:witch_pentacle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Finding Your Witchy Talents

He has inspired me to try it out too!


Aww thank you very much :triple_moon_goddess:


Your welcome! I can’t wait to see your moon wand!


Maybe we should do a candle challenge since that is something you’re interested in. I love candles too and always have plenty burning plus I make my own too. :white_candle:


I have been making little spell candles from tealights. I use a candle warmer to melt the wax and the color, crystal and herbs. It work’s great!


Maybe take me some time but I do have almost everything needs just need to make some time maybe I’ll take some time off from work and meditate and have a go a finally make my moon wand :triple_moon_goddess:


I understand about the time thing!


Oh amazing will have so see some pics always love more inspiration and ideas. I have a few tealights myself just white ones maybe I can decorate them. I added little charms to my wax burner to make it my own as I love the triple moon symbol


These are the first ones I’ve made. I have improved, but I don’t have pics!


These are beautiful do you add fragrance too


Yes, I did with some. It’s a lot less messy when you use a candle warmer then melting wax on the stove. I have been meaning to use a 7 day candle and see what I can come up with. It just takes time! Lol!


lol we both will get there ha will make time for us eh :slight_smile:


@Ostara They’re great :green_heart:


Thank you Tracy. You were cheering me on when I was making them. Lol!


Id love to do these some day. With all my research and earthly duties it’s hard to fit it all in :joy: so cool


@kirsty4 the symbols look lovely so creative. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I learned a tea spell from “Charmed”…lol.

Mote It Be


Aww, thank you, dear heart!

Thanks, love! It’s one of my favorite prayers.

Thank you! I’m glad you liked it!


I have been mulling over this challenge since it started, not really sure of the direction I wanted to go. I know I have many talents and interests, but I think I want to talk briefly (because brain is tired) about how my mundane interests play a role in my magical ones.

First, fiber arts. Of course, this encompasses a lot of things. I enjoy the act of creating something by hand - bonus points if it’s useful! I enjoy working with color and finding a good combination. I enjoy the love of a good gift given from my heart to someone I care about.

A different way to look at my love of fiber arts, though, is the ability to weave the strand(s) together to create something entirely new. When I first watched Discovery of Witches and learned what a weaver was in the show, it just clicked. Seeing the different paths, all the different possibilities and potential, is a must-have for crochet. It’s also something I’ve gotten very good at in a magical sense. The different energies at play can be isolated, moved, and combined to create something new and unrecognizable.

This is part of why I encourage new witches to start with their interests. When you start with something you love (or at least enjoy), it is easier to make other connections and see from new perspectives. If I wasn’t a fiber artist, I may have still made these weaving connections, but working with fibers made it much easier for me to see.

I am also pretty good at tarot, though some days are more of a struggle than others. My enjoyment of tarot comes down to my desire to be of service and help people. It’s much easier for me to connect with the cards while being helpful than it is to connect with them for myself. Again, my mundane interest in helping others comes into my witchcraft practice.

I can’t think of much else right now, but I’m sure there’s more to add!


**challenge entry **
So i thought id do a bit of art magic using my paint by number phoenix painting and some solar water energy and the moon energy of the waning cresent moon. / dark/ new moon

So i started with using some recycled jars had put aside and put some water in one and left it out over the late afternoon which i associated to the waxing cresent of the day, its not dark or night ( dark moon) but its the end of the day right before that, as the waning cresent moon is for the moon cycle. I put the jar out between 4 and 8 (not exact time, but between 4-4.30 and wheneve iy was almost dark n sun had gone down. . Were in summer here incase wondering for those in north hemishpere)

This water was to be used when mixing with paint as needed or when cleaning brushes. I chose the Phoenix picture cause i am going through a transitional stage where i feel im having to climb out of the ashes again and learn to fly, so there is also the symbolism of the image as well as the colours.

Ive been hesitant to work on the painting incase i mess it up but i chose solar energy of solar water and the fact its waning cresent to symbolise courage and burning away the past ( colours of flames of phoenix red, orange, yellow ect) before new begginings as the new moon comes ill collect new moon water and so on through process of completing the painting as i also work on my own healing and burning away as it were all that didnt serve me and stepping out of the ashes to spread my wings and fly into a brighter future. I thought of using moon water but as i was anxious about starting i thought maybe the positivity and passion and courage of solar energy aroynd this time of the moon might give me a little of both ( though mostly solar energy at first then i can use the moon water of new moon ( as once i start im sure i will be more confident ) and move through the process of leaving what doesnt serve me behind and starting a new chapter.

This is my canvas and material ready to go before i started ( yeah i was wtiting this post over a period of days adding more as i did more):laughing:

Started on my painting. This is day 1, using some of my sun water that i previously made to wash the brush with

Obviously i still have some ways to go but ive got plenty of water. Ill also collect moon water around new moon for new begginings to show not only of teleasing( burning away ) things that no longer serve me but also starting anew just as the new moon is darknesd as the moon 'travels ’ into the full brightnesd of the full moon. So to does the phoenix emerge from the darkness buried in the ashes of the past into a new life and brighter future :grin: