, restored, by brightest sun
Rest easy now your work is done…

Pomander Ball Recipe Source


Thanks for thinking about me! I do have a couple of these tho.


Travel Witch I am sorry oops :speak_no_evil:
I apologize I thought it was all together! I thought it was for ones that I missed.


Your Pomanders sound gorgeous, @berta :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And I bet they bring back treasured memories of holidays with your mother- thank you so much for sharing this heartfelt recipe! And an extra thank you for sharing the helpful magickal properties and links too :tangerine:

This lovely spellwork fits the bill for a few different challenges (Kitchen Witchery, Thrifty Witch, Creative Crafting, Holidiay Cheer) so feel free to choose which title you’d like- whichever you choose, you earned it! :heart:

No worries at all, @Jeannie1! :blush: You are right- this is the chance to “make up” missed challenges. Your lovely thrifty find fits perfectly with challenge number 3 (Thrifty Witch)- so I am happy to award you that title! Well done :clap:

Have you had a chance to start on your Fairy Garden yet? I am sure it will come out lovely! :fairy::two_hearts:


Ooops, I sure learned a lesson tonight… do not try to brew potions when tired! It makes it hard to treat the ingredients with due respect… good thing the worst thing that happened was breathing some alcohol fumes… not as fun as it sounds! :sweat_smile:


@CelestiaMoon LOL… hope you get some good sleep…and no more huffing alcohol ! Will be interesting to find out what you were brewing!


This is both exciting and mentally exhausting at the same time. :crazy_face:

The day I joined the coven was the day “Trying Something New” was first posted. It’s challenge ended on the day I met a magical friend in person for the first time.

“Celestial Exploration” was going on when I self initiated into Wicca and casts my first spell as a witch.

“The Thrifty Witch” was going on when my wife and I filed for divorce.

“Dream Magick” ended on the day I accepted my new apartment.

“Kitchen Witchery” ended on the day I moved into it.

“Moon Magick” was going on both during the happiest weekend of my life and on one of the darkest nights of my life.

While not a Weekly Witchy Challenge, mrs’ “Self Love Challenge” took place when I was definitely doing the opposite of self love. :no_mouth:

“Inviting Abundance” saw me move back home.

During “Books, Tomes, and Tales” my wife and I decided to stay married. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I could go on but I will skip to “The Veil Between Worlds.” It was then that I found out I needed to let go of my magical friend - maybe until our next lives. But it was also then that my life turned around for the better.

I don’t want anyone to feel down. Both ups and downs happened during the time the Weekly Witchy Challenges have been going on. I have grown a lot and learned even more during all of this time. @BryWisteria and everyone that has participated in these challenges, your stories are markers in my story. Your successes and failures and times of learning and sharing all mark major points in my 2020. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you.

The Weekly Witchy Challenges are a reminder that 2020 was an important year. There was a lot of loss and a lot of pain for many, if not most, of us. But there was also a growing connection between all of us in the coven because of these challenges. I am thankful for that.

So I don’t know which two I will choose to do this weekend but I know all of them remind me of why and how much I love Spells8.


Travel Witch ,
I got two tree stumps and I just need to find the roof for the garden! I would like to put some light in the garden and some furniture! It’s going to be so magical! I can’t wait then I am going to get my yoga swing and hang upside down from my tree. :evergreen_tree: Ill be able to see my fairy garden!

My pic in my living room, my husband found at a garage sale! Nice find :thinking: I think

Question is this page for all the challenges? I just got confused because I went to one of the sections I think it was the dream interpretation and said it was closed. I made a dream sachet.
I missed out, and been working all the time and trying to work with the little time I have.
Thanks for helping appreciate you Travel Witch so much! 🪢🧚‍♀️
Blessed be


This is so amazing did you record all the challenges? I went back through all of my mail and began to record dates. I didn’t want to forget neither. I got my calendar and marked what we did. I can appreciate your devotion. I thought I was the only person who did that! Only you were very specific on what was happening on that day! You give me inspiration to record better! So that is a very good quality to have. I love that you remember your day and details. Can you give me your routine? I wish I could remember what was happening during the times I did my challenges. I realized We are all going through something! I know you wrote this out to Travel Witch but It really touched me! I do appreciate your openness! I am very happy that your magical friend is there! And happy you both worked it out! Everyday I go to someone’s house and help people and everyone has there own story. I am so honored to be apart of everyone’s story and life! Thanks for sharing praecog29 you did so much! Good job :clap: I am so excited for you and your progress!


Dream Magic 5
I had a dream last night it was bad. Turns out I have a blockage in my life. I think it had something to do with my dream pillow.
The night before I did I little dream magic, I made a sachet and also stuffed my pillow with cedar wood chips, sandle wood, orange peel, lemon for new beginnings. I put lavender for calm, orange , mugwort for dreams , thyme to enhance my dreams. Also rose for the act of love during rest . And dragons blood for the spell to be enhanced! I just said a prayer that way I would have sweet dreams!

Blessed be


Wow… I think you have had more than just our simple WEEKLY CHALLENGE @praecog29 you have been living a reality of DAILY challenge. That’s a lot of stress to deal with in a short span of time… Unfortunately I know you are not alone - just with your own unique stressors. I hope you can look back on the posts and find some comforting self care… perhaps just indulge in a cup of tea or (soothing BEVERAGE OF YOUR CHOOSING) My sister gave me some really wonderful Hot Cocoa powder for Christmas. Glad you find comfort in our company. Hang tough. Trust in change and with your permission I will send prayers your way.


Thank you, @Jeannie1 and @berta. I don’t want to derail this thread but I did want to point out that with nearly every “milestone” the Spells8 community has discovered together, I’ve had a personal milestone happening at the same time. It’s wild to think about. Rest assured, I’m in the best place I’ve been in within the last few years. That, too, has been happening during these challenges.

I’m truly excited to take some of these challenges on and collect a couple more badges. I can’t help reflecting on my life’s journey over the last half of 2020 when I pick which ones to do, and maybe “mentally exhausting” were the wrong words to use, but I’m thankful for this wonderful group and the things we do to learn with each other and grow together. :grin:


:blush: Sounds good! @praecog29 Glad to know the road is smoothing out. Look forward to your posts.


I joined the coven around the time the Creative Crafting was going on. So with that I am going to join this catch up with that. I have been around but so busy hand blending Chakra oils with charged gemstones and doing research on which essential oils and gemstones go together. I have 5 of the seven main chakra oils completed. I also did chakra intention jars to go with these. Here are some pictures of what I have so far with my set up to start selling.

Each chakra oil and intention jar was charged during either the daily ritual that had the corresponding color for the candle and chakra or during the lunar ritual. Needless to say it ended up becoming all encompassing while I was snowed in for a few days and not able to drive to work. I have been keeping all the information and recipes in my Book of Mirrors so I can refer back to it when I need to.

I did miss everyone while I was away from the forum. I also was taking a step back from social media with what is going on here in the States. Interesting times we live in.

Blessed be! :sparkling_heart:


Crazy T,
I think this is work that came from within, the craft doesn’t happen over night! That’s determination girl! The bottles are beautiful and they are used through the lunar phases, which has a lot of inspiration and intentions! I have been collecting all my essential oil’s and soon I”ll have most ingredients! Definitely takes planning and being a super creative person to carry it all out! Awesome!
Blessed be


Dealing with the Divine
I really like Inanna I feel drawn to her most of all once Megan Black wrote poetry and made my soul feel blessed. I wanted to have her inner strength, and with her 7 powers I thought I could draw inward. She is a great mother & to me it sounds like the person I want to be like. For example being a good mom and being a nurturing mother. During the difficult times she holds my hands! Lifts up my heart :purple_heart: and helps me make good decisions! That’s exactly what I need so I copied Megan’s poem in my BOS and dedicated a page to Inanna! I found this pic online and helps me to understand her better. She went to the underworld, During this time it made me think of something I needed to do while I was still answering questions for my shadow work! She stands tall in front of a Lion :lion: who is her sacred animal! I always loved cats. Her life was restored after a fall and she went to the underworld. Something I do time to time. Her life was restored, it kinda reminds me of myself how my life is being restored and she came back to earth to claim her throne on earth! That’s my mission to be able to claim victory over my own personal demons.

Queen Inanna,
Goddess of Mesopotamian


Your gem rollers are lovely! I bet they smell nice, too! Please let us know when you’re up and running for business :slight_smile:


During this waning crescent :waning_crescent_moon: I have taking the time to reflect not only on this past month but on the past year. As I posted above, this coven has been so awesome during the start of my journey of being a non-broom-closeted (Is that a word? :thinking:) witch. You also have been awesome while my life took twists and turns and finally stabilized. :pray:t4:

On Friday I bought a silver candle. Normally I would light this during a full moon :full_moon: but I think my Goddess will be okay with me lighting it this weekend to honor her for carrying me through. (Outside, recent link to Science Daily discussing, “Religion, psychology share methods for reducing distress, study finds”.)

Also, on my FB, I mentioned how I was able to let go of the past and move on to my present. I also thanked my friends on there, some of them including friends from here, for their support in getting me back to health. (By the way, if you send a request for friendship, send a message to me so I know who you are. And please, don’t talk to me about politics. :sweat_smile:)

I mention all of this because it would be an honor if I could have the Moon Witch badge given in the Moon Magick challenge. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: