Weekly Witchy Challenge Entry (catch up) #3: Mermaids

Magical Mermaids

During my childhood, my mother enchanted me with stories about her former life as a mermaid that were so detailed I believed her tales for years! So many of us are intrigued by these mythical creatures that Mermaid Day is observed every year on March 29.

Exploring the mermaid archetype or energy is a fun way to connect your practice with the fantasy spirit of the sea.

Why the Fascination with Mermaids?

Oceans cover more of our planet than land. People have been always been fascinated with the power, mystery and creatures of the sea. The idea of being able to live underwater and swim like a fish captivates the imagination.

Mermaids also represent untethered freedom, beauty, allure, romance and strength. It’s no wonder, then, that mermaids appear in stories, art and movies.

When we imagine things about magical creatures, we open our mind to possibilities beyond our everyday experiences. This is an essential ability for problem-solving and creativity.

Some movies that feature mermaids include Miranda, Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid, The Little Mermaid or The King’s Daughter. There is also an excellent documentary (streaming online) called Mermaids.

Legendary Mermaids

The legend of a woman with a fish tail goes back to ancient Assyria. According to legend, the fertility goddess Atargatis became a mermaid after jumping into a sacred lake. Ancient Greeks and Romans, who venerated Poseidon/Neptune, the god of the sea, expanded on the legend to include mermen.

For centuries, sailors, fishers and pirates have believed they saw mermaids in the ocean. Mermaids and mermen captured the imagination of Hans Christian Andersen, who wrote about a mermaid with human emotions and habits in the “The Little Mermaid.” It is this image of the mermaid that we love today.

Mermaid Magic

Mermaids are very good at getting what they want! Use mermaid-inspired rituals for intentions related to insight, self-empowerment, clearing away self-imposed limitations and embracing travel and adventure. Perform works during a waxing or full moon.

Mindful Mermaid Meditation

Hold an aquamarine in your hand. Concentrate on a happy memory of time spent by the ocean. Focus on that emotion. Now turn your thoughts to the mermaid (or merman). What does she or he represent to you? Freedom? Strength? Grace? Courage? Love? Do you want more of that in your life? Set that goal as your intention.

Mermaid Divination

Draw from a mermaid-themed oracle deck to discover messages it may have for you. With Tarot, work with the Suit of Cups.

Mermaid Astrology

Examine your birth chart for planets that may be in the sign of Pisces. Note the houses of these placements so you can identify what areas of your life may be most prone to mer-vibes.

Take a Mermaid Bath

Soak in a healing bath with sea salt or a marine kelp bubble bath. Light an ocean candle. Visualize your cares being washed away.

Crystals of the Sea

  • Aquamarine – the “Mermaid Stone,” is associated with the ocean and the sign of Pisces. Sailors carried it as a good luck charm. Use to increase intuition, psychic ability and empathy.
  • Pearl – this gem of the sea symbolizes sincerity and purity.
  • Larimar – the legend of the “Dolphin Stone” says this blue stone came from the lost city of Atlantis. Found in the Dominican Republic, it may enhance communication and understanding.
    photo credit: Soly Moses, Pexels.com

Sea salt is one of my favorite ingredients for self-care and cleansing work, it’s really purifying. I always feel clean and fresh after a sea salt bath :bath: :sparkles: :salt: :blush:

Love the mer-lore, magick, history, love, crystals, and more - I can tell that mermaids have a place in your heart, Mary! :heart: :mermaid: Thank you for sharing your mermaid wisdom :sparkles: