🌑 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Magick in the Dark

:exclamation: This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Well done to all those who joined in and faced the darkness! A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and badges for all participants.

This thread will remain open for discussion for the next week, but please know that no additional prizes will be given out after today.

Bravo and blessed be! :black_heart::sparkles:


I stood up all night drawing and this is what I came up with during the full moon! I wanted to express myself through art! It looks like a kids drawing! I am not perfect by any means! I am at least trying to work on myself! I feel empowered by that!
Blessed be


I didn’t think it was fair that I left the one thing out so I thought I’d be fair and show you the whole thing.


Thank you Travel Witch!
Thanks for this wonderful challenge!


You are very welcome, @Jeannie1 :blush: And I think this piece is gorgeous- look at the wolf in the moon! You chose striking colors and unique images that can’t help but draw me in to this lovely picture- you did a great job!

Art is not about being “good” or “bad” based on other people’s standards- the whole point of art is emotion and expressing yourself. You captured this perfectly! Be proud of your masterpiece :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We are blessed that you chose to share it with us!


Happy Full moon! I pulled some cards and I got growth, self reflection, faith, extremes, and masculine
I feel like it was pretty on point!
I felt like the wolf was my primary instincts looking to the moon for answers to my brokenness! During the shadow work I need to use Capricorn energy and do self reflection and have faith I can be healed! I really enjoyed the art it is really therapeutic! I am going through a lot right know and I know sticking with my shadow work will not just be over one night. I just barely scratch the surface! Thanks again for all your encouragement!


I’m hoping these help and I won’t have to go to the iv antibiotics. It’s a strong medicine so it’s got that going for it. I’m keeping strong, it’s just worrisome, and I got an extra worry gene when I was born. LOL.


Beautiful art @Jeannie1!


@Jeannie1 you never butt in…I appreciate your engagement in any post. Posting bits of my life both the good and ugly parts is helpful to me, and maybe others. In my family the dark ugly events no matter the situation were always hushed and ignored. It was always a matter of “look proper on the surface”. Speaking out has become a way for me to understand and process my past.
Instead of continuing the placement of the black cloak over everything.
We are strong, you’re right and our scars are proof of that. And you always have us, we’re never alone.
Thank you!
Love and Light,


I think this is great, you did a fantastic job!
And @BryWisteria said it perfectly!



Good morning- dear witches,
I apologise for not being too active lately on the forums. Just a lot going on. Mostly job related or lack of, i should say.
On a good note, i enrolled in a Veterinary Technician degree program, which has me studying like crazy and this old brain is not as spongy as it used to be lol… However, excited to be on this new path and hopefully stay on track- get my degree and pass the state exam to begin working in the field, in two years time. Just need a job/career with stability. Also animals is something I love! ( I like animals better than people. Lol)

However, i have been practicing the craft, trying to dedicate some time at least twice a week towards it. I have not done too many spells since Mabon. But I did meditate and called the quarters on New :full_moon_with_face:. Just focused on being grateful and my future goals and some monetary abundance, which I’m needing at this moment. I’m excited for Yule and started decorating the Altar. I also bought a live Pine tree and put some lights on it. I placed on top of my outside patio table. Cant wait to watch it grow and take it with me wherever I go. I also did a 3 card (twice) tarot spread on new moon. The first 3 told me exactly how I was feeling emotionally and the second set gave me great and positive results too! Alot to do with my schooling! So pretty excited about that! I just forgot to post it on time. However, i had every intention of spending some time by the altar, on the new moon.

I can’t wait for YULE and definitely want to do a prosperity spell. I love this time of year and with the snow we got today, just makes feel even more special.
Be safe and stay healthy!
Thank you!
Blessed be.


Beautiful pictures @walter! I hope your prosperity magic goes well on Monday! And congrats on the new course at school! I wish you luck with it!


No worries Walter, we’re always here whenever you have the time. Congrats on the schooling! I feel like this is a great next step for you.
Your tree and that wonderful snow outside looks so inviting.
How’s your fur baby doing?
Blessed Be!


Hi Brianna,

I did the :black_heart: Black Candle Magic: https://youtu.be/7pYcW-OYO_A I really needed to cleanse and banish some dark energies. I had a very profound experience.


Thank you so much Kasie!


@Rowan, thank you for asking! Thanks for the :christmas_tree:compliment, and it smells great too. Shes great! Not too crazy about the snow yesterday! She loves it, but gets too cold for her feet too walk on.! However,was beautiful! We haven’t gotten snow like this in NY in a while, and definitely not before Christmas. I can’t recall when it was the last time this happened.(years ago!) Lol. My job closed today, so I’m hoping to join tea time today with everyone! Missed everyone. Yes, i agree, i most definitely think this schooling is a wise and beneficial move for me. i think it came in a dream. I woke up one day, and i dreamed of all my pets through out my life, including some of my family and friends dogs. It looked like i was in a clinic with all of the dogs. I was holding my beloved dog, Mia who passed away almost 2 years ago. And they where all looking at me for assistance. But the looks on their faces was more of encouragement. Ever since that, i dreamt of Mia several nights afterwards.

Prior to starting the classes I was contemplating what to do for the remaining years of my life. Therefore, just started to research colleges and programs about Veterinary Technicians and see if I could enroll in a course study. I work in the restaurant business now. (Bartender/server) And it’s been such a struggle here in NY. (I’m sure everywhere and I know not only one struggling) However, with the pandemic, it’s been hard to stay afloat with everything closing. I think my dieties and spirit guides were very instrumental in guiding me in this direction. I’ve been asking them for help. I still thank them everyday for guiding me towards the Spells8 family. Everyone is so supportive. And I’ve learnt so much on Wicca. I feel so much more connected spiritually when I pray and meditate by the altar.
It’s really been a blessing!

Blessed be.



Always wonderful to hear from you, @walter- and a big congrats on your new program! :star_struck: It sounds like being a vet will put both your skills and your love for animals to great use- it’s a wonderful profession! :dog::two_hearts: And it looks like sweet Mia and the others are all cheering you on :blush: It is both a delightful and magickal time of year :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Good luck with all of your upcoming spellwork, and wishing you a very blessed Yule :snowflake:

Well done with the black candle magick, @laura6! :black_heart::candle: I hope you enjoyed your lovely spellwork- may it banish any dark influences and clear your path into the new year :blush:


@BryWisteria, thank you very much! Yes, definitely a great time to start something new. Being a Vet Tech would be amazing! I just want to fast forward 23 months! (Hahaha past one month!) Blessed Yule as well! Enjoying setting up my altar and can’t wait to do a Yule holiday Spell.


Congratulations on your decision! That’s really good and I’m happy that your guides are making themselves present.

Willow is too cute, and you got an awesome photo of her in the snow!!

Blessed Be! :sparkles:


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