:witch_pentacle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Finding Your Witchy Talents

That is beautiful Georgia. I could be mesmerized by it all day!


Challenge Entry

My witchy talent is lucid dreaming. Do you ever have a really awesome dream and then you are awoken by your alarm? I can go back to the dream the next night. I have several recurring dreams too. Sometimes I wonder if the things in my dreams have to do with past lives. It’s rare when I dream and I don’t know that I’m dreaming. Those are usually nightmares. A few weeks ago I dreamed I was in a city and there were fighter jets flying over dropping bombs. There were explosions all around me. I have dreamed this before, but this time I didn’t know that I was in a dream. I remember thinking, I have had dreams about this and never died, so I’m not going to die now. I also have dreams about loved ones who passed away. Those are my favorite dreams.

On Thursday I told my coworkers that on Friday morning I had to get an ultrasound, which was true, but I just threw in that I needed to see how far along I am. The looks on there faces were priceless, lol! I’m to old to have babies. A few hours later my son sent me a picture of an ultrasound. He just sent the pic and didn’t say anything else. I sent back ??? and he’s going to be a dad! I’m going to be a grandmother again! Maybe I’m a little physic too?


Thank you @georgia I do cast spells without tools. Visualization is very powerful! When I cleanse my house my husband does the places I can’t get to, like my sons’ bedrooms. I visualize the smoke going in all the corners and throughout the room as my husband physically does it.
I have some indoor plants which I enjoy…if I don’t kill them! My husband has to water them as I cannot lift a watering can. I have some dirt from my flower bed and I play in it sometimes when I ground myself or just to feel connected to the earth!


May I borrow, with proper credit of course, this for my challenge part 2? I loved the way you did this and I think it would work well for the rest of my topics.


@Artemisia Of course. Feel free to use it :slightly_smiling_face:


Challenge Entry

I would say I have always been a witch but only decided to practice a year ago. My intuition has always been there ever since I was a child. I have always been a healer and been able to feel energies and how people are feeling. I guess I’m an empath.I love the moon and always stop to meditate when it is at its brightest as I feel more connected. I often cast spells of protection and ask for guidance and have had dreams with animals which I feel are my spirit guides that give me a sense of my surroundings. Through my journey of learning I feel more at peace with my self. Every day I mediate to ground myself as I have lived a life of chaos. Only within the past year I have felt more stronger and confident.

My spells I use candle magick I also wrote my own spells even though I do read and use others I like to adapt and I have an amulet of a pentagram which has the elements on and I feel my calling is using the elements. I have crystals and have them placed around my house and on my alter. I burn dragons blood and use sage and rosemary to cleanse my house.

I suppose I can add I craft as I make my own candles and made my own wand as well, I know I’ve uploaded it before but I haven’t had a chance to make my moon wand yet.

This is my altar everything in need is right here I don’t always use my tools but there on display.


Challenge Entry

It’s hard for me to say what my magickal talents are exactly, but I think it’s fairly easy for me to read tarot.

This may not count as a talent per se, but not all of our previous challenges have gone over topics that I am interested in. Still, I managed to figure out what to do.

And managing my time to the point where I can do rituals for the new moon, full moon, and sabbts is a talent… I guess. :laughing:


I’m from Scotland too :slight_smile: so much history with witches and we’re still going strong. I say we’re are the granddaughters they couldn’t burn.

I know what you mean we can be very hard on ourselves and tend to focus on what we’re not good at and sometimes the negative side of things but I’m learning to be more happy and content and proud. We are good caring bunch of people just sometimes comes across as aggressive and fearsome.


Challenge Entry :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign:

Ugh lol can’t lie it’s always harder to talk about myself. I don’t fully know myself to be honest.

One of my talents is my determination to find the truth, the real reason to life, to learn more in my practice. When I came to this path I had lost a lot of my determination and it’s been renewed.

I’m an empath and I can understand the look on anyone’s face and feel it. As an empath I have strength in raising those up around me. I am able to spread my light source to those who🥰 need it. My light is bright. This ties in with the protection of my heart and feelings and overcoming all the feelings and learning how not to take on the negativity from people that I don’t have to deal with.
Strength, I have found most of my strength. A lot of it being in the power of words. The power in my voice through my rituals and prayers. I feel power and my voice becomes louder and more powerful.

In the last week my telepathy with the spirits has intensified. I’ve been hearing more voices. I’m now able to Ask Lucifer a question at any point in the day as if he’s right there with me in my mind. It’s all starting to flood through. Somehow I’d like to learn how to better decipher the voices as who is who without having to make sure who it is. That would be something and super helpful

Also meant to say my new found bravery! Yes !! I have found my inner lion. I am transforming.i used to be afraid of the dark but @MeganB helped me get over that. I also was always questioning the norm, the Bible, everything. I always question everything. I have always been against the grain. I’m not letting myself be afraid anymore. :laughing: Now I have Lucifer by my side and love the demons.

Best I got. Still not great about talking about myself



Good idea.

I like the blue glow in the background.

OK, you caught my curiosity. What are you interested in? I might find something I’d like to try.

There used to be a beer commercial on TV with a line: “so be afraid of strawberries with gray hair, but don’t be afraid of the dark.” :blush:


Challenge Entry for Amethyst:

I believe that my biggest talent is my writing. Whether it’s poems, chants, or fanfiction, that’s what I get the most joy out of doing and I think I do it well. My favorite chant is my bedtime chant. I think it was well written.

As I lay my weary head,
I cast a circle around my bed.
North and South,
East and West,
help me get my needed rest.
Lord and Lady watch over me during the night,
So that during the day my magic may take flight!

Blessed Be!

But yeah, that’s what I think my talent is!


Beautiful. I agree. It works as a protective circle and as a sleep meditation.


My interests change depending on the season, but I would my main ones are candles, dragons, tarot, and tea mediation.


Thank you it’s from the tree I went for blue lights for my tree :slight_smile:

Daughter decorated it and I have a pentagram on the tree too


This is beautifully written :slight_smile:


Challenge Entry - Finding Your Witchy Talents: Part 2

Borrowing this lovely idea from

I’m using the Stop Light system as well to go over the rest of my talents and skills. Partly because there are some I am proud of but don’t quite have the energy to devote whole posts to and partly as a self-evaluation to remind me which areas I’d like to strengthen.

:green_circle: Strengths: this is an area I love and in which I have skill.
:yellow_circle: In Progress: this is an area I’m interested in, working on and researching but still need more time and practice.
:red_circle: Not My Cup of Tea / No Clue What I’m Doing. :laughing: Pretty self-explanatory but these are areas I have tried and either it did click with me or I have no aptitude for.

:open_hands:Creating/Crafting :green_circle: My favorite challenges are the ones in which I can make something. Many of my altar items and tools, I’ve crafted by hand. Not only do I find joy in creating something with my own hands, I find that I connect more deeply with things I’ve made vs those that I’ve acquired.

:wand_tarot: :cup_tarot: :pentacle_tarot: :sword_tarot: Tarot :green_circle: This is one of the first aspects of Magick that I was drawn to and while I don’t consider myself an expert, I am very comfortable working with tarot and reading cards.

:person_in_lotus_position: Meditation/Visualization :green_circle: I was introduced to meditation/visualization 30 years ago and have a good grasp of it. I am capable of reducing my heart rate, increasing or decreasing my body temperature, and relaxing. I will admit I don’t do it as often as I should recently.

:wunjo: Runes :green_circle: While I haven’t been using them as long as I have tarot cards, I really love and have an aptitude for reading Elder Futhark runes. It wasn’t until I made my own set in bronze that I was able to solidly connect with this practice.

:teapot: Teas :green_circle: Over the past year or so, I’ve enjoyed learning about and creating my tea recipes for both ritual and health purposes. It’s been another outlet for my need to create as well and produce wonderful drinkable teas!

:flower_playing_cards: Lenormand :green_circle: This is a newer skill but in an area that I enjoy and fascinates me. While I’m not comfortable enough to read for others, I am comfortable and confident in reading for myself. I’ve got a new deck coming for my birthday that I’m absolutely excited about.

:black_joker:Oracle :green_circle: I hadn’t heard of oracle cards/decks until a few years ago, but once I found a few decks that resonated with me, it was clear that this was another divination/introspection tool that I have skill with.

:witch_cauldron:Potions :yellow_circle: This is an area that I don’t do as much as I’d like but would like to do more. I’ve created my own consecrating oil and mugwort oil.

:rock:Crystals :yellow_circle: I adore crystals and always have. I was the little girl who would come home from a walk with her pockets filled with pretty rocks. I still enjoy creating jewelry with them and collecting them. I don’t have a lot of experience with using them in grid work. I think I’ve only done 2 grids but would like to learn more.

:herb: Herbalism :yellow_circle: This is one of my newest loves and I absolutely love learning about herbs, their actions, and their uses. I’ve started growing them in my garden for my harvest and have created a THC/CBD salve for pain but I have so much more to learn and am looking forward to it!

:dagaz:Ogham :yellow_circle: I am absolutely intrigued with the Irish Tree Alphabet and using staves for divination. This feels like another area where once I’ve made my own set to connect and bond to, it will click and I’ll feel more comfortable as I practice and learn.

:luggage: Astral Projection :red_circle: Not an area I have much interest in or skill.

:sleeping: Lucid Dreaming :red_circle: While I would love to be able to do this, I haven’t been able to yet. It’s either going to take much more time and practice or it’s a skill that’s not in my set.

:aquarius: Astrology :red_circle: I have really only a passing interest in it. I’ll look up specific things on occasion like my sun/moon sign but it’s not an area that connects with me.

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:Palmistry :red_circle: I enjoyed looking into this for a past challenge but it didn’t resonate with me.

:ghost: Spirit Work :red_circle: This is a big nope. It’s an area that I’m not comfortable with and don’t have any need to work in this area.

:grey_question: Clairs :red_circle: I find this whole area intriguing but I have no aptitude in any of them.

Thanks again @Cosmic_Curiosity for creating this wonderful scale and for allowing me to use it in this challenge!


Thank you @georgia!

@kirsty4 you are a very talented witch and your tree is beautiful!

@Amethyst you write beautifully!

@Kasandra I love you and your dragons!

@Cosmic_Curiosity I love your self assessment with the traffic lights. I’m going to try that out! My only green light would be sleep. Lol!

Awesome job with the traffic light system @Artemisia!


Congratulations @Ostara :clap::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:


Thank you Devenne!


Thank you so much but credit goes to @Cosmic_Curiosity who created the system, I just copied it! :blush: