❤ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Love Magick

I am joining you. Today is a fantastic day for Self-Care and a ritual sounds like a great plan!


For this challenge I decided to go with something simple but is a constant reminder for me. My focus is on self love. Each day I have been picking out a different crystal that resonates with me and has qualities to help me focus on loving myself. I place the crystal for the day in my pocket and throughout the day when I place my hand into my pocket I’m reminded of the properties and to love myself. Some different crystals I’ve used so far are rose quartz, carnelian, and turquoise.


Weekly Challenge Entry - Love Magick :heart:

I had cleansed the mirror prior to working on this spell this evening for the purposes of self-love. I placed it in the center of the altar & used black eyeliner to write clockwise:

  • I am Beautiful
  • I am Loved :heartpulse:

I set up my altar around the mirror :mirror: with my statue for Brighid :triquetra: , Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Garnet, Blue Agate, coins, my chalice (that needs a polishing) with water, selenite athame, lavender incense, a white candle for cleansing & purification, a black candle to keep away/absorb negativity energies, & a pink candle for self-love :heart:

I’m letting the incense burn out as well as the candles. I wrote it in black eyeliner pencil, so it doesn’t really show up on the mirror well.

I have another handheld green bakelite mirror :mirror: also a family heirloom that I had made a beauty mirror also from this spell, I may have to cleanse & re-do the spell for that mirror. They are the only 2 mirrors that I’m the only person who would use them.



It’s time for a friendly reminder!

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: February 15th, 7:00 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time Zone)

Blessed be! :heart::blush:


I hope this is the start of many self love days for you. You need it and very much deserve it. I wish you luck in love that will care for your every need as you did for your ‘ex’!
Sending girl power vibes your way and lots of love :heart:


My Challenge Entry
Happy Valentine’s day everyone!:heart:
For the past two weeks I’ve had a self-love crystal grid going on my skate and everyday I wrote something I love about myself on a piece of paper and put it in a jar in the centre of the grid.Today I decorated a page in my grimoire and then I stuck all the notes in as a self-love spell and then I declared that I would try to be nicer to myself.

Blessed Be :heart:


Made a nice love potion for my wife clearly labeled as such with appropriate warning labels


I’m counting my latest video in this challenge :apple:


I love drying flowers! And I didn’t know you could use an air fryer for that! That’s good to know:)


Didn’t know that either, but found out via Duck Duck Go(it is like Google) just have it on 200-250F and check every 30-60sec. And make sure some isn’t behind the basket, or stuck in the fan.


So many beautiful love stories, alters, spells, crystal grids… so much on this beautiful Valentine’s Day :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Love to all of you!!


I’m not sure who’s prettier, Daddy or Baby.
Well done, Katie darlin’


Well they’re two peas in a pod that’s for sure @Garnet

Thanks :heart:


Weekly Witchy Challenge – Love Magic

I decided to do a Tarot Reading for myself and as I was reading the Merry Meet Monday I noticed a new posting of a New Tarot Love Reading for Valentine’s, this is the Tarot Spread that I knew I will do.

source of the image is from Spells8

Here is my Tarot Spread :tarot_card:

image source my own.

On the far side of my spread, there are three cards that represent three people that are very close to me.
Holy Love --Here the Angels of love are gathering around you in awe and celebration, for you are finally willing to remember how loving and lovable you are, and heaven is guiding you to see that you deserve loving relationships, loving experiences, and loving acceptances from the world around you.
Joy and Contentment — In order to usher positive energy into your life, your angels are encouraging you to do what makes you feel alive. Whether you are drawn to pursuing a hobby or spending time in nature or with loved ones, you are being guided to make those moves now.
Signs and Reminders – If you have ever found yourself questioning certain events or signs, it’s because somewhere within you, you don’t feel fully adequate or worthy of the love that is being shown to you. Know that you are worthy.

Draw another Card and place this one to the far left – The leftmost card is the heart card and this card represents YOU.
Power and Intention --When you align your intentions with the highest good and act with love and consideration, your power is intensified. Angels are encouraging you to reconnect with your initial ideas and intentions for whatever you are thinking about at this time, or even for your entire life.

The tarot cards in the center – the first one represents a physical or tangible trait of the person you are seeking. While the second card represents an emotional or spiritual trait of the person you are seeking.
The top two should have space between, symbolizing distance. These cards will help you to know more about the other part of your future love.
Compassion – Angels are surrounding you at this time and encouraging you to see yourself through their loving and holy eyes. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to love and treat yourself the way you would love to be loved and treated by others.
Harmony and Resolution – This is a time for you to visualize yourself, the situation, and everyone involved enveloped in a golden light of goodness and grace.

The next two Tarot cards the middle ones, the left one has a hint about how you will meet the love of your future. The right one will show you about the first impression of the love of your future.
Strength and Guidance --If you are wondering what the next step is, know that it will be revealed in due course. It’s not your job or duty to know everything that’s unfolding, just to take one step at a time until the solution and outcome are revealed. Have faith. Positive things are happening.
Take Charge and Action --If you are feeling ambitious at this time, this card is asking you to trust in your gifts and potential. You have the opportunity to move forward in your career, personal life, and spiritual life. Focus on your intention and send it out like an arrow!
The fifth Card – Hold this card to your chest, meditate on your past relationships, your own emotions, and inner guidance, and wish to invite a new wonderful relationship into your life.
When your heart is open and full of love, place your final card on the spread. This final card shows you the projected outcome of your next relationship.
Clear, Cancel, and Release – When this card is shown, you are being encouraged to clear any clutter from your life. If there is dust building up or stuff accumulating in your home, office, car, or anywhere else you spend time, clear it now. When you clear physical space, you clear psychic space. Making these simple changes will clear your energy and open you up to experiencing a sense of clarity and freedom.

Blessed Be :dizzy: :tarot_card:


Love this @debra2 :heart:


Cant forget those :heartpulse: :grin:


Thats awesome! :blush: im glad to share the info!


Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Love Magick

For the Love Magick Weekly Witchy Challenge, I drew Quan Yin’s Pink Dragon card from the Dragon Oracle by Diana Cooper. I decided to continue working with the pink energy I brought in during last week’s challenge. I used this opportunity to heal all of my relationships, including those from past lives. I combined the Quan Yin’s Pink Dragon’s energy with a cord-cutting spell for the challenge this week.

After creating my sacred space, I asked the dragons to dissolve the cords that bind me. As I sat quietly until I was completely released, I could feel the energy change to love. I will continue to work with beautiful pink dragons and Quan Yin. I also received personal messages, which will help to fully manifest my purpose. It was a beautiful private ceremony, that changed me. I actually feel different.

Thank you so much for such an inspiring challenge @BryWisteria


Happy Valentines Day to everyone! :two_hearts: For this week’s challenge, I felt compelled to do a Friendship Spell. :couple_with_heart_woman_woman: I have an old friend that I disconnected from over the last three years. Through a series of events and me moving away, I have, over time, let her go. She never let me go. She’s been a better friend than me. I do have a long history of detachment from people, which she knows about, and it’s something I’m actively working towards being better with. It’s bothered me we aren’t close anymore; I want to change this! She messaged me out of the blue last week, asking if I wanted to travel with her this summer to Massachusetts and Maine for ten days :heart: I didn’t hesitate and said yes! Booked my flight within hours of the invite. I’m treating us to a night in Salem :mage: on our road trip to Maine. We have a luncheon planned for a month from now, and it’s time to move forward in getting our relationship back on track. I did some much-needed meditation today and executed a well-thought-out friendship ritual and spell bottle. I then made two soy candles with the dried roses and used dried lavender, which was the incense I burned during the ritual. I’ll then gift her the candle when I see her soon. My heart feels lighter, and my vision is clear, getting back to a friendship I held so dear :heart:



Hi everyone. For this weeks challenge I decided to make the Sugar Jar spell found here on Spells8.
The last couple of weeks have been a real struggle for me mental health wise and I have been in a bit of a funk. I decided over the weekend that I needed to get out of the funk and show my self some self love so I did. I made the jar and meditated afterwards. I took some time to journal about how I was feeling and I feel really good. The energy and love flowing through me feels like a step in the right direction. It’s taken me a really long time to learn that no one will ever truly be able to love me if I can’t love myself. I spent so much of my time giving love to someone who never really loved me, it’s time that I show all that love and energy to myself.I will be sleeping with the jar next to my bed and repeat the spell for a few weeks. I really enjoyed this spell and challenge much more than I thought I would. Valentines to me has always been silly but this year it actually meant something to me. Love to all. :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: