đŸȘ™ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Metal Magick


In classical alchemy, the 7 traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) had a metal associated with them. These metals linked to the asrological qualities of the planets. These planets each rule one of the zodiac signs and therefore, we have a metal associated with each sign. Now, with the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, we have modern alchemical links between these and their associated metals (and the signs they rule). I have tried to.explain these links below, as well as some activities for using each metal or the qualities they embody.


Aries is associated with iron
Iron is the 4th most common element in the world and it forms most of the Earth’s core (both in solid and molten forms). Iron is both strong and durable and represents strength and resilience. It is associated with Mars, the planet of energy, conflict and physical strength.


  1. Engage in strength training or high-intensity workouts (pump some iron at the gym).
  2. Use iron camping gear for outdoor adventures.
  3. Try martial arts or boxing to channel energy.
  4. Set a personal challenge, like a marathon, to push your limits.

Taurus is associated with copper
Copper is both a vibrant and an attractive metal and in alchemical symbolism, copper represented beauty. It is associated with Venus, goddess of love, beauty, and harmony and ruler of Taurus.


  1. Create a cosy space with copper accesories like lamps or vases.
  2. Use copper cookware or have copper appliances in the kitchen.
  3. Indulge in a spa day at home with copper-infused products.
  4. Try your hand at copper art or jewellery making.

Gemini is associated with mercury. It is sometimes known as Quicksilver because Mercury is a silvery liquid at room temperature. It is the only metal that has a planet named after it. Mercury was the beleived to be the “First Matter” from which all other metals were created. Mercury, both the planet and the metal, is linked with communication. It’s quicksilver name also links to the speedy Roman messenger of the Gods.

Mercury is highly toxic so these activities embrace its symbolism rather than the metal itself.

  1. Start a blog or journal to express thoughts and ideas.
  2. Host gatherings to full.of lively discussions and debates.
  3. Take a class in a subject that intrigues you, like language or science.
  4. Attend social events to meet new people and share ideas.

Cancer is associated with silver. This precious metal symbolises purity and clarity, as well as intuition and the reflective aspect of the soul. It was thought to come from a mixture of air and water. The Moon, its associated celestial body, also represents intuition, the subconscious and the divine feminine.


  1. Use silver items such as candles during meditation for emotional clarity.
  2. Decorate your space with silver accents for a calming effect.
  3. Wear silver jewellery
  4. Prepare a delicious family meal, serving it on a silver platter.

Leo js associated with Gold. This was the ultimate goal of alchemists. It was seen as the highest state of perfection - being made from a combination of air, earth, wind and fire. The Sun is its associated celestial body and was thought to be a source of light and life and spiritual illumination.


  1. Engage in activities like theater or dance to express creativity.
  2. Throw a party with golden decorations to showcase your flair.
  3. Wear gold accessories to boost confidence and style.
  4. Start a bold art project that showcases your unique style. Remember to add gold such as gold leaf.

Virgo is associated with mercury. is associated with mercury. It is sometimes known as Quicksilver because Mercury is a silvery liquid at room temperature. It is the only metal that has a planet named after it. Mercury was the beleived to be the “First Matter” from which all other metals were created. Mercury, both the planet and the metal, is linked with communication. It’s quicksilver name also links to the speedy Roman messenger of the Gods.

Mercury is highly toxic so these activities embrace its symbolism rather than the metal itself.

  1. Silver/Mercury coloured items for organisation e.g. bins, storage boxes, stationary.
  2. Keep a journal or blog on topics that interest you, using a silver/metallic pen.
  3. Solve puzzles to keep your analytical mind sharp.

Libra is associated with copper. Copper is both a vibrant and an attractive metal and in alchemical symbolism, copper represented beauty. It is associated with Venus, goddess of love, beauty, and harmony and ruler of Libra.


  1. Create or decorate with copper art pieces to enhance aesthetics.
  2. Wear copper jewellery to reflect your appreciation for beauty.
  3. Wear copper shades when creating your refined style.
  4. Use copper accessories during meditation to find peace and balance.

Scorpio is associated with Steel. Steel is known for its strength and durability, as well as the ability to withstand pressure. Creating it involves significant transformation—from iron to something stronger . It is the only metal linked to a planet that is not an element - it is an alloy and so does not appear on the table of elements. These characteristics link to Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, snd it’s associated traits of transformation, growth and hidden strength.


  1. Meditate with steel objects, focusing on their qualities of stength, resilience and the ability to weather change.
  2. Nourish and transform your wellbeing with a healthy meal cooked with Steel utensils and eaten with stainless steel cutlery.
  3. Explore the architecture around you, appreciating the strngth of the steel within that holds everything up.

Sagittarius is associated with tin. This metal is malleable and resistant to corrosion. Tin was thought to represent the moulding of the soul and the quest for wisdom that alchemy represented. It is associated with Jupiter, representing expansion and growth.


  1. Go on an adventure. Use tin containers for your food and snacks or tin cooking ute sils over the fire.
  2. Expand your mind with a good book while having your favourite cuppa from tin cup.
  3. Store your school work, exam results or graduation certificates in a tin box.
  4. Create tin can lanterns to add a sense of adventure to your garden.

Capricorn is associated with lead. Lead is heavy, dense and the oldest of the seven metals of alchemy. It was thought to represent the raw material from which transformation begins. Its linked to Saturn and represents limitations, discipline, and the beginning of all alchemical processes.

This may also not be a suitable (or safe) element for completely incorporating into daily life so I have focused more on the symbolism.

  1. Create a vision board to outline your long-term goals, perhaps using a lead pencil.
  2. Attend workshops or seminars for professional growth.
  3. Establish a strict daily routine to boost productivity.
  4. Seek out a mentor or become one to share knowledge and guidance.

Aquarius is associated with Aluminum. Aluminum is relatively modern and is lightweight yet strong. It is used in a variety of unconventional applications (from aerospace to art) abd is a good conductor of electricity, symbolising the connection to technological advancements. This links wirh the innovative, unconventional and creative qualities of Uranus, it’s associated planet and the modern ruler of Aquarius.


  1. Get involved in recycling projects, especially those involving Aluminum e.g. soda cans.
  2. Try upcycling. How can you use aluminium cans to make something new e.g. a decorative piece?
  3. Have some fun making some aluminium foil sculptures to embrace your unique personality.

Pisces is associated with Platinum. It is a precious and rare metal, symbolising high value, purity a sense of possessing mystical qualities. It is reflective and is often used in fine jewellery and artistic creations, representing beauty and artistic expression. Platinum is also known for its durability and resistance to tarnishing. These qualities resonate with Neptune, it’s assorted planet and modern ruler of Picese and it’s links with spirituality, mysticism, insight, creativity and emotional depth.


  1. Wear Platinum jewellery
  2. Use a platinum item/platinum coloured item as a focus during meditation to bring clarity from the mystical realms.
  3. Reflect on your day or dreams in a journal in the way that Platinum reflects all it sees. Use a Platinum finished pen if you can.
  4. Get creative and let house imagination flow with metallic paints.

Blessed be



I’m happy I found you, @Jeannie1! You’re a good friend too, and you can never have enough of those!


You should of just asked me when I was working at the cemtery people took dirt all the time I was the landscaper there I load bunch of it then used it in my garden to


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience by the deadline:

→ Tuesday, September 10 at 7:00 AM ET (Eastern US Time)

Beautiful entries - thank you to everyone who has jumped into this extraterrestrial challenge so far! :sun:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have time left to do so.

Blessed Be! :coin: :sparkles:


Challenge entry

September is flying away without me realizing, howeer I did a bit of internet research about the metal and their uses, as it is a material that I dont know very well


Challenge Entry - Metal Magick :silver_heart:

I didn’t have much free time the past 8 days, so I wasn’t sure if I’d have time to do this challenge, and if I did, had no idea what to do.

I was reflecting on the sterling silver hammered band I created years ago and the pure silver pendant made more recently from Donut’s toe beans, both of which I recently used in a challenge (or was it a tea ritual?) for protection, as they are items I crafted and always wear.

But then again I’ve always worn silver. My first witchy item was a silver-toned pentacle with flowers surrounding it. The ring to wear as a pendant has long broken off but I carry it in one of my travel altars.

It got the gears turning and I went through my jewelry bag looking through the silver things I’ve made - sort of like getting lost looking through an old photo album you haven’t thought about in years.

I took my first silver metal clay class years ago with my sister and made a pendant from a grape leaf that I brought. I was hooked from this point on metal clay!

I currently make metal clay talisman pendants from molds made of the teeth and claws of the animals I work with (tigers, lions, binturongs, wolves).

One thing that surprised me while I was looking through my items was a necklace that I designed and made years ago in a sterling silversmithing class. At this point in my practice, I wasn’t practicing at all. I was drifting, still trying to find my way. Oddly enough this was what I made -

The center stone is moonstone with 3 amethysts set below and surrounded by 5 garnets.

Looking more into my “choices” -

Associations of the Materials

  • Silver is typically associated with the moon and moon magick. It is also associated with the 6th or Third-Eye Chakra. Silver can protect against psychic attacks and reflect negative energy.
  • Moonstone is associated with all three goddesses, Selene, Artemis, and Hekate. Perhaps the most with Selene. A stone of new beginnings, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
  • Amethyst is associated with Artemis as the stone has protective, balancing, and calming properties in addition to enhancing the connection to the divine.
  • Garnet is associated with passion, protection, strength, and transformation. It is thought to offer courage and protection in darkness, reflecting Hekate’s role as a guiding goddess for those at life’s crossroads.

Symbolism of the Numbers

  • 1 Moonstone - unity and divine source. It embodies the connection to the moon that all three goddesses share.
  • 3 Amethysts - triple goddess/mother, maiden, crone, also reflects the mind, body, spirit
  • 5 Garnets - fire, earth, air, salt, spirit

Symbolism of shapes

  • The largest round stone is shimmering silver and is the focal point - much like the Moon
  • The downward triangle of the amethysts represents a connection to the earth - Artemis
  • The garnets intersecting represent Hekate’s crossroads and being placed along the exterior signifies her protection.

I had several pretty cabochons and wanted to try making a pendant and necklace of my own design from them - that was all I thought I was doing. I’m still amazed as I look at this piece and how magickal it turned out even during a time when I thought I was without magick.

For a challenge I thought I had nothing to add to, this one surprised me and made me realize what I thought was just a cosmetic and superficial preference for Silver was much more profound and intentional. :silver_heart:


Entry 2- some old ideas and cautions.

There used to be a saying. Someone who cares may bring a loved one the moon on a silver platter. It changed over time to mean the person who is spoiled asking for the moon on a silver platter, or wanting everything. Someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth is also considered spoiled.

A previous video mentioned using silver as an antibacterial healing agent. Mom bought us colloidal silver- suspended in liquid. As she studied further, after we were taking it, she found out that there was a time that silver was used to an extent that people overdosed. It caused the skin to turn blue, and people felt weakened. Then she saw a couple movies featuring people who had overdosed, and realized she didn’t like what it looked like.

Tin used to comprise cans used to preserve foods. Before the cans were layered with a plastic coating, tin would degrade, especially when containing acidic foods like tomatoes. Thus preservation was not at its best.

Every once in a while, I see tin in antique buildings as ceiling plates and bas reliefs.

I do not suggest using lead for anything. Lime disease is caused by a tick biting a deer which survived being shot with lead and then biting a person. It causes very painful arthritic symptoms.

Pewter used to be made into eating or drinking utensils. It was made of lead, which ended up causing insanity and lead poisoning. Most food based poisoning was related to acidic foods like juices and alcohol.

Artists used to use lead in their paints, creating a vibrant red color, again causing insanity.

I noticed that handling copper causes my fingers to itch. “Itchy fingers” was a saying which meant the desire to spend money or to steal things.

A PBS special found a man in a cave surrounded by malachite and smithing tools. This man’s hair was infused with arsenic. It was what killed him. Scientists realized that the arsenic came from melting the malachite for copper. For this reason, I refuse to use copper cooking utensils.

Mercury can get into the blood stream under the fingernails and through any breaks in the skin. When it does so, it causes a lack of coordination that doesn’t go away.

Pyrite is called “fool’s gold” because it looks like gold, but leaves a black streak on ceramic. I have a piece which I carry in a pocket when I want to avoid spending money. It works well to help me save what money I have.

Metal music was mentioned by Ivy the Occultist. I disliked it when it first came out, but I have learned to use it to increase my energy levels, to expend anger so I don’t tap into negativity as much when casting, and to raise my vibrations so I can fight appropriately when necessary.


Aw that is special thank you your my fam too and good friend.
@georgia gave you that pendant its really empowering! Once @christina she’s really into crystals gave me a chunk of Citrine! She always holds a special place in my heart! Thank you for sharing its a beautiful pendant! I’m happy for you! :people_hugging::star2::sunrise::ok_hand::clap::clap::dragon_face:


Wow!! What great entries that everyone has posted.

Challenge Entry
I have been wanting to use more protective magic on our front door because as it becomes fall, I have noticed that spirit activity is much more in our 1920s apartment starting at Llamas.
So I found a evil eye keychain at the thrift store a few months ago and hung that up. Then over the weekend i found a tin mexican altar Mirror to hang to reflect ev spirts away.
Then I made a witches ladder out of twine and brass bells. To keep the evil away. We already have a bell on the inside of the door on the door knob!


I wanted to do this challenge but I got cortisone shots in both my feet today because I have Plantar Fasciitis and it hurt like hell so now I can barely walk on them. I definitely wasn’t prepared for it to hurt this bad it’s been brutal. :weary:

By the way everyone has some amazing entries this week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :witch_pentacle: :rainbow_heart:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Such shiny magick and strong wisdom on display! Thank you to everyone who brought out their metal magick, tools, knowledge, and more to share with the coven :pray: :cauldron: :sparkles:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :coin: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

→ Award Post for the Metal Magick Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


I’ve had that. It was very painful. I used a pair of scissors to cut at the spike every day until I got the core out. Then it healed on its own.

For anyone wishing to avoid such things, find shower slippers and wear them every time you shower in a hotel or in other people’s tubs. You never know how well others clean their tubs until you get something like this.

I hope you feel better, soon.

There is an old wives’ tale that if you cut a potato and rub the cut part on the wart, it will go away. Bury the used potato in the back yard or a planter. As the potato rots, the wart will wither.

In another tale, someone can “buy” your wart for a penny. Not sure if copper helps kill the germ.


Hey Georgia - Lyme disease is actually caused by a pathogen, borrelia bacteria. Just wanted to clear up some misinformation :blush: we have to be very careful up here in Maine because the blacklegged tick population is huge. My partner was bit a few months ago and within 24 hours he needed treatment :grimacing: it wasn’t pretty!


Oh I see your talking about Plantar warts those hard grainy growths that appear on the bottom of feet. It’s very common to get these confused but I actually have Plantar Fasciitis which is inflammation on the thick band of tissue called the Planter Fascia that’s the tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot it connects the heel bone and toes. I really appreciate you telling me about your experience i also have degenerative disc disease and I recall reading about your experiences with that too it was very helpful to me. Thank you so much for your response :people_hugging: :revolving_hearts: :rainbow_heart: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:


This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit Activities to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (And if you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)