šŸ«¶ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - HandCrafting

Thank you @MeganB.
I was really surprised that the bench turned out that good. Iā€™m thinking about putting some moss on it to hide some of the glue.

:boom:Your crochet oracle bag turned out awesome. You are really good at crocheting.

So many great crafts this week made my idea list grow! I bought a couple sets of knitting needles at an estate sale a few weeks ago so Iā€™ve been trying to learn knitting. I think I still prefer crochet :wink:

Have a great day :rose:


Thank you, they actually help keep me grounded & present because I donā€™t put them all in one area, so every time I move one scent is stronger than the other or the one scent is stronger in some areas & not as strong in others areas at other times. Itā€™s hard to explain, but it keeps me from floating away so Iā€™ll take it! :laughing:


@Sarafeena_Sage ā€“ I think moss would be a good addition to the little bench :blush: and thank you for the compliment on my bag! Itā€™s nice and soft and fits perfectly! Iā€™ve always wanted to knit because I feel like there is so much more that can be done with knitting but alas I prefer one hand over two :joy:

Interesting! I kind of get what you mean :thinking: I might have to try something similar.


Iā€™ve learned a lot in the last 6 months. Itā€™s just finding how to use what for the best results in different situations. If I think of any other things Iā€™ll let you know!

Also sometimes tweaking things so they also work with my practice is always a benefit :smiling_face:


Thank you so much! Iā€™m glad I tried this!


Look at Tunisian crochet! If knitting and crochet had a baby, it would be Tunisian crochet. I tried it recently and it was kind of fun. Alas, I have it up because the project was huge and it was frustrating, but Iā€™d like to try it again on a smaller scale soon!


Honestly I didnā€™t have much time but I started thinking what I would like to conjure up in my life and used some symbols that are magickal!



I made a spells 8 candle awhile ago and I push out all the negative energies out while I turn the candle counter clockwise direction then I say clockwise bringing in all the light and bringing prosperity and protection to all of my spells 8 family and infinite roots family

You can do it with tissue paper too here is how to do it!
Transfer candle for spells 8 candle
Spells 8 transfer paper techniques for candle
I just wanted to say u all did beautiful work and you all inspire me so much! With love and honor I honor all of you!
Love and light :high_brightness:

Blessed be!


I agree! :sparkling_heart:


Iā€™ve made a few things with Tunisian crochet! I just havenā€™t ventured too far into it :sweat_smile: I feel like I would need to work with finer yarn and thatā€™s not something Iā€™m used to. I generally work with a DK or worsted weight, usually never anything less than a 4 :laughing:


@MeganB the reason I stopped the Tunisian (it was on THE blanket when I first started it) was because it was heavy and hurt my hand. I hadnā€™t considered a lighter yarn. I have to get some needlesā€¦ I borrowed the Tunisian hook from a friend, but I think I want to start with like a dish cloth or something small. The stitch was beautiful, but it just wasnā€™t the right time or project.


I want to make a tanktop or some kind of shirt. The issue I have is thatā€™s a large project that requires multiple skeins of yarn, usually, and Iā€™m impatient :laughing:


@MeganB i feel you! Iā€™ve only been crocheting since 2018, so Iā€™m a little intimidated by projects that require too many skeins! I recently learned how to do a magic knot that made color changes sooo much better. Iā€™m a fan of ombrĆ© yarns. I just finished this virus shawl (terrible picture, but Iā€™m using it as a blanket this second). Right now I am trying to finish up some works in progresss before I jump into a moss stitch baby blanket for my parapet. I need some easy wins after that last project! LOL!

Ok, the picture wonā€™t load right now, but Iā€™ll take a pretty one and send it to you in a bit!


And the last batch of entries- last, but certainly not least! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Rowan The candle is absolutely beautiful- I am sure it is going to burn brightly with all of the wonderful attributes you infused into it! And congrats to your girls on their new jobs at the donut shop :blush::doughnut: They are both very blessed to be heading off to work with such loving blessings from their mom- beautiful work on the candle!

@IrisW Thank you for sharing the Infinite Roots coven symbol pdf! :pray::infinite_roots:

@Amaris_Bane That is a gorgeous box :heart_eyes: You took something that was nice and made it exquisite- what a perfect home for your decks! Now thereā€™s just one problem: their new home is so nice that they arenā€™t going to want to come out for readings anymore! :laughing: :+1:

@crystal5 Your shawl is beautiful, Crystal, and I love that it is going to hold the essence of summer in it- that is going to be perfect to keep you warm and thinking of happy summer days during the dark months of winter! So lovely! :heart:

@Mistella Witch bells! Witch bells! Hooray! :partying_face: They came out absolutely gorgeous, and my heart was singing while I read your description of each element you included and why you chose it- you put so much thought and care into crafting these bells, Mistella, and it really shows! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Your son and his girlfriend are very blessed indeed- they are so lucky to have you! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work :sparkles:

@Reiko The pic showed and itā€™s lovely- that is an awesome poppet, Reiko! :clap::grinning: I also think the gingerbread-style pattern is very charming, it makes for a good idea with plenty of space inside to put your herbs. The sigil and ā€œstitchesā€ are very creative touches too- I love how it came out! :heart: Despite not being confident with the theme, you did a really great job- thank you for jumping in and sharing your fun crafting! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Artemisia They dried really quickly- I think your herbs were excited to be turned into a wreath! :laughing: And ohhhh how lovely it is- I love the balance between the greenery and the bright flowers. They will continue to be bright and cheery for you long into the winter- that is one happy wreath! :sun_with_face: And the bags!!! Ahhh!!! :heart_eyes: It looks like you are having fun with crafting them, and they are a delight to see! Thanks for sharing, Kat- enjoy your new treasures!

@Susurrus The chakra rollers look lovely- what a fun idea to give a new life to the broken bracelet and add the chips to each bottle, thatā€™s awesome! :gem: And Iā€™m always in awe of your altar space, it is so beautiful! :sparkling_heart:

@Sarafeena_Sage You sewed those pentacle patterns, Sarall!?! Thatā€™s amazing! :star_struck: Goodness, they turned out stunning- may I ask how you plan to use them on your altar? Will you make a banner, or place them around the space? I am sure whatever you do, they will be lovely! :heart: And the triangle and bench are gorgeous too- to master so many different styles of crafts, you are such a talented crafter, Sarall! :partying_face:

@Phoenix_Rose Adding beads to the crocheted bag is such a fun idea- I cannot wait to hear how it turns out, Maudot! :heart_eyes: Happy crafting!

@Amethyst Youā€™re very welcome, Amethyst- Iā€™m happy you tried it too! Proud of you! :heart::sunflower:

@Jeannie1 Your symbols are beautiful, Jeannie- each one is a physical and tangible representation of the important things in your life. They are all very powerful! :muscle: :two_hearts: And I really love the Spells8 candle you made too- you light it with such beautiful and loving intentions. Lots of love and appreciation to you as well, thank you for helping to share creativity and inspiration! :candle::sparkling_heart:

And with that, I believe all entries have been accounted for! (As always, if I accidentally missed anyone and you didnā€™t get a reply and/or the badge you earned, please shoot me a message so I can fix it!)

(And awww thank you so much to @crystal5, @AileyGrey, and @Phoenix_Rose- Iā€™m so grateful and have so much fun seeing everyoneā€™s entries- it takes a while, but the least I can do is write a few words back to everyone to say thanks! :heart:)

Challenges are always exciting for me to see how everyone tackles the theme, and I have to admit itā€™s pretty bittersweet to be bringing this one to a close! I had so much fun and was so inspired by everyoneā€™s creations this week- thanks again to all who joined in! :people_hugging: :two_hearts:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


@AileyGrey & @MeganBā€¦ what is this Tunisian Crochet that you speak of? :face_with_monocle: I love to make things & if itā€™s a different type of stitch pattern, I would love to learn a new way to crochet! I am a fan of the ombre yarns too, I enjoy making things with multiple skeins, but when I was learning, I made a lot of blankets of varying sizes. Dolls, infants, small children, adults, throws, twin, queenā€¦ lots of blankets :flushed: I am very intrigued thoughā€¦

@BryWisteria thank you, the chips were too small to add to my chakra stones bags, but I thought the extra boost in the rollers was a good idea & would help mix the oils together when I shook or flipped them. Also, thank you for my altar! Thatā€™s one thing I keep up on each day with making sure itā€™s tidy & thereā€™s room to work.


whBeautiful entries everyone! My puppers Franklin had an allergic reaction that ive been dealing with since Monday evening. So my plans to do the witches ladder fell throughā€¦He was miserable hives, vomitting, diarrhea until this morning.

Heres some pics of his hives and swelling of his face. And him enjoying a fruit popsicle. I had to pull up his water only allowing him a drink every 30 minutes, but he loved licking the popsicle.
Thank you @BryWisteria for the challenge and new badge!
Bless-ed Be


P.S. Yes thats a Hekate bead chain attached to his harness and a pouch of crystalsā€¦lol. I whispered Hekates protection last night to him and this morningā€¦Frankie is better.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Tunisian Crochet :yarn:

Oh my goodness, much love & healing your way Frankie by way of @Rowan! Iā€™m glad that heā€™s feeling better. You may have found a new favorite summer treat for him! :two_hearts:


Thank you @BryWisteria for the lovely compliments. I plan on using the pentacles as a centerpiece on my altar. I just wanted more colors to coordinate with my spells and to have my decor match :wink: I will use them one at a time on the altar or anywhere I feel needs some protection.

I finished up the little shelf and added some moss to the bench. Hereā€™s a look at them finishedā€¦

and Iā€™m almost finished with my flower of life project. I canā€™t remember who had this idea but I read about it in the forum. I think it was a great idea!

I used a flat clear glass plate and traced it with a paint pen. I canā€™t wait to consecrate it so I can put it to use!
Thank you who had that idea :rose: :rose:
I think I better do laundry today :weary: Iā€™ve been too distracted at my craft table lately :yum: Its been a blast!