:consecrate_spell: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Consecration

I’m happy to talk about using it. Although it might be one of those topics we want to take somewhere else, @crystal59 and @Jewitch. I feel like this weekly challenge space is too wholesome and we’ll just create blocks of blurred text everywhere. :joy:


I would join the discussion!


@starborn I agree :rofl:


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To each there own I used my own period blood :drop_of_blood:
to boost my spell! I ended up putting it in a small bottle and it dried. But I honestly think it does help spell work. I haven’t done it in a while!

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Just adding in a direct link to the new post @starborn kindly created for easy access! :grinning: For all those interested, please feel free to continue the discussion about blood magick in the post in A Sacred Space :

[Content Warning] Blood Club

Blood magick related to consecration as part of this week’s challenge is still welcome to be shared here (with a thank you for using protective blurs to cover potentially sensitive content in this public space!) :pray:

Blessed be! :heart:


Challenge Entry - Consecration
I created my wand for Artemis a few challenges ago and had already worked out a plan for cleansing, charging, dedicating, and consecrating but I needed the full moon. This was absolutely perfect timing for this challenge!

Last night I cleansed my wand with palo santo smoke, then put it on the windowsill to charge in the moonlight overnight.

I lit my candle, called on Artemis, and then dedicated the wand to her, feeling her energy imbuing the wand.

I got a bowl of clean water and a sprig of Rosemary from my garden.

and dipping the rosemary in the water, blessed the wand, and finally consecrated it.


Artimesa- :potted_plant:
So beautiful!!!
I really am so honored!
Your alter space is so clean!
I wish mine to be so clean and beautiful!


My Headdress

Tomorrow I am going to a Celtic festival! I am excited and a bit nervous! I am going to bring my headress! I think it turned out okay :ok_hand:

:sparkles:I cleansed my alter space last night. I saged my alter and cleansed the room. ( Oija Board) I declare all negative impurities gone I cast out
All banefull and profane out! :black_heart:

:sparkles:Bringing in love and abundance and prosperity! :rainbow::sunny:
I have been working on this headdress for a year know! It takes me so long to get anything done :white_check_mark:
Here is a video on how to make
Antler Headress
For the full moon activation drawing down the moon
5 Lessons from “Drawing Down the Moon” by Margot Adler
I blessed my object

Which is very sacred to me. Since it’s a representation of the strength and vitality it is very special and has a deeper meaning! It is connected to my deeper world :earth_americas:

I also concentrated my tools to help me feel protected.
:sparkles:My journal and pen :pen: is a sacred object as well! I hope to write about everything!

Anyway this is my Goddess Crown :crown: I will wear this throughout the year to help remind me that “I am a Goddess”

Hers some witch things I delegated during the Witching hour, I wanted to consider these objects sacred and blessed!
I really want to try Hecates Keys and bless them. But for know I have one key the Stropholus the wheel of the year and some ancient symbolism that Hecate uses. My pendulum and a Skull :skull: that will help me to contact my ancestors when I need a guide.

I am glad I blessed my sacred objects it makes me feel so much more comfortable in my space. I am truly grateful for spells 8 for helping me have a sacred space to do my rituals!
Thank you to the Lord and Lady!
May you all have sweet dreams and be happy :blush:


@Jeannie1 your head dress turned out great!!! :heart_eyes: You did an Incredible job I really like how you added the spider :spider: in the center of the flowers it’s a beautiful touch im so excited for you for tomorrow :heavy_heart_exclamation: :grin: :hekate_wheel: :triple_moon_goddess:


Challenge Entry
Consecration of object
I bought a locket with the seal of the 7 angels
I lit a red candle for Archangel Michael the Warrior in the South
green candle in the North for Archangel Uriel protector of magic and guardian of the foundations of the earth
White candle in the East for Archangel Raphael the Healer
Purple candle in the West for Archangel Gabriel the Creator
In the middle I burned herbs, sage, lavender and fir
Spices red pepper, chamomile and vanilla
I passed the Talisman over the smoke saying the spell
The Guards stand at the four points and watch…
I ask them to cross the border
fire and storm flood and whirlwind clothe me wearing the Talisman
forces of Light will become a shield and burn you!
I finally put some blood on the Talisman
I thanked the Archangels and blew out the candles



Tomorrow I am going to a Celtic festival! I am excited and a bit nervous! I am going to bring my headress! I think it turned out okay :ok_hand:

It is beautiful and turned out fantastic. Enjoy the festival and the rewards for your labor of love.


Your head dress turned out beautiful! Have fun at the Celtic Festival! :deer:


Ooo I love :heart: these entries & how it made a completely new topic to be explored also!

As for others, this is a well timed challenge for me as well… I’m slowly getting into my room to tend to my altars, deities’ spaces & items, as well as others. I have some reprganization to do in there :thinking:

I’ll have to figure out what I would like to do for this 1 & soon it seems :laughing: Hopefully I can make it in there today or tomorrow :smiling_face:


I really adore your angel ritual. You want to know a secret :shushing_face:
I like angels too!
I have a beautiful song for you
Lisa Thiel
I am very different I except even angels in my circle!
With love and light


thank you so much honey!
the Angels fly where they are called and bring Light and peace!


I have bad news I couldn’t go to the Celtic Festival and really disappointed! It’s raining :cloud_with_rain: and I am afraid that going to Nevada in the rain and camping in the rain is to much for me.
Maybe next year


Challenge Entry-Consecration
I had had an idea for a small pendant I could put activated crystal chips in, small enough to wear or tuck in my pocket, I originally was going to do it for trial but it didn’t happen. I finally got out to get the pendant today. The crystal chips were previously consecrated and activated, now they’re just getting a top off in the moonlight. However I did consecrate the pendant by waving it over a bottle of sage essential oil instead of smoke and using the tool consecration ritual.


@ Catherine :candle:
I see you are using your creativity :star:I am so excited to see your pendant and how it turns out! I wonder what stones you will use!? I bet it will turn out so lovely!:star::star2::sparkles::star::star2::sparkles:


Sorry im still a little confused i tried reading the other bits / links but i was still a bit confused about which part was the consecration or was the cleansing charging and dedication the steps of consecrating something or have i completely missed the point.
Sorry i may of ran out of spoons today n kinda had a freak out did something productive despite that n then realised oh crap i still need to sort out the challenge but i even tried rereading and im still confused so i thought id just ask. Sorry if its a silly question


@Jeannie1 I’m sorry you didn’t get to go to the Celtic festival. I wouldn’t have been able to attend either if the weather was like that… it’s been pretty dreary here, especially on the weekends lately.

@catherine11 ooo sounds lovely! I am a big fan of crystals :star_struck: I have a few bracelets that are made of pieces of crystals… I’m going to have to look around for what I can find to make my own pendant or another piece of jewelry :hugs:

@Phoenix_Fire… so cleansing would be… removing any remaining or existing negativity from whatever it is that needs a good cleaning. Dedicating would be making something specifically for a certain use in your practice, like only for working with a certain deity or this pen is only for writing in your BOS or Book of Mirrors… or that is your pen for writing in any of your books related to your practice.

Consecrating an item or something is making it sacred & for use within your practice & basically whenever you use it, that something is being used within your practice only. Whether it is a pendant that you wear or a book that you read, a journal, wand, cauldron, mortar & pestle… whatever it is… you are making it sacred to you.

I hope that helps! :revolving_hearts: