:phoenix: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Magickal Creatures

@BryWisteria Might there be transcripts for some of these videos? For example, Oolong Tea Dragon Flame’s Meditation – Spells8

Or even subtitles? :sweat_smile: It might surprise those here who read my lengthy texts, but I’m not the best at listening to English without them.


Ohh - that’s a good question. I thought all of them had the transcripts or subtitles attached to them. I’m tagging in @Francisco for this one. He can help with that unless I can get to it first, but I’m getting ready to cook dinner :sweat_smile:


:heart_eyes:love the picture of the phoenix…obviously​:laughing:


Have a lovely dinner :plate_with_cutlery:


Thank you, @Devenne :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it was tasty!


Challenge Entry - Magickal Creatures

Greek Nymphs

Nymphs are mythical creatures in Greek mythology that are typically depicted as beautiful, young women associated with various natural features such as forests, mountains, bodies of water, and other natural landscapes. They are considered minor deities or spirits of nature and are often depicted as semi-divine beings.


Artemis & Her Nymphs

The Greek goddess Artemis had a large retinue of different nymphs who themselves belong to different bands – these included, the three Nymphai Hyperboreiai who were handmaidens of the goddess living on the island of Crete, the Amnisiades, who were also handmaidens from the River Amnisos, as well as the sixty-strong band of cloud-nymphs, the Nymphai Artemisiai.

The nymphs are the hunting companions of Artemis as well as protectors of wildlife and the natural world. They are responsible for guarding the forests and wilderness, ensuring the safety of the animals within Artemis’s domain. They are depicted as pure and untouched by romantic or sexual relationships, reflecting Artemis’s own status as a virgin goddess. In addition to their roles as hunting companions, the nymphs also serve as attendants to Artemis.


Hekate and the Lampades

The Lampades are nymphs of the underworld. They are the torch-bearing companions of Hekate who accompany her on her night wanderings. The light from their torches is said to illuminate even the darkest corners. The Lampades were protectors of the underworld

Lampades powers were described as the light of their torches that can drive one into madness. As they are chthonic nymphs, they are comfortable in total darkness. On the other hand, others say that they love to play tricks on people and lead travelers to their death, similar to mischievous spirits from famous European folklore that take delight in leading travelers astray.

Even though some say they help people and lend their illumination to those who politely ask. However, there is no evidence in surviving Roman and Greek literature that they lead unwilling humans to their death.

Image created by Bing AI

A beautiful and thoughtful entry. :black_heart: I would’ve never thought to study nymphs, but now that I read your entry, I must reconsider.


Beautiful entry, your poems are amazing :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Albus has a request. He would like to be included in this week’s Challenge Entry. Yes, he is just a zebra finch, a tiny bird among prey, but his favorite song fits in perfectly with this topic. Albus likes to sing along whenever he hears this song, and he would like to share it with you: Firebird’s Child by SJ Tucker

For my end of the challenge, I would like to retell a tale I once heard as a Russian fairy tale.

A poor youth went out with his familiar to hunt for his fortune. Along the trail, he found a golden feather. The familiar told the youth not to touch it. It was bad luck. However, the youth wanted to take it as a gift to the Tzar, hoping to receive a fine reward for finding the golden feather.

When the youth arrived at the palace, the Tzar was so impressed with the feather that he wanted the whole bird from whence it came. If the youth did not bring the bird to the palace, he would pay with his life.

Upset, the youth turned to his familiar, who guided him to the house of Baba Yaga for advice. Baba Yaga bade the youth make her a potion which would keep her from burning if she were to walk in fire. The ingredients were tricky to find, but the youth succeeded. Baba Yaga tested the potion, kept some for herself, and put the rest into a jar for the youth to carry with him. He was to go to a certain place in the mountains where there was a red glow at night. There, he was to coat himself with the potion before capturing the firebird. Take the bird to the Tzar.

As the Tzar reached out to take the bird, its feathers burned the Tzar’s skin. The youth let go of the bird. In its flutterings to get free, the bird set fire to the entire palace. The youth escaped with his life and felt lucky for it.


Please forgive the writing on the gif from Tenor, but the feeling represented is a wonderful sensation.


Beautiful @georgia

@Artemisia that’s a really cool entry


Challenge entry :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign:

I choose the Lioness/lion.
The lioness is comfortable taking on the dominant role. Shes strong at providing for herself and her family. Embracing your inner lioness/lion can improve self esteem, and help create healthy boundaries.
Concentrated charismatic heart energy enters the throat to let out a roar. The lion is a powerful golden leader helping shift others to a positive change. Lions symbolize courage, high self esteem, protection, leadership, and passionate relationships. I’ve been drawn to lions since I was very little. I love the Lion King :crown: :lion:. I plan to utilize the power of this beast in my life. I never really thought of this as a spirit animal, but it makes sense. I have so much fight in me. I’ve died three times. Im still here. I’ve been through the worst things you can think of., yet I still am full of fight and passion. I am lioness hear my mighty roar!!! ROAR!!!

Photo by Atala Toy Nature Beings Photography: Lioness


images (1)
Photo by Image Professionals


Aww! That’s lovely of him. Thank Albus for me. :black_heart:

Hah! That’s what greed gets them. Good story. :smile:

You’ve definitely helped me a lot with these lion qualities. Thank you. :black_heart:



My challenge entry

This video is just part one. Me and my student who I will be seeing in the morning me and her gonna pick out a creature and post it class project ;). I want to do one on the Chinese lion guardian let’s see what she chooses

Here’s my other half

I love to have one for my house , now let’s see what she chooses

She chosen pegasus


Challenge entry

So I’m sipping my wulong cha (after completing the Oolong Tea Dragon Flame’s Meditation), have a lovely candle in front of me, and it’s time to talk about…

Animal guides.

Yes, I’m putting off talking about vampires until another time. :sweat_smile: But this will be a difficult challenge for me, nevertheless. So, let’s begin…

I struggled with the animal guide concept at first. I think I can sum it up by saying I was too unsure of myself to consider it fully.

But I believe mine is a raven.


Ravens are commonly linked with death, mourning, and the afterlife. This mainly stems from their black plumage, which is often seen as a colour representative of the void, the unknown, and the end of life.

Ravens are often scavengers, and this diet has cemented their connection with death.

The Family Corvidae has a wide-ranging diet that may consist of grains, fruits, insects, small animals, eggs, refuse and carrion; however, the Australian Raven is mainly carnivorous with only about 1/4 of its food coming from plants. - Australian Raven - BirdLife Australia

In many cultures, seeing a raven is considered an omen, sometimes foretelling death or misfortune. This association is featured in literature, most famously in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem The Raven, where the bird serves as a supernatural messenger.

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!

[prev. chalamst: THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER 1.1 "A Midnight...]

In some cultures, ravens symbolise wisdom and knowledge, being creatures of high intelligence and guardians of sacred knowledge. In others, they are tricksters who use their cunning to teach lessons or shape the world.

The raven’s sight also metaphorically translates into the ability to see beyond the veil of the present into the future. In these cases, the raven is seen as a mediator between the mortal world and the divine, capable of carrying messages to and from the gods.

Meanwhile, its haunting call, often described as a deep, resonant “caw” or “croak,” can also inspire a sense of solitude and introspection.

The raven embodies transformation and adaptability. Its presence across diverse environments and its omnivorous diet highlights its ability to thrive in various conditions, symbolising change and resilience.

In many mythologies, the raven is seen as a guide for souls transitioning from the world of the living to the afterlife, further emphasising its role as a facilitator of transformation.


As an animal guide, the raven passes on these traits to us. While I have a long journey ahead of me to become someone worthy of comparison, I’ve already taken the first few steps and believe that I can do it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

In honour of the raven, I also named the cat I adopted shortly afterward discovering this guide Raven. Little did I know then how many traits of a raven he would take on simply by having this association… But we love him for it, anyway. :black_heart:


That’s a huge list! So cool. I didn’t know of at least half of them. :astonished:

I used to collect Yowie toys when I was a little kid. :laughing: They came in a chocolate, like Kinder Surprises.


I love ravens


This challenge call for a big dig into my notes for there are so much to write about mermaids xD

Image created with AI at wepik.com


Beautiful story! The phoenix is such an amazing bird. And apparently when our familiar warns us of danger they know what they are talking about!


Love this @Devenne !


I have always been attracted to ravens. They are such an interesting bird! I’ve always considered them a bird of high intellect. When they are in my backyard I love to sit in the deck and just watch them interact with each other. They seem almost human.

Enjoy your path with the raven. I know you will be able to do it. :purple_heart: