I’m finally getting back on my challenge game! Yay!
This morning I got up to discover that it is a dreadfully dismal day! Dreary and misty… I love these kinds of days (as long as I get to stay in!). It was quiet this morning, so I lit all our twinkle lights, brewed my favorite coffee, and set to work on a simmer pot.
I found this simmer pot recipe a few days ago, it’s similar to one that I already do, but it had the ingredients and magickal correspondences listed. Here’s the link!
Yule Simmer Pot
The simmer pot includes:
Orange slices to symbolize the return on the sun
Pine (I used some EO so I didn’t have to go out in the nastiness) to banish negative energy
Nutmeg for luck
Cinnamon to cleanse the space
Rosemary for protection
Ginger for warm sun energy
pomegranate for prosperity and change. You are supposed to make an intention for each seed you put into the simmer pot. I didn’t have any pomegranates, so I just made one big intention for the pot.
My house smells lovely and wintery and it was such a lovely way to start the morning. Slow mornings, which I don’t get to have very often, are always such a gift to me!